
申请恢复加拿大公民身份(Resume citizenship) 继续讨论:

加拿大公民身份恢复条件 - 飞出国

基本要求 - 飞出国


  • 曾经是加拿大公民
  • 加拿大公民身份丢失后成为加拿大永居
  • 申请之前已永居的身份在加拿大居住了至少1年


  • 公民身份被撤销
  • 申请之前的3年内曾经被指控有犯罪行为
  • 当前被指控有罪
  • 服刑、假释或缓刑期间
  • 收到驱逐令
  • 由于被指控为战争罪或者违反人权,正在调查期间
  • have had your Canadian citizenship taken away (revoked)
  • have been convicted of an indictable (criminal) offence or an offence under the Citizenship Act in the three years before you apply
  • be currently charged with an indictable offence or an offence under the Citizenship Act
  • be in prison, on parole or on probation
  • be under a removal order (an order from Canadian officials to leave Canada) or
  • be under investigation for, be charged with or have been convicted of a war crime or a crime against humanity.

对加拿大武装部队成员的要求( Canadian Armed Forces members) - 飞出国

申请人如果是加拿大公民,并且当前或者曾经是加拿大武装部队(CAF - Canadian Armed Forces)成员的话,可以通过快速程序申请,并且无需满足"申请之前已永居的身份在加拿大居住了至少1年"条件。申请人在申请之前只要满足服兵役达到6个月(182天)即可


If you were a Canadian citizen and you are or were a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), you might be able to resume Canadian citizenship through a fast-track process for Canadian Armed Forces members. You must meet the standard qualifications to resume citizenship, with the one exception that you do not need to be living in Canada as a permanent resident for at least a year. Under the new fast-track rules, you must have completed at least six months (182 days) of service in, or with, the CAF in the year before you apply.

If you were a Canadian citizen, and you are or were a foreign military member attached or seconded to the CAF, you might also be eligible. You must meet the conditions of a CAF member with the exception that you do not need to be a permanent resident of Canada.

