

联邦政府在加拿大时间3月16日的《宪报》上宣布了将永久改变移民政策中医疗不可接受规定(medical inadmissibility rules)的计划。

根据旧的规定,如果申请人移民加拿大后需要政府承担的医疗费用高于加拿大人的年平均医疗费用(大约7,000加元/每年),那么IRCC 可能会拒绝这类申请人进入加拿大。许多人认为这条规定侵犯了残疾人,它不符合加拿大包容性和尊严之类的价值观。 现在,在新的计划中,加拿大将这一门槛提高了两倍,达到约21,000加元, 换句话说,因这条规定而被加拿大移民局拒绝的人会减少。

Under the old rules, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada(IRCC) could deny entry to Canada to someone whose personal care would cost the government more than the Canadian average of about $7,000 per year. Many people felt this rule demeaned people with disabilities and was not in keeping with Canadian values such as inclusion and dignity. Now, Canada has tripled this threshold to about $21,000. In other words, it is more difficult for people who need medical and social supports to be denied for Canadian immigration.

目前,加拿大移民法将“过度需求”(excessive demand)定义为以下一项或两项情况:健康状况导致公共服务费用超过加拿大平均年费用,或者对该种健康情况的治疗导致了加拿大人等待就医的时间延长。

Currently, the Canadian immigration laws define ‘excessive demand’ as one or both of the following: a person whose medical condition costs public services more than the average annual cost, or if treatment for the condition increases wait times to Canadians.

因此,“过分需求”的法律定义使某些准加拿大人感到惊讶和痛心。因为它涵盖的范围很广,它涵盖了对健康和社会服务提出“过度”需求的任何情况。 因此,身体、心理和残疾问题都可能使一个人不被接纳。 即使该类申请人的治疗费用仅比普通加拿大人的治疗费用略高,也可能被排除在外。 而且,通常情况下,一人体检不过关,全家的移民申请都会被拒。

然而,在2018年,当时的移民部长Ahmed Hussen制定了一项试验性和宽松的试点政策。Ahmed Hussen将“过度需求”定义为加拿大人年医疗和社会服务花费的三倍。加拿大正在将2018年的试点政策纳入永久性政策,即放宽对某些外国残疾人获得永居的限制。

In 2018, the then-immigration minister, Ahmed Hussen, exercised his authority to create a pilot policy that would be experimental and more lenient. Hussen defined excessive demand as three times the average cost of health and social services to a Canadian. Additionally, Minister Hussen removed some of the calculations for determining ‘excessive demand,’ including several social services for people with disabilities. This removal targeted costs for special education, occupational and behavioural therapy, and personal non-professional support services like meal preparation, bathing, and dressing.

Canada is making a 2018 pilot into a permanent policy, relaxing the restrictions on certain foreign nationals with disabilities from getting permanent residence.


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