不随同公证 - 飞出国
加拿大未成年人移民父母不随同要求 - 飞出国
对于离异,带孩子移民出国的, 首先要有孩子的抚养权证明,其次要有前配偶(不随行父母)的同意声明,下面重点以加拿大签证为例说明不随行问题。
- 萨省省提名阶段统一随行声明公证格式 (具体模板请询问飞出国)
- 加拿大同意孩子随行声明表(Imm5604),该声明需要公证 (飞出国有相关模板)
- 国内的公证是公证员不签字,而盖公证处的章,这是统一做法也是被移民局认可的
- 鉴于不随行声明是英文版, 公证处一般不直接给英文版做公证, 飞出国做了一份中文版
- 不随行父母要附身份证复印件;但是公证处一般不把身份证复印件做到公证书里,需要把身份证复印件翻译件附在声明公证书的后面
- 办理时,需要父母双方护照/身份证原件;全家户口本原件;父母结婚证原件;孩子出生证明原件;不随同方亲自到场;不随同公证的表格
澳洲未成年人移民的要求 - 飞出国
1.Immi Account对于 evidence of custody 的说明
Custody, Evidence of
Provide evidence of any custody, guardianship or parental responsibility arrangements relating to the child. This may include documents such as court orders and adoption papers.
For Visa applications
For each child under the age of 18 not travelling with both parents or legal guardians, one of the following must be provided:
A court order (or similar) stating you have sole custody of, or responsibility for the child, and the right to determine where the child should live. 法院判决书-注明申请人是唯一拥有孩子抚养权的人
A letter from each parent or legal guardian not included in the application, that gives permission for the child to be in Australia in your care. This letter should include a copy of the non-travelling parent or guardian’s personal particulars (biodata) page of their current passport.不随同一方的声明信(该声明模板可以询问飞出国),并附上不随同一方的护照首页扫描件
A completed and signed Form 1229 Consent to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years.双方父母签字的1229表格
2.来自签证官request letter的说明:
Evidence of Custody
For any child under the age of 18 included in the application and who would not be travelling with both parents or legal guardians if this visa is granted, please provide a completed and signed Form 1229 Consent form to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years or a letter from each relevant parent/legal guardian not included in the application. The letter should detail the parent’s or guardian’s permission for the child or children to be in Australia in your care. A copy of the non-travelling parent’s or guardian’s Personal Particulars (bio-data) page of their current passport should also be included.
Alternatively, please provide evidence (such as a court order) of sole custody of, orresponsibility for, the child, and the right to determine where the child should live.
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact。