新西兰学生签证申请指南 Studying in NZ


新西兰 学生签证 允许申请人在一段时间内以学习为目的入境新西兰。申请人需要在入境前提交签证申请。


  • 如果您是全额付费留学生,您可能被授予的学生签证有效期为您支付的课程时间 (最长不超过四年)。或者
  • 如果您是获得全额奖学金或者学费奖学金的学生,您可能被授予的学生签证有效期是您被授予奖学金的时间(最长不超过四年)。



  • 中学学习
  • 高等教育学习,包括10个等级:Immigration New Zealand
    • 1-4级证书
    • 4-6级文凭
    • 7级学士学位、毕业文凭或证书
    • 8级研究生文凭或证书、荣誉学士学位
    • 9级硕士学位
    • 10级博士学位
  • 英语语言证书



在线申请入口: Immigration Online



在中国申请学生签证的费用(2015 年 12 月7 日更新的):

  • 申请费RMB1430元
  • 申请人需要向签证中心支付签证服务费225元人民币;
  • 需要邮寄护照而非亲自前往签证中心取件的申请人,需要支付每本护照人民币50元的邮费。



  • 如果亲自前往签证中心递交,可以现金的方式支付。
  • 如果通过邮寄申请,可以银行转帐。

新西兰学生签证申请材料清单-普通类别(STUDENT VISA – GENERAL)

Immigration New Zealand reserves the right to request additional information in the course of assessing an application and to retain information and documents on file.

If you provide false or misleading information your application may be declined.

All clients aged 17 or over must complete the supplementary form.
所有 17 岁及 17 岁以上的申请人须完整填写补充申请表。

You do not have to provide original documents when you lodge your application, but if you
choose to, please provide a copy along with the original.
在递交申请时可以不提供申请材料的原件。 如果您选择提供原件,请同时提供原件和 复印件。

FORM AND FEE 表格、申请费用

  • Student Visa application form INZ 1012 PDF 学生签证申请表
  • Supplementary Form for Chinese Visitors, Students and Workers – INZ 1027 PDF (CHINESE NATIONALS AND PEOPLE BORN IN CHINA ONLY)补充申请表,仅适用于中国公民以及在中国出生的申请人的访问、学生及工作申请(INZ1027)
  • Supplementary Form for Hong Kong and Macau Visitors, Workers and Students (INZ 1220) (HOLDERS OF HKSAR AND HKBNO PASSPORTS, HOLDERS OF HONG KONG DOCUMENTS OF IDENTITY and HOLDERS of MACAU SAR PASSPORTS and TRAVEL PERMIT ONLY)补充表适用于香港及澳门居民的访问、学生及工作申请(INZ1220) 仅香港特别行政区,香港英国国民海外护照持有人,香港签证身份书持有人,澳门特别行政区护照及旅行证持有人)


  • Your current Passport有效护照
  • A copy of the identity page of your passport护照个人资料页复印件
  • Copy of Chinese identity card (CHINESE NATIONALS ONLY)中国身份证副本(仅中国公民)
  • 2 recent passport sized photos of passport quality申请人近期护照照片 2 张
  • Evidence of Family Relationship 家庭关系证明
    • Relationship Certificate (Kinship)亲属关系公证书
    • Your household registration book (Hukou) (CHINESE NATIONALS ONLY)申请人户口簿(仅中国公民)
    • Birth Certificate 出生证明
  • Consent letter from parents if student is under 16 years old 父母同意信(不满16周岁申请人需提供)
  • Evidence of qualifications held (if any)学历证明材料(如适用)
  • Copy of Hong Kong/ Macau ID Card (HONG KONG AND MACAU RESIDENTS ONLY)香港/澳门身份证复印件(仅适用于香港和澳门居民)


  • A plan outlining your intentions, both short term and long term, for study in New Zealand一份概述在新西兰短期和长期学习目的计划书
  • An unconditional offer of place from a New Zealand educational provider detailing由新西兰教育机构出具的无条件入学接收信,该接收信必须包括:
    • the name of the course and the minimum time required for completing it; and课程名称及级别,包括完成课程所需的最低学时
    • evidence that the course and education provider meet foreign student requirements; and课程及学校是否符合招收国际学生的条件的证明
    • the amount of the fee for the complete course, or,if the course is longer than one year, the annual fee; and 整个课程的学费说明,若课程时间超过一年,有关年度学费的说明
    • whether or not you have to pay course fees and whether the fees are domestic or foreign fees; and学生是否需要支付学费以及学费属于国内学生费用还是国际学生费用
    • whether you are a is full-time or part-time student学生是全日制学习还是非全日制学习
  • Fee-paying students who are under the age of 18 must provide evidence of accommodation in New Zealand. 不满 18 周岁的自费留学生必须提供停留新西兰期间的住宿证明
  • Students undertaking a full time programme of study of at least 120 credits during a period of at least 8 months , should provide evidence from their education provider of the vacation periods and the credit rating of their programme of study, unless this information is included in the Offer of Place.就读至少8 个月时间且 120 学分以上的全日制课程学生如果计划在假期全职工作,需要提供就读院校出具的相关假期安排及课程学分的证明(除非此信息已在入取通知书中体现出来)。


  • Evidence of funds for maintenance and tuition for the period of intended study in New Zealand, which could include:证明申请人有足够资金支付在新西兰停留期间的生活和学习费用的材料。证明材料可以但不限于以下种类:

    • A completed Financial Undertaking for a Student formINZ 1014 PDF; or,填写完整的资金担保表 Financial Undertaking for a Student formINZ 1014 PDF;或,
    • A completed Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry (INZ 1025); or 一份填写完整的新西兰访问签证担保表;Funds Transfer Scheme agreement 留学专用帐户协议;或
    • Original bank deposit certificate 银行存款证明原件
  • Other supporting financial evidence can be:其他财务状况的支持文件可以是:

    • Bank statement from yourself, or your supporter for the past 6 months申请人或资金担保人过去6 个月的银行转帐/活动记录
    • Personal Income tax returns 个人所得税交税回执单
    • Stock transaction reports 股票交易记录
  • Letter from parents or the person responsible for your financial support detailing:由父母或其他资金担保人出具的信函, 详细说明:

    • Annual income (including bonuses and commission earned) 年度总收入(包括奖金和所有提成)
    • Length of employment and position held 雇佣期限和所担任的职务
    • Personal tax records 个人所得税缴付记录
  • For self employed supporters:如资金担保人为自营业主,请提供:

    • Business license with capital verification report营业执照以及验资报告
    • Recent business tax returns with income statement近期企业所得税税单
    • Recent stamped bank documents showing daily business transactions 近期企业银行对帐单,显示每日交易内容


If you are coming to New Zealand for 24 months or longer you must provide a police certificates as evidence of your good character. See how to obtain a Police Certificate for information on what to do 如计划在新西兰逗留时间为 24 个月或以上,须提供无刑事犯罪公证书 police certificates。


  • If you are a foreign fee paying student and NOT a PhD student or New Zealand Aid Programme supported student, you must provide a completed Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) PDF.Please note that a chest x -ray certificate is NOT required if:

  • you have provided a Chest X –ray Certificate to INZ within the 36 months preceding this application, and

  • you have not spent the previous six consecutive months in China, Hong Kong or another country that is not a low -incidence country for tuberculosis (TB).

  • 如您是普通国际学生,而不是就读博士课程的学生或由新西兰 助学项目支持的学生,您须递交完整的短期入境签证胸部X光表 Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) PDF。短期入境签证胸部X 光表在以下情况下无需递交:

    • 如已在此申请之前 36 个月之内递交过入境签证胸部X光表,并且
    • 过去连续6 个月中您未在中国、香港或其他肺结核高发国家逗留。
  • If you are a PhD student or a New Zealand Aid Programme supported student and you intend to be in New Zealand for more than six months but less than one year, you must provide a completed Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) PDF.Please note that a chest x-ray certificate is NOT required if:

  • you have provided a Chest X –ray Certificate to INZ within the 36 months preceding this application, and

  • you have not spent the previous six consecutive months in China, Hong Kong or another country that is not a low-incidence country for tuberculosis (TB).

  • 如您是就读博士课程的学生或由新西兰助学项目支持的学生,并计划在新西兰逗留时间超过6 个月但少于 12 个月,须递交完整的短期入境签证胸部X 光表 Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) PDF。短期入境签证胸部X 光表在以下情况下无需递交:

    • 如已在此申请之前 36 个月之内递交过入境签证胸部X光表,并且
    • 过去连续6 个月中您未在中国、香港或其他肺结核高发国家逗留。
  • If you are a PhD student or a New Zealand Aid Programme supported student and you intend to be in New Zealand for more than one year, you must provide :

  • a completed General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007) unless you have provided a Medical Certificate to INZ within the 36 months preceding your application, and

  • a completed Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096)PDF.

  • Please note that a chest x-ray certificate is NOT required if:

  • you have provided a Chest X–ray Certificate to INZ within the 36 months preceding this application, and

  • you have not spent the previous six consecutive months in China, Hong Kong or another country that is not a low-incidence country for tuberculosis (TB).

  • 如您是就读博士课程的学生或由新西兰助学项目支持的学生, 并计划在新西兰逗留时间超过 1 年,须递交

    • 完整的普通体格检查表 General Medical Certificate (INZ1007),除非您已在此申请之前 36 个月之内递交过体格检查表,并且
    • 完整的短期入境签证胸部 X 光表 Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) PDF。
  • 短期入境签证胸部 X 光表在以下情况下无需递交:

    • 如已在此申请之前 36 个月之内递交过入境签证胸部 X光表,并且
    • 过去连续 6 个月中您未在中国、香港或其他肺结核高发国家逗留。
  • Certificates must be less than 3 months old when the application is submitted.体格检查表须在此申请递交前 3 个月内完成。


Evidence that you made satisfactory progress previously, which could include:能够证明您在新西兰期间学习情况的材料, 包括但不限于:

  • Academic transcripts 学习成绩单
  • Letter from Institution 新西兰教育机构出具的证明信


新西兰学生签证-普通类别材料清单: http://www.vfsglobal.cn/NewZealand/china/chinese/pdf/student_Visa_120116.pdf

新西兰学生签证申请表下载地址: http://www.immigration.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/1939D919-202D-4388-83C3-C934016C3BB9/0/INZ1012.pdf

新西兰学生签证官网介绍: Immigration New Zealand
