- 提交申请和申请审理期间,申请人持有毕业生工作许可(PGWP);
- 如申请人是在2019年4月1日前被录取并注册了阿省证书课程,则证书必须由阿省高等教育认可的阿省公立或私立高等教育机构颁发,并且必须是以下阿省高等教育认证证书之一:
- 证书或研究生证书(至少一年);
- 文凭课程(至少两年);
- 本科学士学位;
- 研究生学位;
- 研究生水平证书;
- 研究生文凭。
- 如申请人是在2019年4月1日之后被录取或注册了阿省证书课程,则证书必须在阿省高等教育认证高等教育证书的阿省机遇类别列表上;
- 提交申请之时在阿省工作,所从事的职业必须与在阿省学习的专业相关,2019年4月1日之后被录取并完成一年研究生证书课程的申请人,职业必须也要与之前在加拿大之外学习的本科或研究生专业相关(一年研究生证书课程要与之前的本科或研究生课程一致);
- 职业不可以在加拿大政府公布的阿省高薪与低薪职业清单之上以及阿省机遇类移民不合格职业清单之上;
- 过去18个月内在阿省全职从事当前工作至少6个月,每周至少30小时;
- 作为阿省高等教育课程学习部分的带薪实习也可被视为有效工作经验,只要满足以下条件:
- 带薪实习为全职工作,每周至少30小时;
- 实习工作经验与当前职业直接相关;
- 实习工作全部是在阿省完成的;
- 语言达到雅思CLB 4(2020年1月1日之后NOC 0、A或B类达到CLB 5,C或D类依然是CLB 4),如从事的职业为3413 护士助理则要求达到CLB 7。
Residency status and work permit requirements
You must have a valid work permit (not implied status or restoration status) for an eligible occupation. Valid work permits are based on one of the following:
- a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
- a LMIA exemption for workers based on one of the following exemptions as determine by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC):
- international trade agreements
- workers transferred within a company
- International Experience Canada
- Mobilité Francophone
- Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) holder
Post-Graduation Work Permit holders must also meet additional education and occupation requirements:
- Your current occupation must be related to your field of study in Alberta.
- If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program before April 1, 2019, your credential must be issued by an Alberta Advanced Education approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institution and must be one of the following Alberta Advanced Education approved credentials:
- certificate or post-graduate certificate (minimum one year in length)
- diploma program (minimum 2 years in length)
- undergraduate bachelor’s degree
- graduate level degree
- graduate level certificate
- graduate level diploma
- If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program on or after April 1, 2019, your credential must be on the Alberta Opportunity Stream List of Alberta Advanced Education Approved Post-Secondary Credentials.
Occupation requirements
Post-Graduation Work Permit holders
If you are a Post-Graduation Work Permit holder with an eligible Alberta Advanced Education approved post-secondary credential issued by an Advanced Education approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institution, your occupation must also be related to your field of study in Alberta.
If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program on or after April 1, 2019 and you completed an Advanced Education-approved one year post-graduate certificate, your occupation must also be related to your previous undergraduate or graduate field of study outside Canada.
In addition to occupations on the list above, Post-Graduation Work Permit holders are not eligible to apply to the Alberta Opportunity Stream if their occupation is on the Government of Canada’s list of high-wage and low-wage occupations in the province of Alberta. These occupations are not in demand in Alberta and can be filled by Albertans and Canadians.
Education requirements
Post-Graduation Work Permit holders must meet additional education and occupation requirements:
- Your current occupation must be related to your field of study in Alberta.
- If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program before April 1, 2019, your credential must be issued by an Alberta Advanced Education approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institution and must be one of the following Alberta Advanced Education approved credentials:
- certificate or post-graduate certificate (minimum one year in length)
- diploma program (minimum 2 years in length)
- undergraduate bachelor’s degree
- graduate level degree
- graduate level certificate
- graduate level diploma
- If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program on or after April 1, 2019, your credential must be on the Alberta Opportunity Stream List of Alberta Advanced Education Approved Post-Secondary Credentials.
Work experience requirements
Post-Graduation Work Permit holders require a minimum of 6 months full-time work experience in your current occupation in Alberta within the last 18 months.
This occupation must be related to your field of study in Alberta of your Alberta Advanced Education approved credential at an Advanced Education approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institution.
If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program on or after April 1, 2019 and you completed an Advanced Education-approved one year post-graduate certificate, your occupation must also be related to your previous undergraduate or graduate field of study outside Canada.
Work experience in the qualifying period:
- must have been full-time, for a minimum of 30 hours a week
- must be for the same occupation as your current occupation
- must have been authorized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and with valid temporary resident status if completed in Alberta or Canada
- cannot have been gained while studying in Canada and doing co-op work placements or internships as part of a study program*
*There is an exception to this rule if you are a Post-Graduation Work Permit holder. Work experience completed during paid co-op work terms that was part of a program of study at an Alberta post-secondary institution can be used to meet the work experience criteria with the following conditions:
- the paid co-op work term was full-time (minimum 30 hours per week)
- the work experience is directly related to your current occupation
- the work experience was all gained in Alberta