1. 准备材料 Prepare your documents
You need to provide documents to prove the claims you make in the application. The documents are listed in the Document checklist.
Some documents could take some time to obtain. You should have them ready when you lodge the application to reduce any delays in processing.
2. 递交申请 Lodge your application
47PA表Application for a parent to migrate to Australia
40表Sponsorship for migration to Australia
47A表 Details of child or other dependent family member aged 18 years or over
邮箱询问表 Parent Visa Centre Enquiry Form
The forms must be completed in English. You must provide all relevant documents and pay the first instalment of the visa application charge when you apply.
You can pay by credit card, bank cheque or money order made payable to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
The application can be lodged at any of our offices in Australia, or alternatively, will need to be posted or couriered to the Perth office in Western Australia - attention Parent Visa Centre.
如果申请人有未完成的其它类型的父母签证的申请(例如,高龄父母804签证),现在想申请884签证,那么在申请澳洲境内年迈父母付费临时签证时或之前,就必须撤销其804签证申请,更多详情请见:Form47PA Application for a parent to migrate to Australia
If you have an unfinalised application for any other type of parent visa (for example, an Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)) and want to switch to this visa, you must withdraw the other visa application at the same time or before you apply for the Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884). Further information is availableundefined document entitled: 'Form’Form 47PA Application for a parent to migrate to Australia.
3.等待决定Wait for a decision
在处理申请的时候,申请人有资格申请过桥签证以确保合法地在澳洲居住。如果在等待最终决定的过程中,申请人要去澳洲境外,那么他就必须申请一个过桥签证B类 Bridging visa B (BVB)
We processes applications for this visa in the order in which they are lodged, subject to service standards
Applications for this visa are not currently subject to capping. Based on current planning levels, the processing time is 12 to 24 months depending on your circumstances. Currently, there are enough places available to cater for demand for these visas.
When a case officer has been assigned, we assess your application to check whether you qualify for this visa (including health and character requirements).
If you qualify for the visa, we ask for the second instalment of the visa application charge. We then make a final decision about your visa application.
You will be eligible for a Bridging visa that lets you to stay in the country lawfully while your application is processed. You should apply for Bridging visa B (BVB) if you want to travel outside Australia while you wait for a decision.
4. 补料 Provide more information
在申请审核期间,申请人可以随时补充资料,如果有需要更改的信息,可以填写Form 1023 - Notification of incorrect answer(s) 。
You can provide more information to us, at any time until a decision is made on the application. If you want to correct information you provided, use:
Form 1023 - Notification of incorrect answer(s) (99KB PDF)
We could also ask you for more information. You will have to respond by a set date. After that date, we can make a decision about your application using the information that we have.
If another person gives us information that could result in you being refused a visa, we will usually give you the opportunity to comment on the information.
You might also be interviewed. If you are asked to attend an interview in person, bring your passport or other identification and any requested documents to the interview.
5.通知申请人情况的变动 Report changes in your circumstances
申请人可以通过ImmiAccount 通知移民局自己情况的变动,也可通过填写下列表格
You must tell us if your circumstances change. This includes a new residential address, a new passport, or a pregnancy, birth, divorce, separation, marriage, de facto relationship or death in your family.
Please report changes in your circumstances via ImmiAccount. If you are not able to use ImmiAccount, you can use the following forms:
Form 929 - Change of address and/or passport details (有了新的居住地址或新的护照请填此表)
Form 1022 - Notification of changes in circumstances (其它的变动请填此表)
上述表可以通过 [email protected].发给申请人的case负责人。
If you do not provide us with the details of any new passport issued to you, you could experience significant delays at the airport and may be denied permission to board your plane.
You can send these forms electronically to your case officer via [email protected].
6. 撤销申请 Withdrawing your application
将签过字的撤销信通过 [email protected].发给申请人的case负责人。
You can withdraw the application at any time before we make a decision. To do this, send us a letter or email to ask for the withdrawal. Your request must include your full name and date of birth. If you know it, you should also include the number we gave you when you applied – this could be a file reference number, client ID, or a Transaction Reference Number.
Applicants who are 18 years of age or older must sign the letter of withdrawal or send a separate email or letter.
We will not usually refund the visa application charge.
You can send your signed letter of withdrawal to your case officer at [email protected].
7. 签证决定 Visa decision
- 何时可使用该签证
- 签证授权编号
- 该签证的附加条件
- 被拒签的原因
- 申请人的担保人能够申请对该决定进行复审
- 提交一份上诉的截止日期。
If the visa is granted, we will let you know:
- when you can use the visa
- the visa grant number
- any conditions attached to the visa.
You will not have a visa label placed in your passport.
If the visa is not granted, we will let you know:
- why the visa was refused
- your review rights (if any). Where applicable, your sponsor can apply for the decision to be reviewed
- the time limit for lodging an appeal.