满足下面要求就可以获得澳洲2年学习的5分加分,本科,硕士,博士,专科都可以。而且如果在偏远地区还可以再加5分。相见评分标准: Points test 评分标准 - 飞出国技术移民
Course requirements
Each qualification that you have completed and are relying on to meet this requirement must:
- be either a degree (a bachelor or any higher degree), a diploma, an advanced diploma, or a trade qualification
- have been undertaken at an Australian educational institution in Australia
- have been conducted in English
- be registered on CRICOS.
你说的二年研究型硕博加分指的是 STEM—I 特殊专业这个吧。
Specialist education qualification
The postgraduate degree by research (doctorate or masters) must be awarded from an Australian education institution after at least two academic years of study in the following science, technology, engineering, mathematics or specified information and communication technology (ICT) fields
我说的是额外加5分,就是那个二年研究型硕博加分指的是 STEM—I 特殊专业这个吧