新西兰技术移民,看收入的年代来了 - 飞出国
- 年收入达到$48,859纽币(时薪接近24纽币,是根据当前新西兰人均工资平均水平定义的)的工作被定义为“高技能人才”,满足其他基本条件后才能申请新西兰技术移民。
- 任何职业,当申请人所在岗位年收入超过$73,299纽币($48,859纽币的1.5倍)的可以直接被认定为“高技能人才”,并获得移民加分。
- 税前年收入达到97718纽币的高收入人群,将可获得额外的奖励性移民加分。
160 分的标准暂时不改变。很多细节会逐步清晰,希望2017年7月可以定下来,最晚2017年8月中会明确,飞出国会进一步跟进。
Skilled Migrant Category changes Wednesday, 19 April 2017
The Government has announced a package of changes designed to better manage immigration and improve the labour market contribution of temporary and permanent migration.
Two remuneration thresholds are being introduced for applicants applying for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC). One will be set at the New Zealand median income of $48,859 a year for jobs that are currently considered skilled. The other threshold will be set at 1.5 times the New Zealand median income of $73,299 a year for jobs that are not currently considered skilled but are well paid.
The automatic selection mark for applicants under the SMC was increased from 140 points to 160 in October last year and the Government has now realigned the points system to put more emphasis on characteristics associated with better outcomes for migrants.
More points will be available for skilled work experience and some recognised post graduate qualifications, and points for age will increase for applicants aged 30-39.
Points will no longer be available for qualifications in areas of absolute skills shortage, for employment, work experience and qualifications in Identified Future Growth Areas and for close family in New Zealand.
The changes will be implemented in mid-August 2017.
Questions and answers
How is the SMC changing?
Amendments are being made to the Skilled Migrant Category to improve the skill composition and ensure we are attracting migrants who bring the most economic benefits to New Zealand. The changes affect many aspects of the policy, including changes to:
- The way that ‘skilled employment’ and ‘work experience’ are assessed and awarded points.
- The points awarded for qualifications and age.
- Points for some factors will be removed.
When will the changes come into effect?
14 August 2017.
Are the changes designed to allow fewer people to be granted residence under the SMC?
While there will be an impact on some people in low paid employment, the changes expand the definition of skilled employment to allow some people to obtain residence who have previously been unable to claim points for their employment in New Zealand – people who are not currently considered to be in skilled employment because their job is not in an Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) skill level 1, 2 or 3 occupation will be able to claim points for their job if they are earning $73,299 or more per year.
Will particular types of applicants benefit from the changes?
The changes put more focus on skilled work experience, more recognition of skill levels in the 30-39 age group and high salary levels.
What are the specific changes in each policy area?
Skilled employment
- The same number of points will be awarded for both an offer of skilled employment and current skilled employment in New Zealand.
- Remuneration thresholds are being introduced as an additional means of defining skilled employment.
- Applicants with jobs at ANZSCO skill levels 1, 2 and 3 will only be awarded points for their employment if they are paid at or above NZ$48,859 per year (or NZ$23.49 per hour).
- Applicants with jobs that are not in ANZSCO skill level 1, 2 or 3 occupations may be assessed as being in skilled employment if they are paid at or above NZ$73,299 per year (or NZ$35.24 per hour).
- Bonus points will be awarded for remuneration at or above NZ$97,718.00 per year (or NZ$46.98 per hour)
- Remuneration thresholds will be updated annually based on New Zealand income data.
Work experience
- More points will be available for work experience.
- Points will be awarded for skilled work experience in ANZSCO skill level 1, 2 and 3 occupations.
- Points will be awarded for skilled New Zealand work experience of 12 months or more. There will be no additional points for work experience of two years or more.
Qualifications, age and partner’s qualifications
- Points available for recognised level 9 or 10 post-graduate qualifications (Master’s degrees and Doctorates) will increase.
- Points for people aged 30 – 39 years will increase.
- Partner’s qualifications will only be awarded points if they are a recognised Bachelor’s level degree or higher or a recognised post-graduate (level 9 or higher) qualification.
Which factors will applicants no longer be able to gain points for?
Points for the following factors will be removed:
- qualifications in an area of absolute skills shortage
- skilled employment, work experience and qualifications in Identified Future Growth Areas
- close family support in New Zealand
Are there any changes to the health, character or English language requirements?
No there are no changes to these aspects of the SMC instructions.
Why is the SMC changing?
The Government is committed to ensuring our immigration settings best support the economy and the labour market. These changes are designed to improve the skill composition of the SMC and ensure that it prioritises higher-paid and higher-skilled migrants.
Will the selection point change when the new SMC comes into effect?
The selection point is able to be adjusted by the Minister of Immigration as necessary for the overall planning range of the New Zealand Residence Programme, so the selection point may change from time to time. There is no information at the present time concerning where the selection point will be set when the adjusted Skilled Migrant Category is implemented.
Will the salary thresholds change?
The salary thresholds are based on information from New Zealand income data and will be reviewed annually.
What will happen to my Expression of Interest if it is in the Pool when the policy changes?
More detail will be available soon on how applicants at various stages of the Skilled Migrant Category process will be affected.
My SMC Expression of Interest (EoI) has been selected from the SMC Pool but I have not yet been invited to apply: if I obtain an invitation to apply before 14 August but do not submit my SMC residence application until after 14 August, can I be assessed under the current SMC instructions?
More detail will be available soon on how applicants at various stages of the Skilled Migrant Category process will be affected.
If my EoI is selected from the SMC Pool before 14 August but is then returned to the Pool, what will happen to my EoI?
More detail will be available soon on how applicants at various stages of the Skilled Migrant Category process will be affected.
When will more detailed information be available about the changes to the SMC?
We hope to have more information available in June 2017.
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