
18岁以上的申请人和随行成员, 在任何国家累计居住6个月以上, 需要提供该国无犯罪证明。官网上举了个例子,要求是累计居住,非连续居住:

You may need a police certificate from any country or territory that you have spent six months or more since the age of 18.

For example: if you visited, worked or lived in a country for two months, left for a few years, then returned for four months, that counts as spending six months there. In this case, you would need a certificate.


You must get a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six or more months in a row since the age of 18.



requirements – February 27, 2018

The requirements for police certificates have changed for permanent residence applications received on or after January 1, 2015.

Police certificates are now required for any country or territory, other than Canada, where the applicant has spent 6 months or more in a row within the last 10 years or since the age of 18.



  • 如果无犯罪证明是非英语/法语,需要提供对应的翻译件 with a translation done by a certified translator
    • 在中国,最好的 certified translator 是公证处,飞出国之前有德国无犯罪,提供的是翻译公司翻译件,倍认可
  • 如果是纸质递档,无犯罪证明必须递交原件;如果是EE电子递档,必须提供原件的彩色扫描件(certified copy和 unauthorized copies 不认可)

无犯罪证明开具时间和有效期要求 - 飞出国




  • 目前居住在该国家,或者在离开该国家前已经办理好了无犯罪证明,无犯罪需要是递交申请前6个月开具的
  • 曾经居住过的国家,无犯罪证明需要在最后一次离开该国后办理

If you need a police certificate from a country or territory and:

  • are currently living there, or received the police certificate before leaving, the police certificate must be issued within six months before you apply.
  • have lived there in the past, the police certificate must be issued after you last lived in that country or territory.



Police Certificate are generally considered to be valid for one year from date of issue; therefore depending on the processing time of your application, you may be requested to submit new certificates.

不能提供无犯罪证明的情况 - 飞出国

  • 难民或者其他情况,写明解释信

If you are not able to get a police certificate from a country because you are a refugee from that country or for any other reason, explain the reasons in writing.

  • 针对EE下,已经申请了国外无犯罪,但在签证有效期内无法拿到原件, 需要写明解释信并附加无犯罪办理记录,将这些材料上传到签证系统无犯罪对应的模块。

If you applied for a police certificate, but do not have it by the deadline to submit your online application, write or type your explanation on a blank piece of paper and upload it in the Police Certificate section. You must also upload supporting documents that prove you applied for it, such as a confirmation receipt, payment receipt, delivery notice, tracking number, etc.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


加拿大 EE 签证申请无犯罪要求及注意事项 - 飞出国

  1. 主副申请人需要办理国内无犯罪公证;无犯罪证明最好留存好电子版本;
  2. 递交申请时无犯罪开具不超过半年,无犯罪是一年的有效期,审理过程中无犯罪超过一年可能要求补交
  3. 18周岁后,在国外累计居住满6个月,需要提供对应国家无犯罪;2018年2月27日起加拿大移民部对国外无犯罪的要求是连续居住超过6个月的才需要;
  4. 签证系统上传无犯罪原件(对于中国无犯罪是无犯罪公证原件;对于国外无犯罪是原件彩色扫描件, 复印件, 公证件,certified true copy 均不可)
  5. 如果无犯罪证明是非英语/法语,需要提供对应的翻译件;
  6. 对于签证递交前由于难民/战乱/审理周期长等原因无法拿到无犯罪证明的,需要写明解释信并附加无犯罪办理记录,将这些材料上传到签证系统无犯罪对应的模块;
  7. 对于需要使馆发补料信才能办理的无犯罪,如香港,新加坡,日本,也需要递交前写好解释;
  8. 目前/曾经在澳大利亚维多利亚州和昆士兰州居住过的申请人, 除了提供联邦出具的无犯罪证明,还需要提供18周岁之后,或者拿到驾照之后在当地的Traffic History(昆州)Full Licence History Search(维州)的行车记录;无行车记录证明会发送一份电子版,同时邮寄一份纸质,要扫描;

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/


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