
加拿大团聚移民综述 Family sponsorship 继续讨论:

加拿大夫妻团聚移民综述 - 飞出国

飞出国注:自2014.8.1开始,CIC修改了对受供养子女(dependent child)的年龄定义,由之前的22周岁以下,改为了19周岁以下。

加拿大公民或者加拿大永久居民(称为担保人),可以担保其配偶、事实婚姻伴侣同居伴侣 和子女(称为申请人or被担保人)移民加拿大。




  • 通过 Family Class 担保居住在加拿大境外的配偶、事实婚姻伴侣、同居伴侣或子女。
  • 通过 Spouse and Common-Law Partner in Canada Class 担保居住在加拿大境内的配偶、同居伴侣。


  1. 担保人必须是加拿大公民或定居在加拿大的永久居民。
    • 如果担保人是公民,申请担保时可以不居住在加拿大境内
    • 如果担保人是加拿大永居,申请担保时必须是定居在加拿大
  2. 年龄要在18周岁以上;
  3. 承诺给申请人提供经济支持(需提供书面文件):
    • 配偶和伴侣需要提供3年;
    • 受供养子女提供10年或者持续到25岁,以先到的为准(比如申请人当前17岁,那么需要提供到25岁,如果当前申请人13岁,只需提供到23岁即可);
  4. 如果担保人是通过申请配偶或者同居伴侣担保而移民的,那么只有当担保人成为加拿大永居的时间满5年,才能担保其配偶或同居伴侣移民(即使在这5年期间,申请人已经入籍,仍旧受5年担保时间的限制)
    • 以上条款只适用于2012年3月2号之后成为永居的担保人,在此之前的永居不受影响
    • 即使未满5年,只是不可以担保配偶和伴侣,但是可以担保其他家庭成员移民,比如受供养子女,父母等
  5. 如果担保人之前担保国过配偶、伴侣移民,只有当他们成为永居3年后,担保人才可以重新担保其他人。



  1. 不符合担保协议中的相关条款;
  2. 没有按法庭判决支付赡养费和子女抚养费的;
  3. 除身体残疾以外的其他原因而申请政府财政援助的;
  4. 因为以下原因被判有罪的:性侵、暴力、攻击亲属导致肉体伤害、试图或者威胁性犯罪行为(要看犯罪类型、发生的时间和是否已经暂停记录);
  5. 担保人是通过申请配偶或者同居伴侣担保而移民的,且成为加拿大永居的时间不满5年的;
  6. 由于延期支付或者忘记支付,未偿还移民贷款;
  7. 正在服刑人员;
  8. 宣布破产还未受理完成的。


  1. 年龄不满18周岁;
  2. 在你们婚姻期间,申请人或者担保人与另外的人结婚;
  3. 分居超过1年,并且其中一方与第三人成为同居伴侣关系;
  4. 担保人申请永居时,文件中没有体现配偶的信息(当时已结婚的话);
  5. 担保人曾经担保过配偶移民,并且那个配偶获得永居身份不满3年(如果是2012.3.2之后担保的配偶移民,则需要满足5年才可以)。


  1. 被担保人可以是:配偶、事实婚姻伴侣和同居伴侣 (spouse,common-law or conjugal partner)。

  2. 可以担保同性婚姻伴侣,需要满足一定的条件:


    • BC卑诗省,2003/7/8
    • MB曼省,2004/9/16
    • NB新不伦瑞克省,2005/07/04
    • NL纽芬兰省,2004/12/21
    • NS新省,2004/9/24
    • ON安省,2003/6/10
    • QC魁省,2004/3/19
    • SK萨省,2004/11/5
    • YK育空省,2004/7/14
    • 其他省或地区,2005/7/20


3.同性或异性的事实婚姻伴侣(Common-law partner)均被认可,需要证明双方同居12个月以上(允许短暂的商务旅行或探亲原因的分开);

4.同性或异性的同居伴侣均(Conjugal partner)被认可,需要证明双方互相依赖彼此,但是由于某些原因无法居住在一起。


- 伴侣关系已经维持了一年,但是双方由于以下原因无法同居或者结婚:
	- 移民障碍;
	- 婚姻状况(如你当前是结婚的状态,但是你所在国家不允许离婚);
	- 性取向问题(比如,你是同性恋,但是你所在国家不承认同性婚姻);
- 证明无法同居(如你被双方所在国家拒绝长期停留)。


- 有条件住在一起却没有同居;
- 不能提供无法同居的证明;
- 有结婚打算(可以婚后申请夫妻团聚,如果同居超过12个月,还可以按事实婚姻伴侣申请)。

配偶子女团聚签证的申请流程 - 飞出国




  1. 准备申请材料

  2. 支付申请费


  3. 递交申请

将所有材料寄往签证处理中心(Case Processing Centre in Mississauga, Ontario).

> CPC Mississauga   
> P.O. Box 3000, Station A  
> Mississauga, ON  
> L5A 4N6  

> CPC-Mississauga  
> P.O. Box 5040, Station B  
> Mississauga, ON  
> L5A 3A4

加拿大夫妻团聚移民处理周期 - 飞出国

加拿大境外申请: 17个月(2016.4.4更新)
加拿大境内申请: 26个月(2016.3.21更新)

加拿大夫妻团聚移民申请费用 -飞出国


  • 担保申请(每个申请):75加币;
  • 主申(担保人):475加币;
  • 主申的未满19周岁的未婚子女或者已满19周岁无法财政自足的子女: 150加币;
  • 主申的未婚且没有同居伴侣的22周岁以下的子女,或者22周岁以上的财政无法自足的子女:150加币。


  • 担保申请(每个申请):75加币;
  • 主申(担保人):475加币;
  • 做为主申请的19周岁以下的未婚子女:75加币;
  • 被担保人(配偶或担保人的22周岁以上子女):550加币;
  • 财政无法自足的已满19周岁的随行子女:150加币;
  • 主申的未婚且没有同居伴侣的22周岁以下的子女,或者22周岁以上的财政无法自足的子女:150加币。

加拿大夫妻团聚移民官方链接: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/spouse.asp
加拿大夫妻团聚移民指南-境外申请: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3900ETOC.asp
加拿大夫妻团聚移民指南-境内申请: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5289ETOC.asp


请问在申请配偶团聚移民期间,有什么办法能让另一半提前到加拿大么?(不想与妻子孩子分开太久。。。) 比如说先办个探亲签证?但好像听说这种情况下探亲签证很可能被拒签,是这样么? 有别的办法么?感谢楼主




魁省读书期间l&b 属于吗?



请问担保人需要满足的条件的第三条怎么理解,配偶和伴侣需要提供3年的经济支持,是只要存款就行了吗,还是说要担保人有工作收入才行? 另外如果担保人刚刚通过PNP成为PR,但还没有工作,具有担保资格吗?谢谢


2017 年加拿大将增加夫妻团聚移民配额到64000(2016年是47000),同时加快处理速度,大部分配偶团聚移民申请人都可以一年内处理完成。

Government of Canada delivering faster processing and shorter wait times for spousal reunification

December 7, 2016 – Ottawa, ON – The Government of Canada is making it faster and easier for Canadians and permanent residents to reunite with their spouses.

At the direction of the Minister, earlier this year Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) began a concerted effort to reduce processing times. From the start of 2016 to the fall, processing times were reduced by 15 percent for in-Canada applications and just over 10 percent for applications outside Canada.

Starting today, processing times will be reduced even further with most spousal applications now being processed in 12 months. Complex cases may require more time.

Applicants who already filed an application will not have to wait an additional 12 months to have them finalized. IRCC will continue to process applications in the order they have been received. Most families who have been waiting should have a decision on their sponsorship application no later than the end of December 2017.

These new changes are expected to benefit more than 64 000 applicants by the end of 2017, and are the latest measures to bring families together.


Notice – Government of Canada Eliminates Conditional Permanent Residence

Ottawa, April 28, 2017— The Government of Canada has removed the condition that applied to some sponsored spouses or partners of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to live with their sponsor in order to keep their permanent resident status.

Under the old regulation, you had to live with your sponsor for two years if, at the time you applied:

  • Your relationship was less than two years; and
  • You had no children in common.

The condition was introduced as a means to deter people from seeking to immigrate to Canada through non-genuine relationships. By removing the condition, the Government recognizes that, while cases of marriage fraud exist, the majority of relationships are genuine and most spousal sponsorship applications are made in good faith.

Eliminating conditional permanent residence upholds the Government’s commitment to family reunification and supports gender equality and combating gender violence. As a result of the requirement for the sponsored spouse or partner to live with their sponsor, an imbalance between the sponsor and the sponsored spouse or partner could have been created, potentially making the sponsored spouse or partner more vulnerable.

What happens now

Effective today, conditional permanent residence no longer applies to anyone, whether:

  • you were sponsored by your spouse or partner for permanent residence, or
  • you were sponsored by someone who had conditional permanent residence (i.e. child or parent).

You don’t need to do anything. We just want you to know.

If you receive your Confirmation of Permanent Residence on or after April 18, 2017 and it indicates that you “must cohabit in a conjugal relationship with your sponsor or partner for a continuous period of 2 years after the day on which you became a PR”, this requirement no longer applies to you.

If you were under investigation for not complying with the requirement to live with your spouse or partner, you are no longer under investigation.

In order to uphold the integrity of the immigration system, the Government will continue to investigate allegations of marriage fraud. To report fraud, including marriage fraud, contact the Canada Border Services Agency Border Watch Toll-Free Line at 1-888-502-9060.

What to do if you’re in an abusive situation

In Canada, abuse is not tolerated. If you are a sponsored spouse or partner and are experiencing abuse or neglect by your sponsor or their family, you do not have to remain in that abusive situation.

Government of Canada Eliminates Conditional Permanent Residence for Spouses and Partners

News Release

April 28, 2017—Ottawa, ON – To uphold its commitment to family reunification and to support gender equality, the Government of Canada has removed the condition that applied to some sponsored spouses or partners of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to live with their sponsor for two years in order to keep their permanent resident status.

This change applies to anyone who was subject to the requirement, as well as to new spouses and partners who are sponsored as permanent residents.

Eliminating conditional permanent residence supports the Government’s commitment to gender equality and to combat gender violence. The regulatory change addresses concerns that vulnerable sponsored spouses or partners may stay in abusive relationships because they are afraid of losing their permanent resident status even though an exception to the condition existed for those types of situations.

The Government of Canada does not want any sponsored spouse or partner who is in an abusive situation to remain in it for fear of losing their status in Canada.

The change also supports family reunification, which is a key immigration commitment of the Government of Canada. Removing the condition recognizes that the majority of marriages are genuine and most spousal sponsorship applications are made in good faith.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


按照:“5.如果担保人之前担保国过配偶、伴侣移民,只有当他们成为永居3年后,担保人才可以重新担保其他人。”是说只能先担保一个,3年之后再担保 一个吗?如果担保审核时间是2年左右,那是不是担保一个之后,至少要5年时间才能再担保一个?

这里指的不是夫妻和孩子的区别,只是说如果你以前有担保过别人,你需要履行完三年的担保义务才可进行担保别人。 如果你是担保你老婆或者老公,你们的孩子可一同担保。