
飞出国:南澳自2019.8.14关闭489州担保,11.11暂时关闭190州担保之后,12.4再次开放州担保申请,包括491和190担保,原来已经变为Special conditions才能申请的职业,状态保持不变,还是Special conditions apply;原来High Points和chain migration已经不能申请的职业,将继续不能申请。


1. 特定职业和申请类别的分数要求变化

  • 职业:大部分职业要求75或者85分(含州担保分数5/15),南澳国际毕业生和当前在南澳已工作超过12个月的申请人,分数要求还是65分;多数技工类还是只要求65分。

  • 高分申请类别(High Points category):由之前的85分提高到95分(含州担保分数),多数申请人只能申请491, 如申请人有4个8(Superior English)+至少8年的提名职业相关的工作经验,并且自身分数达到90分,可以申请190州担保。

  • 南澳直系亲属类别(Chain Migration category):分数要求提高到75分(含州担保分数),部分经理类职位(managerial occupations)要求85分。

2. 190 州担保申请要求变化

  • 标注 “Provisional 491 visa only” 的职业,只能申请491州担保,不能申请190,该类职业大部分属于ROL(Regional occupation list)。

  • 标注 Provisional 491 visa only - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only ,适用于意向申请190州担保的申请人。满足相应州担保类别的申请要求 skilled nomination requirements,并满足如下申请条件之一,可以申请190州担保:

    • 州担保分数达到95分(自身90分)+ 至少8年提名职业相关工作经验 + 4个8(superior english)

    • 当前在南澳已工作(提名职业相关或者相近,每周至少20小时)12个月(in Greater Adelaide)或满6个月(in a country region)

    • 南澳优秀毕业生(High performing graduate):近2年内在南澳公立大学完成如下学历中的一个,并取得符合要求的GPA,毕业后继续居住在南澳

Completed a PhD or Masters by Research

GPA of 6.0 or above in Masters by Coursework degree (following completion of a Bachelor degree in South Australia)

First Class Honours in a dedicated Honours year (following completion of a Bachelor degree in South Australia)

GPA of 6.0 or above in a Bachelor Degree

3. 申请费调整

190 & 491州担保申请费由原来的$200调整为$220,其他申请费用参考官网https://migration.sa.gov.au/resources/faq/application-fees

04 Dec 2019

GSM application system now open

Immigration SA would like to advise that applications for 491 and 190 state nominations is now open on the Immigration SA Apply website.

Immigration SA is introducing some changes to its General Skilled Migration (GSM) state nomination policies.

With the introduction of the new Skilled Work Regional (provisional) subclass 491 visa and the changes to the GSM points test, Immigration SA has reviewed the state nomination requirements and the additional requirements on the State Nominated Occupation Lists.

The occupations with a status of “special conditions” prior to the closure of the 489 and 190 state nomination applications, have remained on “special conditions”. Most occupations that were not available for “high points” or “chain migration” nomination prior to the closure, remain closed to these categories.

The changes include:

Read full details here .

Please note: There will be no additions to the State Nominated Occupation Lists when the application system opens.

Immigration SA reserves the right to change its nomination requirements from time to time, whilst Commonwealth requirements may also change. These policies reflect current eligibility requirements only.

标注有special apply的职业,491签证也不能声请吗
