

2018-2020年加拿大父母祖父母团聚移民配额在 20000-21000 个之间。

Minimum Necessary Income requirement for sponsors of parents and grandparents

If you are sponsoring a parent or a grandparent, you must meet the minimum necessary income requirement for each of the three taxation years immediately preceding the date of your application. The minimum necessary income requirement is equal to the Low Income Cut-offs (LICOs) plus 30%, taking into account the number of family members for whom you are or will be financially responsible.

Signing the statement of consent (question 8 on the Financial Evaluation for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship ) and providing your Social Insurance Number (SIN) will allow Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to collect your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and request your income tax information quickly from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to determine whether you meet the minimum necessary income requirements. If you do not provide your consent, you must complete the applicable form Income Sources for the Sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents and submit a Notice of Assessment issued to you by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for each of the three taxation years immediately preceding the date of your application. If you do not have paper copies of your Notices of Assessment on file, you can view (and print) your tax returns as well as other personal tax information using the CRA’s My Account online service. To register or login, visit My Account.

If you reside anywhere in Canada, other than Quebec, you may use the Federal Income Table to estimate if your income is sufficient to meet income requirements to sponsor. If you have an eligible co-signer (spouse or common-law partner) on the sponsorship undertaking, their income will be added to yours as a sponsor.

If you reside in the province of Quebec, you will not be required to submit an undertaking of assistance for the family members you are sponsoring at this time. You will be contacted when your sponsorship application is assessed. At that time, if you meet federal sponsorship requirements, you will be notified that you must submit an undertaking application to the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion (MIDI) of Quebec so that your income can be assessed.

Federal Income Table for sponsors of parents and grandparents

The following table applies to residents of all provinces except Quebec. For each of the three consecutive taxation years preceding the date on which the application is submitted to us, the sponsor (and co-signer, if applicable) must meet the Minimum Necessary Income, which is based on the Low Income Cut-offs plus 30%.

You must provide your Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as proof that you meet the following minimum income requirements for taxation years 2017, 2016, and 2015 .

Size of Family Unit Minimum Income Minimum Income 2017 Minimum Income 2016 Minimum Income 2015
2 persons $39,813 $39,371 $38,618
3 persons $48,945 $48,404 $47,476
4 persons $59,426 $58,768 $57,642
5 persons $67,400 $66,654 $65,377
6 persons $76,015 $75,174 $73,733
7 persons $84,631 $83,695 $82,091
If more than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $8,616 $8,522 $8,358



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