

  • 申请人一个家庭只能递交一个申请,同一个移民类别不能主副申调换递交两个
  • 信用卡在线支付最便捷,还可以办理汇票邮寄给魁省
  • 提交申请后30天支付费用,可以信用卡在线支付,也可以办理汇票邮寄过去
  • 在线抢到名额后,个人账号系统会有一个文件清单 personalized list,根据清单90天内递交申请资料
  • 6.13的8:30开始抢名额,登录自己的账号给10分钟时间提交申请,超时就退出申请,系统右上角有时间提示

1. Can I be the principal applicant in one application and the spouse in a second application?

No, this is not permitted if the applications are submitted under the same immigration category, whether they are submitted as the principal applicant or the spouse. Depending on the case, you must decide whether you or your spouse will be submitting the immigration application using the online Preliminary Evaluation for Immigration on the Immigration-Québec website.

2. How do I pay the fees related to my online application?

Secure online payment by credit card will be the simplest and fastest way to pay the fees related to your application.
You will also be able to send your payment by mail using one of the following payment methods:
Certified cheque drawn on a Canadian bank
Cheque issued by a broker
Cheque from a Canadian business
Canada post money order
Bank draft drawn on a Canadian bank

3. I succeeded in submitting my application, but I have not yet paid the fee. Will my application be processed?

You have 30 days to pay the fee for your application no matter what mode of payment you use. If your payment is made by mail, the required amount must be sent in a single mailing or else your payment will be returned and your application will be deleted.
Moreover, the processing of your application will begin only after the fee has been paid. After the 30-day period has expired, the application will be deleted. Any payment received by mail after this time will be returned to the applicant.

4. How do I send the documents necessary for processing an online application?

When the Ministère is ready to process your application, a personalized list of required documents will be sent to your Mon projet Québec account. You will be given 90 days to send the documents by mail. Processing of your application will begin once the Ministère has received these documents.
If you are unable to submit a document in the format requested, you must send an explanation in writing to the Ministère.

5. How long can I stay in my account?

During the application intake period starting on June 13 at 8:30 a.m. (Montréal time), the time allowed will be 10 minutes. When this time runs out, the session will expire. Outside the intake period, you will have one hour to complete or change your application.

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系统现在不能进,还在维护中,今天晚上8:30之后可以进 。

En raison d’un entretien technique, Mon projet Québec sera hors service entre le 7 juin 2016 à 7 h et le 8 juin 2016 à 8 h 30 (heure de Montréal).

6.13 放名额前让可以自己先登录系统练练手, 登录网址:http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/informations/mon-projet-quebec/index.html 点击Sign in 然后Virtual waiting room 排队等着,直到提示可以登陆自己账号,登陆账号后按照操作提示操作下。


French and English tests that were valid on April 1, 2015, will be accepted for the current year. If this is the case, indicate the date in the “Date de la session” field.

魁北克官网常见问题 http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/informations/mon-projet-quebec/faq.html

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可以的, 语言成绩可以后补














