
如果您申请的签证允许附带孩子,您21岁以下的未婚子女可在您的面试安排后作为附属申请人添加到移民申请中。 您必须直接联系大使馆/领事馆,以要求提供具体的指示。 面试时,将要求增加的申请人支付相同的费用,并提交与原申请人相同的表格和证明文件。

Can I include my children if they were not originally part of the case?
If the visa for which you are applying allows derivative children, your unmarried children under the age of 21 may be added as derivative applicants after your interview has been scheduled. You must directly contact the embassy/consulate to request specific instructions. At the interview the added applicant(s) will be required to pay the same fees, and submit the same forms and supporting documents as the original applicant(s).
