
飞出国:在申请新西兰技术移民的时候,主申需要获得雅思最低overall 6.5或等同的托福,PTE,FCE, OET 成绩, 但是在满足以下情况时,可以豁免语言考试;同样如果配偶想要给主申加分,需要满足和主申一样的语言条件。(语言条件满足的话,配偶本科学历可以加10分,硕士学历可以加20分)

  • 加拿大,爱尔兰,英国,美国的公民,并且至少有5年在这些国家或者是在澳大利亚或新西兰工作或学习
  • 持有等同于新西兰Level 7 bachelor’s degree的学历,并且该学历是在澳大利亚,加拿大,爱尔兰,新西兰,英国,美国至少学习了2年之后获得的
  • 持有等同于新西兰Level 7 bachelor’s degree的学历,并且该学历是在澳大利亚,加拿大,爱尔兰,新西兰,英国,美国至少学习了1年之后获得的

Who does not need to pass a test

You do not need to provide test results if one of the following applies to you.

  • You are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom or the United States, and you have spent at least 5 years working or studying in those countries, or in Australia or New Zealand.
  • You have a qualification similar to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor’s degree gained in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States, and you studied for at least 2 years in any of those countries to get that qualification.
  • You have a qualification gained in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the United States, which is comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification. You must have studied for at least 1 year in any of those countries to get that qualification.