
飞出国:加拿大配偶团聚的申请材料,很重要也是很复杂的材料,非 Proof of Relationship 莫属了。今天小编就从几个方面讲解关系证明材料,有计划将来办理配偶团聚的申请人,可以提前收集, 因为很多材料都是比较琐碎、平时也常见,但平时并不一定留意的。包括但不限于以下:


(担保人是 PR,双方都居住在加拿大;担保人是 Citizen, 双方可以一起居住在加拿大境外):

  • Proof of joint ownership of residential property 联名房产证明
  • Rental agreement showing both you and your sponsor as occupants of a rental property 共同的租房协议
  • Proof of joint utility accounts (eg. electricity, gas, telephone, internet), joint credit card accounts, or joint bank accounts. 联名账户的证明(电费单,煤气单,电话单,网费单,联名信用卡账户,联名银行账户)
  • Vehicle insurance showing that both you and your sponsor have been declared to the insurance company as residents of the insured’s address. 写有申请人和担保人共同居住地址的车险单
  • Copies of government issued documents for you and your sponsor showing the same address (eg.: driver’s licenses)(Submit a minimum of 1 government issued document for each person) 写有相同地址的由政府签发的文件(比如驾照)
  • Other documents issued to you or your sponsor showing the same address, whether the accounts are held jointly or not (e.g. cell phone bills, pay stubs, tax forms, bank or credit card statements, insurance policies). 写有共同地址的其他证明文件,比如电话账单,工资单,税单,银行/信用卡对账单,保险单等


  • Proof of Contact: Provide letters, printed text messages, emails or social media conversations, or other documented proof of contact between you and your sponsor. 互相联系的证明,比如信件,邮件,微信聊天截图或者其他社交媒体的联系记录
  • Proof of your sponsor’s visits, such as airline ticket coupons or used boarding passes, photocopies of pages of your sponsor’s passport showing entry-exit stamps supporting visits, etc. 一方在加拿大,一方在国内,双方互相探访的机票、登机牌、护照上的加拿大出入境签章页
  • Photos of your wedding, customary celebrations, engagement, and/or outings 婚纱照、传统庆祝活动的照片、订婚照、一起出游的照片等
  • Important documents for you and your spouse showing that you are recognized as each other’s spouse (such as employment or insurance benefits) 能证明彼此认可对方为配偶的重要文件,比如就业福利证明(就业保险,失业保险等),保险福利证明
  • Documentary evidence of financial support between you and your sponsor, and/or shared expenses. 共同的财务支持、消费证明, 比如互相转账的银行流水单/回执单,微信/支付宝转账记录等等
  • Other proof that your relationship is recognized by your friends and/or family (e.g. Letters from friends/family, social media information showing a public relationship, etc.). 关系证明信,比如自己写 love story, 亲戚朋友的见证信,能证明双方关系被大家认可的证明(比如家庭照)
  • Proof of past cohabitation, if you are not currently living together but did at one point in the past.一起居住过的证明,比如之前写有各自名字和共同地址的快递单, 信用卡对账单等等
