

  1. 配偶名下资产不被认可。

  2. 所有文件必须得到外交部和爱尔兰大使馆的加注也就是认证。

  3. 资金来源解释部分文件必须有一名法律顾问做见证。

  4. 强调任何贷款不能用于IIP资金来源,融资贷款来得钱投资IIP将会被拒绝。

  5. 获得预批准后必须完成投资并提供完成投资后的证据才可以注册到居留许可

  6. 捐赠是最直接的选项,并且捐赠在转5年长期居留许可时不需要提供捐赠证明

Notice Note for Information of Prospective Applicants for the Immigrant Investor Programme (IIP)

Further to recent correspondence received in this Office on the question of the eligibility of applicants to the Immigrant Investment Programme (IIP) to rely on loaned funds for the purposes of making investments in projects under the IIP, the Irish Naturalisation & Immigration Service (INIS) wish to clarify that under no circumstances will a loan provided to the applicant for the purpose of making an IIP application be considered an appropriate source of funding .

As part of the IIP application Process, INIS will undertake a comprehensive examination of the sources of proposed funding and will require significant supporting documentation attesting to the source of the funds and appropriate independent verification of said documentation from suitably qualified legal advisors in the relevant jurisdictions. If an applicant seeks to rely on loaned funds for the purposes of an IIP application, the application will be refused . During the week commencing 8th October 2018, INIS has held a series of meetings with key stakeholders to emphasise the importance of project sponsors, agents and applicants all understanding and ensuring compliance with the source of funding requirements of the IIP.

Notice to Applicants: Immigrant Investor Programme (IIP)

The Immigrant Investor Programme (IIP) is open to non-EEA nationals who commit to an approved investment in Ireland. The Immigrant Investor Programme requires a minimum investment of €1m, from the applicants own resources and not financed through a loan or other such facility , which must be committed for a minimum of three years.

Investors should note that the Irish Government has no responsibility for the performance of an investment. Investments are a private matter between the parties concerned and it is the responsibility of the investor, as in any business decision, to assess the potential success of their venture. Approval of an application under the Immigrant Investor programme is not an endorsement of a particular project. What it means is that the investor has been approved and the investment is of a nature that meets the objectives of the Immigrant Investor Programme.

Submission of Applications - Immigrant Investor Programme (IIP) and Start Up Entrepreneur Programmes (STEP).

An Independent Review of the IIP is due to commence in the first quarter of 2019. The listing of application windows in no way prejudges the outcome of that review and windows may be varied in accordance with the findings of the Independent Review.

The Immigrant Investor Programme will open for applications in 2019 as follows:

  • Window 1: 4th March 2019 –8th March 2019
  • Window 2: 20th May 2019 – 24th May 2019
  • Window 3: 19th August 2019 – 23rd August 2019
  • Window 4: 21st October 2019 – 25th October 2019

To facilitate the work of the Evaluation Committee, applications for the Immigrant Investor Programme will be accepted during these periods only.

In accordance with practice, revised IIP guidelines will issue in early 2019 and all applications for 2019 must adhere to these guidelines. In addition, during 2019 a second review of the guidelines will be undertaken as part of the post Independent Review process.

In the interim, applicants and sponsors should be aware that the Department of Justice and Equality is enhancing the due diligence processes including AML, KYC, PEPs and sanction checks. Additionally, we are engaging in data sharing in accordance with the OECD common reporting standards (http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/common-reporting-standard/).

Finally, a separate update will issue during January 2019 regarding the STEP.

提交在线评估后可以 微信 联系飞出国( flyabroad_hk )或 预约面谈http://flyabroad.me/contact/

访问 飞出国香港flyabroad.hk)网站获得更多出国移民项目及资讯信息。





Sectors no longer under consideration

  • The Evaluation Committee no longer seeks projects in the hospitality sector(Accommodation, entertainment, public houses, restaurants etc…).
  • IIP unit will contact programmes currently in train, to ascertain the timescale.


飞出国: 爱尔兰投资移民IIP项目目前依旧具有无配额限制、无排期、获批较快的优势,但总体趋势是愈加严格的——不但减少了递交窗口期,缩短递交时间,更是加强了审核力度。想移民爱尔兰的朋友们抓紧了!