SINP Health Profession Sub-Category Checklist-SINP健康专业人士移民材料清单

SINP Health Profession Sub-Category-SINP经验类移民健康专业人士申请条件 继续讨论:



  1. Identity and Civil Status documents 身份证明材料
  • Birth Certificates, that lists both parents 出生证明
  • Marriage Certificate 婚姻证明
  • Proof of common-law relationship (if applicable)
  • Death Certificate of former spouse (if applicable)
  • Adoption papers (if applicable)
  • Final divorce, custody and maintenance documents
  1. Passports 护照
    • Copies of the passports for: and expiry, photo, name, date and place of birth
  2. Work Experience Credentials 工作证明材料
  3. SINP Job Approval Letter
  4. Offer of Permanent, Full-time Employment in Saskatchewan
  5. Temporary Work Permit
  6. Education/Training Credentials 学历证明材料
  7. Regulatory/Licensing Credentials (if applicable)
  8. Police Reports (if applicable)


  • SINP Ethical Conduct Disclosure and Declaration Form 主申副申都需要签字
  • IMM-0008 Generic Application Form for Canada主申签字
  • Schedule A: Background/Declaration主申、副申每人一个表格
  • Schedule 4: Economic Classes – Provincial Nominee主申、副申每人一个表格
  • Supplementary Information – Your Travels主申
  • IMM-5406 Additional Family Information主申、副申每人一个表格

P.S. 对医师、护士和其他健康专业人士的Offer要求不同。


飞出国:萨省省提名经验类移民医生类别,要求满足学历及从业要求且已经在萨省医疗机构或医学教育机构工作6个月以上,持有永久的全职雇主 offer,且雇主已经帮助申请了 JAL。

Through the Physician stream, Saskatchewan can nominate physicians for permanent residency if they:

  • Have the educational and professional qualifications to work here; and
  • Meet the SINP criteria for nomination. The criteria can change at any time, but we’ll use what was on this website when we received your complete application.


To qualify in the Physician stream, you’ll need to:

  • Have a valid work permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  • Have been practicing as a physician in Saskatchewan for at least six months.
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer that’s been:
    • Issued by a provincial health authority or the health education institution where you’re currently working; and/or
    • Verified with documents that describe your permanent arrangement to practice medicine in a Saskatchewan medical office. These could be:
      • A business plan or contract;
      • A partnership agreement; or
      • Other documents describing your practice.
  • Have a valid SINP Job Approval Letter(JAL).

The SINP will also obtain a letter of support from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CoPSS). The letter must state your type of licence and expiry date, and CoPSS’ support for you to become a permanent resident in Saskatchewan. We may also ask for a letter from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada stating that you’re licensed in a particular specialty.

The program criteria can change at any time, but we’ll use what was on this website when we received your complete application.

飞出国:萨省省提名经验类移民护士类别(SINP Apply as a Worker with Saskatchewan Work Experience - Health Professionals - Nurses stream),要求满足学历及从业要求且已经在萨省医疗机构或医学教育机构工作6个月以上,持有永久的全职雇主 offer,且雇主已经帮助申请了 JAL。

Through the Nurses stream, Saskatchewan can nominate Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Psychiatric Nurses or Registered Nurses (RN) for permanent residency if they:

  • Have the educational and professional qualifications to work here; and
  • Meet the SINP criteria for nomination. The criteria can change at any time, but we’ll use what was on this website when we received your complete application.


To qualify in the Nurses stream, you’ll need to:

  • Have a valid work permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • Have been practicing as a nurse in Saskatchewan for at least six months
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer from:
  • Have a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.

The SINP will confirm with the appropriate licensing body that you have an unrestricted licence to practice in Saskatchewan.

Applications from nurses hired by publicly-funded health employers who are not covered by nursing collective agreements will be reviewed individually.

The program criteria can change at any time, but we’ll use what was on this website when we received your complete application.

飞出国:萨省省提名经验类移民其他健康专业人员类别(SINP Apply as a Worker with Saskatchewan Work Experience - Health Professionals - Other Health Professions),要求一年以上高等学历,已经在萨省医疗机构从事医疗健康职业6个月以上,持有萨斯喀彻温地区卫生局,萨斯喀彻温省癌症局或其他健康机构雇主的永久的全职 job offer。获得 JAL,NOC C 类职业有雅思 CLB 4,同时具有证明可以胜任该工作的注册机构或雇主的证明。

Saskatchewan can nominate health professionals for permanent residency through the Other Health Professions stream, if they:

  • Are currently working in health jobs supported by the appropriate regional health authority, licensing body (as applicable) or other employer;
  • Are in the National Occupational Classification Matrix level “A”, “B”, “C” or “0”;
  • Have at least one academic year of post-secondary education or job specific training; and
  • Meet the SINP criteria for nomination. The criteria can change at any time, but we’ll use what was on this website when we received your complete application.
  • Visit Saskatchewan Regulatory Bodies for a list of regulatory authorities in Saskatchewan.


To qualify in the Other Health Professions stream, you’ll need to:

  • Have a valid work permit from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  • Have been working in an approved health job in Saskatchewan, for at least six months for the employer offering you the permanent job, in the same job position.
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer from:
  • Have a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.
  • Have a minimum language score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4 if your job offer is in a NOC ‘C’ occupation.
  • Have proof of eligibility for Saskatchewan licensure if your occupation is regulated in Saskatchewan and requires mandatory (compulsory) certification or licensure.

The SINP will also obtain:

  • A letter of support from the appropriate licensing body; and
  • A letter of support from your employer that states your position was posted as per the relevant collective agreement and remains vacant.

The program criteria can change at any time, but we’ll use what was on this website when we received your complete application.

SINP Health Professionals 材料清单 - 飞出国2018

1. 临时工作许可 - 飞出国


2. 工作经验证明 - 飞出国


  • 说明申请人工作岗位、工作开始时间、工作时长、主要职责/责任的雇主信;
  • 表明雇主姓名、申请人工作岗位、工作小时数的工资单副本;和/或
  • 工作记录。

3. 工作offer要求 - 飞出国

申请人必须具备萨省雇主提供的全职长期工作雇主信,职业类别属于NOC 0、A、B和C类,薪资及工作条件需符合加拿大职业标准。

  • 雇主信:
    • 提供给主申请人;
    • 表明工作职位、职责和责任、薪资、福利以及公司联系信息;
    • 提供申请人在萨省的工作地点(例如镇/城市);
    • 打印在公司信头纸上;
    • 有雇主签字。
  • Job Approval Letter(JAL):
    • 雇主必须在SINP的雇主网站上进行注册,以评估申请人所申请的职业;
    • 一旦工作职位被批准,雇主将收到包括申请人职位、姓名和NOC代码在内的Job Approval Letter;
    • 申请人的申请需同SINP的Job Approval Letter一并提交。

4. 语言证明 - 飞出国


  • 提供指定语言测试机构给出的语言考试成绩;
  • 申请人需达到英语和/或法语CLB4或以上的语言水平;
  • 提交申请时语言成绩必须是两年之内的;
  • 可接受的语言考试包括G类雅思IELTS(至少听4.5、读3.5、写4、说4),G类思培CELPIP(至少听读写说每项为4),法语TEF(至少听145、读121、写181、说181)。

5. 教育/培训证书 - 飞出国

  • 教育或技能证书,学位或文凭;如适用需提供正式的成绩单副本;以上材料能体现出申请人的学校及所学课程;
  • 专业名称,专业执照和/或专业协会会员资格;以及
  • 医生职业无需提供学位和成绩单,只需专业指定证明。

6. 监管或许可证书 - 飞出国

  • 如果申请人为内科医生或护士,必须提供当前在萨省从事工作的无限制许可证副本;
  • 如果许可证即将过期,必须尽快提供新的许可证副本给SINP;
  • 如果申请人为护士,SINP将会与以下机构确认申请人具备在萨省从事工作的无限制许可证:
    • 萨省注册精神病护士协会(RPNAS);
    • 萨省执业护士协会(SALPN);
    • 萨省注册护士协会(SRNA);
  • 如果申请人为内科医生,SINP将会要求萨省内外科医生协会(CoPSS)开具支持函,表明申请人的许可证类型和有效期,以及支持申请人成为永久居民;
  • 如有需要SINP还可以要求加拿大皇家内外科医师学院出具信函,表明申请人持有特定专业领域的许可证;
  • 对于其他卫生专业人员,如果申请人打算在萨省从事监管或强制认证的职业,必须证明已通过萨省的职业认证,并将认证报告同申请一并提交。

7. 身份证件及民事身份文件 - 飞出国

  • 以下人员的出生证明(列出父母双方):
    • 主申请人;
    • 配偶或同居伴侣(如适用);
    • 每一个孩子,包括不随行至加拿大的;
  • 如果申请人已婚或丧偶,需提供:
    • 结婚证书,和/或;
    • 之前配偶的死亡证明(如适用);
  • 如果是同居伴侣关系,需提供:
    • IMM 5409 Declaration of Common-Law Union;和
    • 至少一年的同居关系证明(例如银行或金融机构出具的能够显示银行、信托、信用合作社或收费卡的联名账户;主申签署的联名租赁或抵押文件副本;除住宅之外的共有财产证明副本;向主副申双方发出的账单或收据副本;以对方为受益人的人寿保险副本;等等);
  • 如果申请人是离婚状态,需提供:
    • 最终的离婚文件;
    • 子女监护权的支持文件(如适用);
  • 收养子女的领养文件(如适用);
  • 如果有未成年子女,无论是否随行,都需提供:
    • 父母另一方提供的已知晓主申打算移居加拿大的声明信,不存在未解决子女监护权或抚养费用问题;
    • 证明申请人对未成年子女具有监护权,带领孩子移民的行为合法(如适用);
  • 如果有未成年子女不随行,必须提供:
    • 子女的姓名、年龄和联系方式(邮寄和电子邮件地址、电话号码);
    • 每一个子女不随行的详细理由,及支持文件(例如:合法分居)。

8. 护照 - 飞出国


9. 无犯罪证明(如适用) - 飞出国


Required Documents for Health Professionals

You must provide any required documents to prove you’re eligible for SINP nomination. You’ll also need these documents to prove your identity, work experience, academic credentials, language ability, finances, etc. The SINP may also ask for more documentation that is not listed below.

General Guidelines

All required documents must be clear and easy-to-read copies of the original documents. If your documents aren’t in English of French, you must submit the following:

  • A copy of the original document;
  • A copy of the English or French translation of the document; and,
  • A copy of an affidavit from the translator, describing their translation ability.

About Translators

Translators must be:

Translators must not be:

  • A family member
  • A spouse
  • Anyone who works for or who is a paid consultant or representative preparing your application.

Make sure translations meet all federal requirements when you’re applying for permanent residency.

If your documents are unclear, missing, or not translated into English or French, your application will be rejected and the SINP will send you instructions on what is missing and how to apply again.

Required Documents

The following are the required documents you’ll need for your application:

1. Temporary Work Permit

You must submit a copy of your valid temporary work permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

2. Work Experience Credentials

You must submit proof that you have worked in a paid position for more than six months under a temporary work permit issued by IRCC for the employer offering you the permanent job.

Submit one or more of the following:

  • a letter from your employer(s) indicating your job position, start date of employment, length of employment, main duties/responsibilities;
  • copies of your paystubs that show the employers name, your position, and the hours worked; and/or,
  • record of employment.

3. Job Offer Requirements

You must have a letter of offer for full-time, permanent employment from a Saskatchewan employer in a NOC Matrix level “0”, “A”, “B” or “C’ health occupation.

All positions must offer wages and working conditions that match Canadian standards in that occupation.

The Letter of Offer must:

  • be addressed to the principal applicant;
  • state the job title, duties and responsibilities, wage, benefits, and company contact information;
  • list the location (i.e., town/city) of your position in Saskatchewan;
  • be issued on the company’s letterhead; and,
  • be signed by the employer.

Your job offer must be approved by the SINP before you apply, or your application will be rejected.

  • Your employer must register online to have the position that you are applying with assessed.
  • Once the position is approved, your employer will receive a Job Approval Letter that includes your position, name and NOC code.
  • Submit a copy of the SINP Job Approval Letter with your application.

4. Language Credentials

If your job offer is classified as a NOC “C” occupation,

  • You must provide valid language test results from a designated testing agency;
  • You must have English and/or French language ability of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 4 or higher;
  • Your test results cannot be more than two years old at the time of application; and,
  • CLB 4 is the minimum; however, employers and regulatory bodies may require higher language scores.

The acceptable tests and equivalence to CLB 4 (minimum scores) are:

Name of Test Minimal Scores
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training Listening - 4.5,Reading - 3.5,Writing - 4,Speaking - 4
The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP-General) Listening - 4,Reading - 4,Writing - 4,Speaking - 4
The Test d’évaluation de français (for French language) Listening - 145,Reading - 121,Writing - 181,Speaking - 181

5. Education/Training Credentials

You must submit documents to verify your education. Please submit the following:

  • education/trade certificates, degrees, or diplomas, including official transcripts showing school(s) attended and courses taken.
  • professional designations, professional licences and/or professional association memberships (if applicable).

If you are a physician , you are not required to provide your degree(s) and transcripts. We will only require proof of your professional designation.

6. Regulatory or Licensing Credentials

If you are a physician or a nurse, you must provide a copy of your licence that allows you to practice in Saskatchewan. The licence must be current and unrestricted.

If your licence is about to expire, you must supply the SINP with a copy of your new licence as soon as possible.

If you are a nurse , the SINP will confirm with the appropriate licensing body that you have an unrestricted licence to practice in Saskatchewan. The licensing body must be one of the following:

If you are a physician , the SINP will obtain a letter of support from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CoPSS). CoPSS must confirm your type of licence and expiry date and state their support for you to obtain permanent residence. If applicable, a letter from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada indicating that you have licensing in a particular specialty.

For Other Health Professions , if you are working in an occupation that is regulated in Saskatchewan and requires mandatory (compulsory) certification or licensing in Saskatchewan, you must obtain proof of eligibility to be licensed to work in that profession in Saskatchewan. Submit this proof with your SINP application.

7. Identity and Civil Status Documents

You need to provide the following documents to confirm your identity and civil status:

  • Birth Certificates that list both parents for:
    • You (the principal applicant);
    • Your spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and,
    • Each dependent child, including any who’ll not come with you to Canada.
  • If you are married or widowed you must include:
    • A marriage certificate; and/or,
    • A death certificate of your former spouse (if applicable).
  • If you are in a common-law relationship you must include:
    • IMM 5409 Declaration of Common-Law Union and,
    • Proof of at least one year of common-law relationship. (e.g., statements or letters from a bank or financial institute showing a joint bank, trust, credit union, or charge card account; a copy of your signed joint lease or mortgage; a copy of jointly-owned property, apart from your residence; a copy of bills or receipts made to both of you; a copy of life insurance naming the other partner as the beneficiary, etc.).
  • If you or your spouse is divorced you must include:
    • Final divorce documents for all divorces; and,
    • Custody and child support documents (if applicable).
  • Adoption papers for your dependent children who were adopted (if applicable).
  • If you have dependent children, whether or not they and their other parent are coming with you to Canada, include:
    • A letter from the other parent stating that they are aware of your intention to immigrate to Canada (with or without the child/children) and that there are no outstanding custody or child support issues; or
    • Proof of custody for the child/children under the age of majority and proof that you have legal authority to remove the child/children from your home country (if applicable).
  • If you have dependent children that are not coming with you to Canada you must include:
    • Their name, age and contact information (mailing and email address, and phone number); and,
    • A detailed reason why each dependent is not accompanying you, along with supporting documentation (e.g. legal separation).

8. Passports

Your passport must be valid throughout the immigration process (from application to permanent residency). You’ll need to include copies of pages in your passport that show the passport number, date of issue, expiry date, photo, name and place of birth for:

  • You (the principal applicant);
  • Your spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and,
  • All dependent children accompanying you to Canada (if applicable).

If you live in a country that is different from your nationality, please include a copy of your visa for the country in which you currently live.

9. Police Report(s) (if applicable)

If you or any dependent over the age of 18 has committed an offence or has been convicted of a crime, you must provide a copy of a police report from the country or countries where the offense(s) occurred and your current country of residence. In addition to the police report, submit any proof of rehabilitation, if applicable.


