SINP OASIS 萨省技术移民在线系统填写指南-飞出国
SINP OASIS Online Application 系统适用于萨省 国际技术移民(International Skilled Worker Category),萨省经验类移民(Saskatchewan Experience Category)和萨省企业家移民(SINP Entrepreneur)。
附件是2018年2月最新系统的在线系统填写用户指南: SINP – OASIS User Guide for Applicants-105900-SINP-OASISUserGuideforApplicants-flyabroad-201802.pdf (2.6 MB)。
Skilled Worker or Economic Immigration Applicant Registration
Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program - Online Application
Your application can only be submitted once it is complete. You can save your application and submit it at a later date. Once you have submitted your application online, you will not be allowed to make any changes.
SINP applicants with a job offer and/or work experience in a regulated occupation that requires mandatory or compulsory certification or licensure must provide proof of eligibility for licensure as part of their SINP application.
Criteria - Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program - flyabroad
Please read through and ensure that you have reviewed the following criteria before you begin your application.
International Skilled Worker Category:
- Employment Offer Sub-Category,
- Occupations in Demand Sub-Category and
- Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category
Saskatchewan Experience Category:
- Existing Work Permit Sub-Category,
- Health Profession Sub-Category,
- Hospitality Sector Pilot Project Sub-Category,
- Long Haul Truck Driver Sub-Category and
- Student Sub-Category
SINP Entrepreneur:
- Must have a documented and supported net worth of no less than $500,000
- Must make a minimum equity investment of no less than $200,000; or $300,000 if proposing a business in Regina or Saskatoon
- Have a minimum of three years of relevant senior management experience or entrepreneur experience gained in the past ten years.
A guide for OASIS users who wish to submit an application to the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program. Updated February 2018.