飞出国注:其他资料准备齐全后再开具存款证明,一般一个人不低于8万,夫妻2人不低于10万,一家三口不低于12万人民币。 不同签证类别不同年份需要的最低标准不同。
• Checking account(支票账户),
• Saving account(储蓄账户),
• GICs(担保投资账户),
• Mutual Funds(信托基金),
• RRSPs(注册退休储蓄计划),
• TSFAs(Tax-Free Savings Account),
• term deposit(定期存款),
• time deposits(定期存款)
定期存款/冻结的存款证明: term deposit / time deposit
活期或流水:saving acccount
理财、基金:mutual fund
1)定期:A time deposit (also known as a certificate of deposit in the United States, a term deposit, particularly in Canada, Australia and New Zealand; a bond in the United Kingdom; Fixed Deposits in India and in some other countries) is a money deposit at a banking institution that cannot be withdrawn for a certain term or period of time (unless a penalty is paid)
2)储蓄:Saving accounts are accounts maintained by retail financial institutions that pay interest but cannot be used directly as money in the narrow sense of a medium of exchange (for example, by writing a cheque). These accounts let customers set aside a portion of their liquid assets while earning a monetary return. For the bank, money in a savings account may not be callable immediately and in some jurisdictions, does not incur a reserve requirement, freeing up cash from the bank’s vault to be lent out with interest.
3)基金:A mutual fund is a type of professionally managed Investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase securities.[1] While there is no legal definition of the term mutual fund, it is most commonly applied only to those collective investment vehicles that are regulated and sold to the general public. They are sometimes referred to as “investment companies” or “registered investment companies”.[2] Most mutual funds are open-ended, meaning stockholders can buy or sell shares of the fund at any time by redeeming them from the fund itself, rather than on an exchange.[3] Hedge funds are not considered a type of mutual fund, primarily because they are not sold publicly.
另外,对于 SINP 技术移民要求供近3个月的流水(定期/活期存款)。这点建议流水能提供尽量提供(去银行柜台或自助机可以打)。没要求这些钱必须在帐上3个月。流水证明你有持续的收入能力,不是说你这些存款3个月之前就有了。没那么严苛。