什么样的雇主符合加拿大雇主担保要求?-(5) 阿尔伯塔省



  1. 持续,带薪工作;
  2. 每周不低于30小时的全职工作;
  3. 至少雇佣12个月;
  4. 申请人当前正在从事该工作;
  5. 薪资及福利满足省最低工资标准,并且满足LMIA中设定的标准,或者对于豁免LMIA的情况,则需要满足阿省行业最低标准;
  6. 符合阿省合法行业,持有有效的工作许可。

Eligible job offers

For all applicants, including PGWP holders, at the time your application is submitted, and at the time the AINP assesses your application, you must have a bona fide full-time job offer or employment contract from an Alberta employer to work in your current occupation in Alberta.

Your Alberta employer must be incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province, territory, or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Alberta.

Your job offer or employment contract must be signed by you and your Alberta employer and must offer:

  • continuous, paid work
  • full-time work, defined as a minimum of 30 hours per week
  • employment for 12 months or more
  • work in your current occupation
  • wages and benefits that meet provincial minimum wage and:
  • work for an eligible AINP occupation for which you have a work permit that meets AINP work permit requirements

You must meet the terms agreed to in your job offer or employment contract at the time of your application is submitted and at the time the AINP assesses your application.


  1. 兼职、临时或季节性员工,无论其工作时间是否满足;
  2. 独立承包商、企业主或临时代理工人,包括在公司注册系统 (CORES) 中列为阿省雇主的董事、股东或代理人的个人;
  3. 工作地点在阿省工作地点未划分为商业或工业区域,例如家庭企业;
  4. 不在阿省工作的员工,例如在“虚拟”地点工作或通过从阿省以外的地点远程办公为雇主提供服务的员工。

Ineligible applicants based on job offer

The following individuals are not eligible to apply for or be nominated under the AOS, even if they have a job offer to work 30 hours a week or more in a 12-month period:

  • part-time, casual or seasonal employees, regardless of their working hours
  • independent contractors, business owners or temporary agency workers, including individuals listed as directors, shareholders or agents of the Alberta employer on the Corporate Registry System (CORES)
  • employees who work in Alberta in a place of employment that is not zoned for commercial or industrial operations, such as a home-based business
  • employees who do not work on premises in Alberta, such as those who work in a ‘virtual’ location or serve the employer by telecommuting from a location outside Alberta
    FCG jojo 二维码93


在多数情况下, 阿省雇主岗位可以是NOC 0,A,B,C ,D 类别。 但以下岗位不符合阿省雇主担保要求。

NOC LEVEL 中文名称-飞出国 英文名称 - FLYabroad
0011 0 立法会议员 Legislators
0422 0 初等和中等教育的学校校长和管理员 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
0423 0 社会,社区和惩教服务经理 Managers in social, community and correctional services
0432 0 消防长官和高级消防人员 Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
0651 0 客户和个人服务经理,NEC Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c.
4031 A 中学教师 Secondary school teachers
4032 A 小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
4154 A 宗教专家职业 Professional occupations in religion
5121 A 作者和作家 Authors and writers
5133 A 音乐家和歌手 Musicians and singers
5135 A 演员和喜剧演员 Actors and comedians
5136 A 画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
1227 B 法院人员和治安法官 Court officers and justices of the peace
3223 B 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理 Dental technologists, technicians and laboratory assistants
4214 B 幼儿教育工作者和助理 Early childhood educators and assistants
4216 B 其他教官 Other instructors
4217 B 其他宗教职业 Other religious occupations
5232 B 其他表演者,n.e.c. Other performers, n.e.c.
5244 B 工匠和手艺匠 Artisans and craftspersons
5251 B 运动员 Athletes
6232 B 地产代理及营业员 Real estate agents and salespersons
4411 C 家庭儿童护理提供者 Home child care providers
4412 C 家庭支持工人,管家和相关职业 Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
4413 C 小学和中学教师助理 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
6533 C 赌场娱乐城职业 Casino occupations
6564 C 其他个人服务行业 Other personal service occupations
7513 C 出租车和豪华轿车的司机和司机 Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeur
8442 C 动物诱捕人员和猎人 Trappers and hunters
6623 D 其他销售相关职业 Other sales related occupations
6722 D 运营商和服务员在娱乐,休闲和运动 Operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport
6742 D 其他服务支持职业,n.e.c. Other service support occupations, n.e.c.
8611 D 收割工人 Harvesting labourers
8612 D 园林绿化和场地维护工人 Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers
8613 D 水产养殖和海洋收获工人 Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers
8614 D 煤矿工人 Mine labourers