
飞出国: Alberta 省留学生移民项目里,允许候选人是在加拿大其他地区读取了合格课程的,只需要在阿省找到合适工作并且已经在该职位上工作。对于在阿省读书的留学毕业生有机会不需要已经获得 offer 就可以申请。


  • Be working full-time in Alberta, for the employer who is supporting your application, at the time of application.

  • Be performing the same occupation as is stated on your permanent, full-time job offer from your employer.

  • Be working in an occupation that falls under one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill levels:

    • NOC 0: Management occupations
    • NOC A: Occupations that usually require university education.
    • NOC B: Occupations that usually require college education.
    • NOC C: Occupations that usually require specific training and/or secondary education. Please note, only candidates working in a NOC C occupation, must complete a designated language test with scores that meet language requirements. More details are listed below.
      • Some occupations are not eligible for consideration under the International Graduate Category. Please review the list of ineligible occupations (list updated June 20, 2014). If the occupation your potential Candidate is performing is on this list, you are not eligible to apply to the AINP under this category.
  • Have obtained a certificate, diploma, degree, or have completed a graduate level program from

  • Have a current and valid Post-Graduation Work Permit issued by IRCC.

  • If working in a NOC C occupation, you must submit official test results showing that you meet the minimum language standards, and your test results cannot be more than two years old at the time of application to the AINP. The only official test results that the AINP will accept are listed below, along with the minimum language standards. If you do not have test results or your test results are more than two years old, go to the Language Test Centresection of the AINP website for up-to-date information on testing availability:

  • International students studying in Canada, including students doing co-op work placements or internships as part of their study program.


If you are an international graduate who meets most of the criteria below, you may be eligible to apply without an employer. Visit the Strategic Recruitment Stream Post-Graduate Worker Category page for details.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信: http://flyabroad.me


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Post-Graduate Worker Criteria

Post-Graduate Worker Category criteria include but are not limited to:

As a Candidate , you must:

  • Clearly show in the application that you are able to and intend to live permanently in Alberta.
  • Be working full-time in Alberta, at the time of application, for an Alberta employer.
    • An Alberta employer is defined as, being incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Alberta.
    • Please note, the AINP will not approve an application if there is a labour dispute in progress that may involve, directly or indirectly, either the employer or the candidate.
  • Have obtained a certificate, diploma, degree, or have completed a graduate level program from one of these AINP approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institutions.
    _ The program of study in Alberta must have been at least one year (i.e. minimum of two semesters of full-time study, or equivalent) in duration._*
  • Have a current and valid Post-Graduation Work Permit issued by IRCC.
  • Be working in one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill levels:
    • NOC 0: Management occupations
    • NOC A: Occupations that usually require university education
    • NOC B: Occupations that usually require college education

我想咨询下这个该怎么理解,我是AB省的U of Alberta的硕士毕业的,但是没有拿工作签证。现在这个情况下还能走AB省吗??


申请 AB 省毕业生类别需要已经毕业,持有 CIC(当前叫 IRCC)毕业生工签(PGW),同时在阿省已经从事 NOC 0,A,B 类工作。

Post-Graduate Worker 类别与普通雇主驱动留学生类别的区别不需要获得下面要求的雇主的担保: Under this stream you may be able to apply to the AINP without needing an employer to support your application ,也就是不需要劳烦雇主提供太多资料和证明。

Alberta Employer criteria

As an Alberta Employer, you must:

  • Be incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Alberta.
  • Provide a permanent, full-time job offer to the candidate that:
    • Falls under one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill levels:
      • NOC 0: Management occupations
      • NOC A: Occupations that usually require university education.
      • NOC B: Occupations that usually require college education.
      • NOC C: Occupations that usually require specific training and/or secondary education. Please note only candidates working in a NOC C occupation must complete a designated language test with scores that meet language requirements. More details are listed under Candidate criteria below.
        • Some occupations are not eligible for consideration under the International Graduate Category. Please review the list of ineligible occupations (list updated June 20, 2014). If the occupation your potential Candidate is performing is on this list, you are not eligible to apply to the AINP under this category.
    • Meets Alberta’s employment and wage standards.
    • Does not conflict with existing collective bargaining agreements. The AINP will not approve an application if there is a labour dispute in progress that may directly or indirectly involve the employer or the candidate.
  • Show you are offering wages and benefits to the candidate that meet industry standards.



针对留学生 魁省移民最好了