
商业移民里高管经验的定义和证明 - 飞出国


  • 对运营,销售,财务,市场营销,分销,人力资源,研发等领域的高级决策职责。
  • 必须全部或部分管理企业的日常运营。


  • 组织结构图:详细说明申请人职位和汇报结构的组织结构图。包括组织的大小并突出显示申请人的位置。
  • 雇主推荐信:其中包含有关申请人的职位,汇报结构,角色和工作时间的详细信息。

Senior Manager (Business Management) Experience:

  • Your role must have included senior decision-making responsibilities in areas such as Operations, Sales, Finance, Marketing, Distribution, Human Resources, Research and Development, etc.
  • You must have managed the day-to-day operations of the business in whole or in part.

If you are invited to apply to the Entrepreneur Stream, you will be required to provide evidence of your past experience as a senior manager. If you claim points for this factor, you must include:

  • Organizational charts detailing your position and reporting structure. Include the size of the organization and highlight your position. Employer documents are preferred.
  • Official employer reference letter(s) containing details about your position, reporting structure, role and length of employment.


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