有犯罪记录能否办理加拿大签证 Rehabilitation for Persons Who Are Inadmissible to Canada Because of Past Criminal Activity


飞出国:有严重刑事犯罪(Serious criminality)的人不得进入加拿大(刑事犯罪不得入境 - Criminal inadmissibility),在申请移民,工签,留学时需要出具无刑事犯罪记录证明。 不允许入境加拿大的情况 Reasons for inadmissibility

一般刑事犯罪经过一定年限后可以被视为 视同犯罪复原-Deemed rehabilitation ,在没有达到 Deemed Rehabilitated 标准,但根据移民法申请人可以申请 Pardon 或 Criminal Rehabilitation 通过申请赦免(Pardon)或 犯罪复原(Criminal Rehabilitation)- 个体犯罪复原 Individual rehabilitation 后进入加拿大:

加拿大的刑事犯罪分为简单刑事犯罪(Summary Offence)和可控刑事犯罪(Indicted Offence),对于不同种类的犯罪,视为犯罪复原期限不同,此外还要考虑是一罪还是数罪,有的经过5年,有的必须经过10年。


  1. 在加拿大被定罪;
  2. 在加拿大境外被定罪,但根据加拿大法律,这种行为在加拿大也被认为是犯罪;
  3. 行为发生在加拿大境外,行为发生地法律认为是犯罪,而根据加拿大《刑法》,该行为应该受到刑事处罚。

如果定罪是曾经发生在加拿大境内,则申请人必须向加拿大国家假释委员会(National Parole Board)申请赦免(Pardon);

如果定罪是曾经发生在加拿大境外,则申请人必须申请犯罪复原(Criminal Rehabilitation), 这个犯罪复原应与签证申请同时提出。


详见 Rehabilitation-犯罪复原

即使不符合赦免或犯罪复原条件,但特殊情况下包括犯有严重刑事犯罪也可以进入加拿大,如申请临时居民许可 TRP(Temporary Resident Permit)。

下面飞出国摘录 加拿大移民及稅務問答集錦 (朱小燕 Daisy Chang) 一篇博客文章关于有犯罪记录前科申请移民的文章。


难道有过犯罪纪录的人, 就绝对不能移民加拿大吗? 答案是不尽然, 因为一般犯了窃盗, 攻击他人, 杀人, 飚车, 酒醉驾驶, 携带,运送或控制毒品的人, 都还有移民加拿大的可能, 只是要根据罪行的轻重, 再看那是多久以前的事, 加上犯罪判刑后的 自新 / 再教育 ( Rehabilitation) 情形 , 来决定是否能移民加拿大。

但无论该罪是在加拿大境内或其他国家/地区触犯的, 都需要取得一份 “ 已改过自新的证明及赦免状 ( an approval of rehabilitation and a pardon) , 才能改变被拒绝 “入境” 的歹运。

然而任何人在取得改过自新的证明前, 必须取得一份申请缓刑证明, 除非此人 只在加拿大犯了一点小罪 (Summary conviction) , 在这中情况下, 申请人就可为在加国境外被定罪或触法的 “不幸”, 提出要求改过自新/再教育的要求, 并向加拿大假释委员会申请缓刑并取得缓刑证明 ( a record of suspension) 才行。

什么叫自新 / 再教育 ?

若有如下情况的人, 还是可申请加拿大移民:
I) 若申请人能说服移民官, 自己已符合了法定的 视同自新 deemed rehabilitation” 的定义 ( 注一 ) ;
II) 若申请自新 / applied for rehabilitation ( 注二 ) , 并被加国批准者;
III) 若在加拿大触犯该罪行, 申请缓刑者 (a record of suspension, formerly known as a pardon), 与加拿大假释委员会联系获准后, 申请人就不再属于被拒绝入境类别;
IV) 若当事人在其他国家获得缓刑或免刑 / Suspension or discharge ( 注三 ) , 则必须由申请人所在地的加拿大签证办事处决定, 看这 “缓刑或免刑”是否适用于加拿大;
V) 以申请临时居民许可证 / Temporary Resident permit ( 注四 ) 的方式入境加拿大

注一 : 视同改过自新 / 再教育 (deemed rehabilitation)

何谓 “视同改过自新/再教育”? 这跟申请人 犯的什么罪 , 服刑完毕后过了多久时间, 同时也与 犯过几次罪 有关。

这一项规定, 若申请人是在加拿大以外的地方犯罪, 若依加拿大法律审判, 依法可起诉, 但 最高刑期却不得超过十年者 , 才能引用这条例。

已改过自新或已接受再教育 (rehabilitation) 的定义 , 是指该申请人今后似乎没有可能再犯罪, 因他/她 已生活稳定正常, 找不出有再犯罪的迹象。

注二 : 申请改过自新 / 接受再教育的条件 (Eligibility for rehabilitation)

  1. 假使申请人在原居国或其他国家被定罪, 但该罪若是在加拿大触犯的话, 被判最高刑期不会超过十年者 , 才能引用如下 改过自新条例 :

服完刑 超过十年之久 , 就被 视同 已自新 (deemed rehabilitated)
服完刑 5 年之久者 , 就可申请说自己已自新 / 或已被再教育 ( apply for rehabilitation)

  1. 假使申请人在原居国或其他国家犯了罪, 而该罪若犯在加拿大, 可被起诉 , 但最高刑期不得超过十年 , 这才合用 下述改过自新条例 :

- 至少 离触犯该罪 有十年以上之久 , 便可 视同已自新 (deemed rehabilitated),

- 触犯该罪五年后 , 便 可申请再教育 / 自新 (apply for rehabilitation)

  1. 申请人曾在加拿大犯罪 , 就必须自假释委员会( Parole Board of Canada) 取得宽恕 (record suspension, formerly known as “ pardon” )。

  2. 申请人在加国以外的国家犯罪, 若是依加拿大法律最高得处 超过十年以上刑期者 , 虽 不能以视同自新 ( deemed rehabilitation not applicable) 条例申请移民, 但可依再教育条款方式 ( apply for rehabilitation) 提出移民申请。

  3. 若申请人在加拿大境外, 犯了两个或多个在加国法律看来的小罪 ( constitute summary conviction offences) , 只要服完刑五年以上时间, 就 可被视同完成再教育。 然而当事人 , 不能触犯或有其他罪刑。

注三 : 缓刑或免刑 (Suspension or discharge)

在处理刑事案件中, 当犯人被定罪后, 法官可容许不用服刑, 诸如有人盗窃店货品, 数量既小, 又是初犯, 一般刑期很短, 为鼓励自新, 虽判了刑, 却不执行, 然而该犯罪纪录还是存盘, 唯一的条件是第二年不得再犯罪, 若是再犯, 就得坐监并取消假释。

注四 : 下列两种情形的申请者若是符合下列条件 , 就可入境并停留于加拿大 :
i. 虽服刑完毕尚未满5 年者, 或
ii. 申请人有正当理由来加拿大者。

但请注意, 边防 / 移民官依照安全与健康理由来作最后决定 , 尽管有时看来当初犯的不过是小罪一桩, 也一定要证明入境的合法性。


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/


飞出国:刑满10年后没有新犯罪记录的可以正常申请加拿大签证入境加拿大了。对有过犯罪记录的申请人可以参考下面 Rehabilitation-犯罪复原 情况判断自己是否符合入籍加拿大的情况。

Rehabilitation for Persons Who Are Inadmissible to Canada Because of Past Criminal Activity

Who may use this application

This guide is for applicants who might be considered inadmissible to Canada. It explains under what conditions you can apply to overcome the inadmissibility. Under Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act , temporary residents and applicants for permanent residence in Canada may not be able to come to Canada if they have been involved in criminal activity. An application for rehabilitation and instructions on how to complete it are included.

Determining inadmissibility

Are you inadmissible because of past criminal activity?

In general, temporary residents and applicants applying for permanent residence are considered to be criminally inadmissible if the person:

  • was convicted of an offence in Canada;
  • was convicted of an offence outside of Canada that is considered a crime in Canada; or
  • committed an act outside of Canada that is considered a crime under the laws of the country where it occurred and would be punishable under Canadian law.

Note: In order to determine inadmissibility, foreign convictions and laws are equated to Canadian law as if they had occurred in Canada.

Have you been charged, discharged or pardoned?

This section will help you determine if you are inadmissible if you have been charged, discharged or pardoned.

For charges withdrawn or dismissed:

  • If the offence occurred in Canada, you are not inadmissible.
  • If the offence occurred outside Canada, you may be inadmissible.

For an absolute or conditional discharge:

  • If the offence occurred in Canada, you are not inadmissible.
  • If the offence occurred outside Canada, you may be inadmissible.

Pardon granted:

  • If the offence occurred in Canada, you are not inadmissible if you were pardoned under the Criminal Records Act in Canada.
  • If the offence occurred outside Canada, you may be inadmissible.

If you may be inadmissible, you must provide an officer with complete details of all charges, convictions, court dispositions, pardons, photocopies of applicable sections of foreign law(s), and court proceedings to allow the officer to determine whether or not you are inadmissible to Canada.

Note: As of March 13, 2012, the term “pardon” has been replaced with “record suspension” in the Canadian Criminal Records Act (CRA) under Bill C-10.

Were you convicted as a juvenile?

In Canada, a young offender is someone who is 12 years of age or older but less than 18 years of age.

You are not inadmissible if you:

  • were convicted in Canada under the Young Offenders Act or the Youth Criminal Justice Act , unless you received an adult sentence,
  • were treated as a young offender in a country which has special provisions for young offenders, or
  • were convicted in a country which does not have special provisions for young offenders but the circumstances of your conviction are such that you would not have received an adult sentence in Canada.

You are inadmissible if you:

  • were convicted in adult court in a country that has special provisions for young offenders, or
  • were convicted in a country which does not have special provisions for young offenders but the circumstances of your conviction are such that you would have been treated as an adult in Canada

Overcoming criminal inadmissibility


Convictions / offences outside Canada

If you were convicted of or committed a criminal offence outside Canada, you may overcome this criminal inadmissibility

  • by applying for rehabilitation, or
  • you may be deemed to have been rehabilitated if at least ten years have passed since you completed the sentence imposed upon you, or since you committed the offence, if the offence is one that would, in Canada, be an indictable offence punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than ten years.

If the offence is one that would, in Canada, be prosecuted summarily, and if you were convicted for two (2) or more such offences, the period for rehabilitation is at least five (5) years after the sentences imposed were served or are to be served.

Convictions / offences in Canada

If you have a criminal conviction in Canada, you must seek a record suspension (formerly a pardon) from the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) before you will be admissible to Canada.

Note: Do not complete the forms in this guide until you have received your record suspension.
You can request a Record Suspension Application Guide or additional information from:

Parole Board of Canada
Clemency and Record Suspension Division
410 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R1
1-800-874-2652 (Callers in Canada and the United States only)
Fax: 1-613-941-4981
Email : [email protected]
Website: http://pbc-clcc.gc.ca/index-eng.shtml
(The instructional guide and application forms can be downloaded from the website)

In order to be considered for a record suspension under the Criminal Records Act, a specified period of time must pass after the end of the sentence imposed. The sentence may have been payment of a fine, period of probation, or imprisonment.

Note: Once you have a copy of the record suspension, send a photocopy to a Canadian visa office or Citizenship and Immigration Centre. If you are travelling to Canada carry a copy of the record suspension with you.

If you have had two (2) or more summary convictions in Canada, you may no longer be inadmissible if:

  • at least five (5) years have passed since all sentences imposed were served or to be served,
  • you have had no other convictions.

Convictions in Canada and convictions or offences outside of Canada

If you have convictions in Canada and convictions or offences outside of Canada, both an approval of rehabilitation and a pardon are required to overcome your inadmissibility.

Note: Your request for rehabilitation cannot be made until you have first obtained a record suspension, except if you have only one (1) summary conviction in Canada. In such instances, you may submit an application for rehabilitation for any convictions or offences outside Canada if you can provide evidence that you have submitted an application for a record suspension to the Parole Board of Canada (PBC).


What is rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation removes the grounds of criminal inadmissibility. Rehabilitation means that you lead a stable lifestyle and that you are unlikely to be involved in any further criminal activity.

You are eligible to apply for rehabilitation if you have:

  • committed an act outside of Canada and five (5) years have elapsed since the act;
  • been convicted outside of Canada and five (5) years have passed since the end of the sentence imposed.

Eligibility for rehabilitation

This section gives a summary of the type of offences and length of rehabilitation periods.

If you were convicted of an offence outside Canada that, if committed in Canada, would be an indictable offence punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than ten years:

  • You are deemed rehabilitated : at least ten years after completion of the sentence imposed.
  • You are eligible to apply for rehabilitation : five (5) years after completion of the sentence imposed.

If you committed an offence outside Canada that, if committed in Canada, would be an indictable offence punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than ten years:

  • You are deemed rehabilitated : at least ten years after commission of the offence.
  • You are eligible to apply for rehabilitation : five (5) years after commission of the offence.

If you were convicted of an offence or you committed an offence outside Canada that, if committed in Canada, would be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of ten years or more:

  • You are deemed rehabilitated : not applicable.
  • You are eligible to apply for rehabilitation : five (5) years from completion of the sentence or commission of the offence.

If you were convicted for two (2) or more offences outside Canada that, if committed in Canada, would constitute summary conviction offences:

  • You are deemed rehabilitated : at least five (5) years after the sentences imposed were served or to be served.
  • You are eligible to apply for rehabilitation : not applicable.

Note: To be deemed rehabilitated, the person must not have committed or been convicted of any other indictable offence.

If you have a criminal conviction in Canada, you must seek a record suspension (formerly a pardon) from the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) before you will be admissible to Canada. See section Overcoming Criminal Inadmissibility for more information.

Calculating the five (5) year waiting period

The following section explains how to determine the eligibility date for the five (5) year waiting period for different types of sentences.

Suspended sentence: count five (5) years from the date of sentencing.

Suspended sentence with a fine: count five (5) years from the date the fine was paid. In the case of varying payment dates, the rehabilitation period starts on the date of the last payment.

Imprisonment without parole: count five (5) years from the end of the term of imprisonment.

Imprisonment and parole: count five (5) years from the completion of parole.

Probation: probation is part of the sentence. Count five (5) years from the end of the probation period.

Driving prohibition: count five (5) years from the end date of the prohibition. You are prohibited by the Criminal Court from driving.

Examples of calculating the five (5) year period

The following are three (3) examples of how to calculate the five (5) years waiting period:

Example 1: I was convicted of a crime on December 13, 2002, and received a jail sentence of three (3) months. When will I be eligible to apply for rehabilitation?

You can apply for rehabilitation five years after the end of the sentence imposed. If your three (3) month jail sentence ended March 13, 2003, you are eligible to apply for rehabilitation on March 13, 2008, as long as no other terms were imposed on your sentence.

Example 2: On June 3, 2003, I was convicted of driving under the influence and had my driver’s licence taken away from me for three (3) years. When am I eligible to apply for rehabilitation?

The sentence imposed ends on June 3, 2006. Count five (5) years from the end date of the suspension or the date your driver’s licence is reinstated. You will be eligible to apply for rehabilitation on June 3, 2011.

Example 3: I have one conviction for which I was given three (3) years of probation. Do I apply for rehabilitation after my probation is finished?

No. You are not eligible for rehabilitation until five (5) years after the end of the sentence imposed. Since probation forms part of the imposed sentence, you can apply for rehabilitation five (5) years after you complete your probation.

Coming to or remaining in Canada without approval of rehabilitation

If you need to come to Canada but cannot apply for rehabilitation because five (5) years have not passed since the end of the sentence imposed or you are not eligible to apply for a record suspension (formerly a pardon) for convictions in Canada, you may request special permission to enter or remain in Canada. To do this, complete the Application for Criminal Rehabilitation (IMM 1444) (PDF, 1.18MB) and make sure you check the box that states “For Information Only”. Attach the documents outlined in the Document Checklist.

Note: There will be processing fees for applications for special permission to come into or remain in Canada. You will be advised of the processing fees at the time, or you can pay your fees online.

After reviewing the application and the nature of the offences, number of offences, when they happened and your current situation, the officer will advise you according to the following:

At Canadian visa offices outside of Canada

  • advise that they do not recommend that you travel to Canada; or
  • advise that you could apply for special permission (temporary resident’s permit) to enter Canada.

At Ports of Entry (airport, marine or land)

(Contact your nearest Canadian visa office before travelling to Canada.)

  • advise that you will not be allowed to enter Canada and ask you to return immediately to your country of departure;
  • take enforcement action (arrest, detention and/or removal); or
  • advise that you could apply for special permission (temporary resident’s permit) to enter Canada.

In Canada

  • ask that you leave Canada voluntarily;
  • take enforcement action (arrest, detention, and/or removal from Canada); or
  • advise that you could apply for special permission (temporary resident’s permit) to remain in Canada.

Complete the application

Filling out the application

The following are the forms that must be filled out and submitted:

Important information: It is a serious offence to give false or misleading information on these forms. The information you provide on your application is subject to verification.

Be complete and accurate

If your application is incomplete it may be returned to you and this will delay the processing of your application.

If you need more space for any section, print out an additional page containing the appropriate section, complete it and submit it along with your application .

Application for Criminal Rehabilitation (IMM 1444)

As most of the form is self-explanatory, supplementary instructions have only been provided where necessary.

Section A

1 . If you have determined that you are eligible to apply for rehabilitation, put a check mark in the box.

2 . If you are not eligible to apply, but would like to discuss options for entering Canada (see Coming to, or Remaining in Canada Without Approval of Rehabilitation), put a check mark in the box.

Section B

1. Print your name as it appears in your passport or on your travel document or other valid identity document. Do not use initials; print names in full. For people living in the People’s Republic of China, also print names in pin yin.

2. State your date of birth in the following format: Day/Month/Year.

5. If you are a citizen of more than one country, print the names of all the countries.

7. Print all the names that you have ever used, including different spellings of your name. Explain what these names are, example, Maggie – nickname, Smith – previous married name, Leroux – birth/maiden name, Smith, John – change of name on August 11, 2000, Chicago, IL, USA.

14. If applicable, type your e-mail address using a format similar to the following: [email protected]

Note: By indicating your e-mail address, you are hereby authorizing transmission of correspondence including file and personal information to be sent electronically to you at the address provided.

15. Print a list of offences that you have committed. Include the name of the offence, the name and section of law, the date of your conviction, the city, province/state/county and country where it occurred, and the sentence that was imposed. If you were not convicted of the offence, print “no conviction” and enter the date of the offence instead of the date of conviction, and include the date the courts dealt with your case and the disposition (i.e. not guilty, dismissed).

16. Describe the events that led to your committing the offence(s). Include a description of your actions, explain if weapons, drugs or alcohol were involved, why you did it, and how your actions affected others (specify any physical or emotional injuries). Be clear, concise and complete. You must complete this question in detail.

17. If you are applying to come to Canada as a temporary resident, indicate the dates of your proposed travel and describe the purpose of your trip.

If you are in Canada, state the date of your arrival in Canada and describe the purpose of your trip.

If you are applying to live in Canada permanently, indicate what type of application you will make. i.e. spouse or parent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, business person, refugee, skilled worker, etc. Print the names of all your immediate family members in Canada.

18. Tell us why you consider yourself rehabilitated. Provide as much information as possible, e.g. attended drug rehabilitation program, employment history, community service, etc. You must complete this question in detail.

21. Read this section carefully and sign the form.

Section C

Do not complete this section; it is for office use only. However, include it with your application.

Use of a Representative (IMM 5476)

Who may use this form?

Complete this form only if you:

  • are appointing a representative;
  • have to update contact information for your previously appointed representative; or
  • are cancelling a representative’s appointment.

If you have dependent children aged 18 years or older, they are required to complete their own copy of this form if a representative is also conducting business on their behalf.

Who is a representative?

A representative is someone who provides advice, consultation, or guidance to you at any stage of the application process, or in a proceeding and, if you appoint him or her as your representative by filling out this form, has your permission to conduct business on your behalf with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).

You are not obliged to hire a representative. We treat everyone equally, whether they use the service of a representative or not.

When you appoint a representative:

  • you also authorize IRCC and CBSA to share information from your case file with this person in place of you. Please note the representative will receive all correspondence from IRCC or the CBSA, not the applicant;
  • your application will not be given special attention nor can you expect faster processing or a more favourable outcome;
  • the representative is authorized to represent you only on citizenship or immigration matters related to the application you submit with this form; and
  • you can appoint only one (1) representative for each application you submit.

Important information: You must notify IRCC if your representative’s contact information changes, or if you change your representative, or cancel the appointment of your representative. For more information on updating IRCC with your representative’s information, please see below section - Notify IRCC about any changes.

There are two (2) types of representatives.

Uncompensated Representatives:

Uncompensated representatives do not charge fees or receive any other form of consideration or compensation for providing advice or services to represent you before IRCC or the CBSA.

Uncompensated representatives include:

  • friends and family members who do not, and will not, charge a fee or receive any other consideration for their advice and services;
  • organizations that do not, and will not, charge a fee or receive any other consideration for providing citizenship or immigration advice or assistance (such as a non-governmental or religious organization);
  • consultants, lawyers and Quebec notaries, and students-at-law under their supervision, who do not, and will not, charge a fee or receive any other consideration to represent you.

Note: You do not have to pay someone for them to be your representative. IRCC will conduct business with an uncompensated representative if an applicant appoints them on their behalf.

Compensated representatives:

Compensated representatives charge a fee or receive some other form of consideration in exchange for the representation that they provide.

It is important to know that anyone who represents or advises you for payment - or offers to do so - in connection with IRCC proceedings or applications is breaking the law unless they are an authorized representative or they have a specific agreement or arrangement with the Government of Canada that allows them to represent or advise you. This applies to advice or consultation which happens before or after a citizenship or an immigration application is made or a proceeding begins.

IRCC will only conduct business with compensated representatives who are in good standing with their designated regulatory body. For more information see - Find out if your representative is authorized.

Note: If a representative is being paid or compensated by someone other than you, the representative is still considered to be a compensated representative.

Authorized representatives are:

  • consultants who are members in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC);
  • lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society and students-at-law under their supervision;
  • notaries who are members in good standing of the Chambre des notaires du Québec and students-at-law under their supervision.

If you appoint a compensated representative who is not a member in good standing of one of these designated bodies, your application will be returned. Learn about using a representative.

General Application Information

Appoint a representative
  • Check box to indicate if you are appointing a representative to represent you with your application process. Complete sections A, B and D.
Cancel a representative
  • Check box to indicate if you are canceling a representative. Complete sections A, C and D; and
  • Check both boxes and complete all sections if you are cancelling a representative and appointing a new one at the same time.

Section A – Applicant Information

Question 1

Write your last name (surname or family name) and given name(s).

Question 2

Write your date of birth.

Question 3

If you have already submitted your application, write:

  • the name of the office where the application was submitted; and
  • the type of application you have submitted.

Question 4

Write your IRCC’s Identification (ID) or Unique Client Identifier (UCI) number (if known). If you have not dealt with IRCC since 1973, you will not have a UCI or a Client ID.

Section B – Appointment of Representative

Question 5

Write your representative’s full name.

If your representative is a member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), a law society or the Chambre des notaires du Québec , print his or her name as it appears on the organization’s membership list.

Question 6

Check one box to indicate if your representative is uncompensated or compensated.

If your representative is compensated, write the membership ID number of:

  • the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC); or
  • a Canadian provincial or territorial law society; or
  • the Chambre des notaires du Québec .

Question 7

Write your representative’s contact information.

If you are appointing a student-at-law to represent you, include their supervising lawyer’s information including their membership ID.

Note: By indicating your representative’s e-mail address, you are hereby authorizing IRCC to transmit your file and personal information to this specific e-mail address.

Question 8

To accept responsibility for conducting business on your behalf, your representative must:

  • sign the declaration; and
  • date the declaration.

Section C – Cancel the Appointment of a Representative

Question 9

Fill in this section if you wish to cancel the appointment of a representative. Write the representative’s full name.

Complete all sections of the form if you wish to both cancel a representative and appoint a new one.

Section D – Your Declaration

Question 10

By signing, you authorize IRCC to complete your request for yourself and your dependent children under 18 years of age.

For sponsorship application, your spouse or common-law partner does not have to complete a separate request. If your spouse or common-law partner is included in this request, he or she must sign in the box provided.

Release of information to other individuals

To authorize IRCC to release information from your case file to someone other than a representative, you will need to complete the form Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM 5475) (PDF, 593.57KB). The form is also available from Canadian embassies, high commissions and consulates abroad.

The person you designate under that form (IMM 5475) will be able to obtain information on your case file, such as the status of your application. However, they will not be able to conduct business on your behalf with IRCC.

Where to submit the form

Immigration and citizenship applicants
If you have not yet submitted your immigration or citizenship application:

Send this form along with your application to the office listed in the guide of your application.

If you have already submitted your immigration or citizenship application:

You may use this Web form to upload the IMM 5476.


If you know which IRCC office is processing your immigration or citizenship application, send the completed form to the office mailing address. Consult IRCC office mailing addresses.

Notify IRCC about any changes

You must let IRCC know if any information changes regarding the person you authorized to represent you on your application.

eTA applicants
If you have not yet submitted your eTA application:

Send the Voluntary Renunciation of Permanent Resident Status form and supporting documents to the IRCC office closest to you. Consult IRCC office mailing addresses.

If you have already submitted your eTA application:

You will receive a letter from IRCC which includes the Voluntary Renunciation of Permanent Resident Status form. You will be asked to complete the form and submit it and your supporting documents online through a secure IRCC account. You will not be able to follow these steps unless you are asked to do so from IRCC. The letter will also include instructions about how to create a secure account.

Pay the processing fee

How to pay the fees for your application

To pay your fees for your application you’ll need:

  • a valid email address;
  • access to a printer (you’ll need to print the receipt), and
  • a credit card or Canadian debit card.

Visit the link below and follow these instructions to pay:

  • Go to Online Payment.
  • Follow the online instructions.
    • At the end , click on the button to print the IRCC official receipt with barcode. Print two copies.
  • Attach a copy of this receipt to your completed application.
    • Keep the second copy of the receipt for your records.

stop sign hand Do not exit without printing the receipt! The printed receipt is your proof of payment!


Your fees $CAN $USD
Inadmissible on the grounds of criminality $200 $155
Inadmissible on the grounds of serious criminality $1,000 $770

If you are applying for approval of rehabilitation from outside Canada:

Visit the Pay your fees page to learn about the methods of payment accepted by Canadian visa offices.

Are processing fees refundable?

Processing fees are not refundable regardless of the final decision on your application. If your application is refused and you decide you want to apply again, a new processing fee will be required.

What if you do not pay enough money or enclose too much money?

If you do not enclose the required fee or if your credit card payment is refused, your application will not be processed. It will be returned to you with a letter requesting the correct payment. If you pay too much money, your application will be processed and a refund for the overpayment will be mailed to you within four (4) to six (6) weeks after the refund request is processed.

If you are sending in the form for information only

See the section Coming to, or Remaining in Canada Without Approval of Rehabilitation.

Do not send a processing fee. An officer will review the form and advise how you should proceed.

Submitting your application

Where do I apply?

In Canada: Mail your application to the Canada Immigration Centre responsible for your area. Addresses are available online.

Outside Canada: If you are applying for criminal rehabilitation along with your temporary resident (visitor visa, study permit or work permit) application, you can submit everything together and apply at the nearest Visa Application Center.

If you are submitting a separate application for criminal rehabilitation you must complete the application and submit it directly to the visa office responsible for your region by mail or courier only .

What happens next?

Upon receipt of your application an officer will review it and any supporting documents. If you are eligible to apply, the officer will make a positive or negative recommendation and forward the application to the authority who can approve or refuse applications for rehabilitation. For less serious offences, the authority is usually the manager of the local office. For more serious offences, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship will make the decision.

The following are some of the factors that will be taken into consideration when your application is reviewed:

  • the number of offences and the circumstances and seriousness of each offence;
  • your behaviour since committing the offence(s);
  • your explanation of the offences and why you are not likely to re-offend;
  • any support you receive from your community;
  • why you think you are rehabilitated and
  • your present circumstances.

Note: The authority who approves or refuses applications for rehabilitation does not have to follow the recommendation made by the immigration officer.

Applications for rehabilitation can take over a year to process. You will be advised in writing of the decision made on your application.

Receiving approval to overcome a criminal inadmissibility is only one part of determining whether or not you can enter or remain in Canada. Once you have been approved for rehabilitation, you will need to meet the requirements for applicants seeking entry as a temporary resident or permanent resident. For more information if you are outside of Canada, contact a Canadian visa office, or, if you are in Canada, consult the Help Centre.

What you can do to help processing

There are certain things you can do to help make sure your application is processed as fast as possible:

  • make sure you send all documents and information we have asked for with your application
  • provide your biometrics as soon as possible
  • tell us if your contact information changes, including:
    • mailing address
    • telephone numbers
    • facsimile number (fax)
    • e-mail address

Things that delay processing

The following may delay processing:

  • unclear photocopies of documents
  • verification of your information and documents
  • a medical condition that may need more tests or consultations
  • a criminal or security problem
  • consultation is needed with other offices in Canada and abroad


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