


  • 491—2200个

  • 190—1100个



  1. 拥有与关键岗位(一般是健康、专职健康、基础设施工程)相关的工作经验且通过职业评估的申请人。

  2. 具有与塔州紧缺职业清单TSOL相关的工作经验且通过职业评估的申请人。

  3. 具有其他技能类工作经验(ANZSCO Skill Level 1-3)且通过职业评估的申请人。

  4. 为澳大利亚当地公民、永久居民或临时签证持有者提供大量就业机会的新企业主。

  5. 具备与塔州需求相关的技能或培训经历,并能够通过其技能工作为塔州做出真正贡献的其他所有符合要求的申请人。


2021-22 Program Purpose and Priorities

The Tasmanian State Nomination Skilled Migration Program supports Tasmanian businesses and increases the state’s working age population. It does this by attracting and retaining migrants with skills genuinely in need by employers, or with the capacity to settle in Tasmania through skilled employment in the long-term, and business activities that will increase employment opportunities for locals.

Migration Tasmania’s nomination priorities are:

  1. Candidates with an employment and a skills assessment related to critical roles* (generally health, allied health, infrastructure engineering).
  2. Candidates with an employment and skills assessment related to the Tasmanian Skilled Occupation List.
  3. Candidates in other skilled employment (ANZSCO Skill Level 1-3) with a related skills assessment.
  4. New business owners providing substantial employment opportunities for local Australian citizens, permanent residents or provisional visa holders.
  5. All other eligible candidates with skills or training relevant to the needs of Tasmania and who are able to make a genuine contribution to Tasmania through skilled employment.

Applications are being considered according to these priorities, with those in critical roles nominated first.

Existing applicants who are not in critical roles are being considered only after priority applications for critical roles have been processed.

In practice, applicants in Priorities 1-3 will be approved and nominated on an ongoing basis.

Periodically, other eligible applicants will be nominated if sufficient quota places are available.

Given the limited number of nomination places available, priority 4 and 5 applicants may not receive an outcome for some weeks after their application is considered.

*What are critical roles?

These roles include people:

  • engaged by the Tasmanian Government and directly assisting in Tasmania’s COVID-19 response
  • providing critical medical services including all general nursing and medical positions with the Tasmanian Health Service
  • highly skilled and specialised roles in:
    • infrastructure engineering and maintenance such as dams, large-/high-complexity bridges, irrigation schemes, transport logistics planning and maintenance
    • agriculture such as artificial insemination technicians, livestock pregnancy scanners, and
    • the supply of essential goods and services which would be in jeopardy without the applicant.

Lower skilled positions such as retail workers, harvest labour, delivery drivers, or warehouse staff are not included as critical roles.


Category 1 塔州留学生类别


  • 雇主经营状况良好,且已在塔州经营至少12个月

  • 工作时长已超过3个月

  • 申请人自己拥有的生意已经持续经营至少6个月,或者

  • 如果申请人在乳制品、肉类、住宿、物流或农业行业受雇,则应至少工作6个月且完成至少 Cert III 的相关行业培训。

Category 2 塔州工作类别

  • 职业属于TSOL,至少3个月的相关工作经验并且通过职业评估的申请人可申请491州担保;

  • 482签证持有者,如工作未满12个月,需要提供现任雇主的确认信(a letter of support);

  • 关于经营良好的企业,有了更详细的说明:

    • 有永久的商业标识

    • 有积极/持续的在线宣传,广告和营销

    • 注册的商业地址在塔斯马尼亚境内

    • 有本地固定电话号码

    • 有非“休闲”或“虚拟”的持续办公空间(非住宅地址)(包括公司/共享办公室)

    • 在指定的营业地点有永久的雇员代表。



  • 持有出境澳大利亚的过桥签B

  • 持有入境新西兰或其他旅行泡沫(travel bubble)国家的有效签证

  • 如果无法获得入境旅行泡沫国家的有效签证,则需要证明申请人满足澳大利亚旅行豁免的要求并提供以下材料:

    • 当前雇主的证明信,确定会为申请者保留工作岗位:

    • 出入境安排的相关证明
