各国无犯罪办理指南 - 新西兰签证申请

Police Certificates ,用于证明 good character 。永久居民及居留时间超过 24 个月的签证会被要求提供无犯罪。特殊情况可以豁免。申请新西兰签证的无犯罪证明有效期是 6 个月。

申请新西兰永居 police Certificates 要求(Residence):

17 周岁及以上的申请人需要提供本国(country of citizenship)及近10年内累计居住超过 12 个月的国家的 police certificates。

申请新西兰配偶移民 police Certificates 要求:

  • 新西兰的担保人需要提供无犯罪
  • 新西兰的担保人需要提供近7年内其他居住超过12个月国家的无犯罪
  • 无犯罪有效期6个月

申请新西兰临时签证 police Certificates 要求:

  • 签证时间超过 12 个月的需要提供无犯罪
  • 如果需要无犯罪,递交申请时一并递交
  • 需要提供本国及达从达到17岁时间点算起已经在其他地区居住超过的国家的无犯罪


  • 此前一次申请临居时提供了无犯罪,过程中续签的,如果距上次申请不超过 24 个月(如果是学生签证的话距上次申请不超过 36 个月),这次续签,可以豁免无犯罪。
  • 留学签证续签时,下列情况可以豁免再次提供无犯罪证明
    • 不满 20 周岁
    • 17 周岁后就已经持有留学签证
    • 17 岁时就一直持有学生签证或过渡性质学生签证




Police Certificates

Applicants for visas must be of good character. You may have to supply a police certificate (or similar) as evidence of good character, depending on which visa category you apply under.


  • If you are aged 17 years or over you must provide police certificates when you lodge your resident visa application unless there is a different instruction in the country-specific guidelines below.
  • Police certificates must be provided from your country (or countries) of citizenship, as well as any country you have lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years.

Supporting New Zealand partners for residence class visas under the partnership category

  • If you are applying for residence under the partnership category your New Zealand partner must provide police certificates when you lodge your resident visa application, unless there is a different instruction in the country-specific guidelines below.
  • Your New Zealand partner must provide police certificates for every country where they have lived for 12 months or more in the last seven years (Immigration New Zealand will obtain a New Zealand police certificate for your partner from the New Zealand police directly).
  • Police certificates for your New Zealand partner must be less than six months old at the time you lodge your resident visa application.

Temporary entry visa

  • if you are aged 17 years or over and working, visiting, or studying in New Zealand for 24 months or longer you must provide a police certificate.
  • The police certificate must be provided at the time you lodge your application, unless there is a different instruction in the country-specific guidelines below.
  • You must supply a police certificate from any country you have lived in for five years or more since attaining the age of 17 years as well as your country (or countries) of citizenship.


You do not need to provide a police certificate if:

  • you have provided a police certificate with a previous temporary entry visa application and you make a further application within 24 months of the date of issue of the police certificate, or 36 months for student applications.

  • you hold a student visa and are applying for a subsequent student visa, and:

  • are younger than 20 years, and

  • held a student visa on your 17th birthday, and

  • have held student visas (or interim visas with study conditions) continuously since turning 17.

New Zealand Police Certificates

If a New Zealand police certificate is required, Immigration New Zealand will obtain one directly from the New Zealand police on your behalf. Obtaining a New Zealand police certificate can take some time, and you should apply for your visa well in advance if it’s likely we’ll need to obtain one.


Police certificates must be less than six months old when you submit your application.

We may ask for further police certificates if your initial police certificate becomes a year old from its date of issue before we make a decision on your application.

Police authorities in some countries will only send the certificate direct to Immigration New Zealand. In such cases we recommend that you request your police certificate three months before you apply for your visa. We also recommend that you provide us with a copy of the receipt for the requested police certificate (if this is available) to help us to track your certificate and as evidence that the police certificate has been applied for.


Police authorities in some countries require a certified set of fingerprints as part of their requirements to provide a police certificate.

If you require a set of fingerprints to apply for a police certificate you will need to approach an authorised fingerprinting provider. You must take you current passport with you when obtaining a certified set of fingerprints.

With the exception of the Auckland region, the New Zealand Police provides a fingerprinting service. For the Auckland region, this service is provided by the New Zealand Postshop branches at Wellesley Street (Auckland City) and Manukau. Police will not provide a fingerprinting service in the Auckland area.

For further information please visit the NZ Post website.

If police certificates are unavailable

If you can’t get a police certificate you must provide a detailed explanation of your attempts to get one. If we are satisfied that police certificates are not available or it would be unduly difficult for you to get them (for example, the authorities of the country will not generally provide such certificates), we may instead ask you to make and provide a separate statutory declaration instead.

If a statutory declaration is required, you must describe your attempts to obtain a police certificate and state whether or not you, or any accompanying family members, have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with offences against the law in that country. The statutory declaration should also be supported by other information about your character.

Country specific guidelines:
