萨省技术移民无雇主offer类别 NOC 4151 Psychologists心理学家注册-飞出国
申请萨省技术移民无雇主offer类别,紧缺职业NOC4151 Psychologists心理学家,需要获得Saskatchewan College of Psychologists (SCP) 萨斯喀彻温心理学家学院的临时执业许可(Provisional Practice Licence)。
- NP: non-practising member, someone not actively working as a psychologist
- FP: full-practising member, able to practise without supervision or any other restrictions
- PP: provisional practice member, has been granted a provisional license to practise until they complete the remaining requirements of registration, which is most often additional supervised experience
NOC 4151心理学家申请萨省省提名只需满足Provisional Practice (PP) 申请条件,获得Provisional Licence即可。
- 获得院校颁发的心理学专业或心理学课程为主的硕士或博士学位;且
- 教育院校需要是加拿大大学联盟,或美国心理学协会,或美国教育理事会认可的教育机构;或
- 美国和加拿大境外申请人需要先通过IQAS或ICEC学历对等认证
The acceptable academic credentials for licensure with the SCP “has a Master’s or Doctoral degree in a program that primarily consisted of psychology classes from an educational institution recognized by the Council”
Council will consider an application supported by transcripts from educational programs outside North America, where an evaluation report by the International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) or the International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES) finds that the documented course of studies completed by the applicant was equivalent to successful completion of a Master’s or Doctoral degree-granting program in psychology from an approved North American institution.
SCP PP类别申请材料-飞出国
- 初始注册申请表
- 申请费$250.00(不退)
- 成绩单
- 满足SCP对心理学家基础知识Foundational Knowledge要求
- 成绩单由颁发机构直接发送给SCP,并说明已授予学位
- 说明申请SCP注册
- 出生公证
- 如果有曾用名,需提供结婚证公证,离婚证公证,曾用名公证等相关文件,本身是英文的可提供certified true copy
- 信息发布同意表
- 同意向主管发布信息表
- 无犯罪记录检查表
- 需所在地警务部门填写相关信息并签字,如申请人有犯罪记录,需作具体说明。
- 能力领域申明表
- 工作证明表
- 简历
- 申请人MRA(Mutual Recognition Agreement)能力自测表
- MRA 能力表涉及以下五个核心领域以及心理学基础知识和技能,需要高等学历成绩单进行相应课程匹配,如果研究生课程匹配上的太少,本科三四年级课程也可用来匹配。课程大纲非申请必须文件,可提交以供参考。
- The Five MRA Core Competence Areas
( a) 人际关系 Interpersonal Relations
( b) 评估 Assessment and Evaluation
( c) 干预与协商 Intervention & Consultation
( d) 研究 Research, and
( e) 道德操守与准则 Ethics and Standards - Foundational Knowledge in Psychology
FK Area 1. Knowledge in the biological bases of behaviour – examples:
1.1. Physiological psychology
1.2. Comparative psychology
1.3. Neuropsychology
1.4. Sensation and perception
1.5. Psychopharmacology
FK Area 2. Knowledge of the Cognitive-affective Bases of Behaviour – examples:
2.1. Learning
2.2. Cognition
2.3. Motivation
2.4. Emotion
FK Area 3. Knowledge of the Social Bases of Behaviour – examples:
3.1. Social psychology
3.2. Group processes
3.3. Community psychology
3.4. Environmental psychology
3.5. Organisational and systems theory
3.6. Cultural issues
FK Area 4. Knowledge of Psychology of the Individual – examples:
4.1. Personality theory
4.2. Human development
4.3. Psychopathology
4.4. Individual differences
- MRA能力推荐表MRA
- 该表须由三名推荐人提供,其中两名必须是注册过的Full Practice Psychologists或者教授研究生心理学课程是学者,另外一名推荐人需是了解申请人相关能力的专业人士,心理学家或学者。推荐表中提到的所有能力都必须由至少一名推荐人写出评论,以证明申请人材料12的准确性。
- 监督协议
- 该协议须由所有监督人员和申请人本人签名,监督人员必须是注册过的Full Practice Psychologists,并且已经获得许可证至少一年,有良好的信誉,无不良记录。
SCP PP申请流程-飞出国
SCP PP申请费-飞出国
Application Fee: 250$
Provisional Practice Registration Fee: 800$
Registrar/Executive Director
Saskatchewan College of Psychologists
1026 Winnipeg Street, Regina, SK, S4R 8P8
Phone: (306) 352-1699
Fax: (306) 352-1697
Email: [email protected]