新西兰难民家庭担保类移民签证 Refugee Family Support Category visa
新西兰难民家庭担保类签证,每年仅限300名暂居新西兰的难民(及其配偶和子女)申请,旨在帮助他们实现全家移居新西兰的愿望(to help refugees living in New Zealand to settle by allowing them to sponsor family members for residence)。
2.申请流程(Application process)
- 申请人进行担保人身份登记(you register as a sponsor);
- 申请人获批担保移民申请(we select your registration);
- 申请人家庭成员申请移居(your family members apply for residence)
3.登记制度(Registration system)
4.对一级担保人的要求(Tier one sponsorship requirements)
年满18周岁(be aged 18 years old or over);
目前在新西兰境内(be in New Zealand);
新西兰公民、当前居留证或居民类别签证的持有者 (be a New Zealand citizen, or the holder of a current residence permit or a residence class visa);
在新西兰以难民身份获得居留权 (have been granted residence in New Zealand on the basis of your status as a refugee);
担保人没有直系亲属(包括配偶、父母和子女)在新西兰拥有合法永久居留权,或担保人是受照顾亲属的唯一照顾者(either have no Immediate family living lawfully and permanently in New Zealand, or be the Sole carer of a Dependent relative in New Zealand);
家属不符合其他类别移民签证申请条件(have no other family member eligible to be sponsored for residence under any other residence category);
是一个合格担保人(be an acceptable sponsor under R4.5, except for the requirements at R4.5 (d) (ii) and (iii));
注: 一级担保人可担保的对象包括父母、(外)祖父母、(外)孙子女、父母的兄弟姐妹及其配偶和子女、成年兄弟姐妹以及成年子女。
对二级担保人的要求(Tier two sponsorship requirements)
年满18周岁(be aged 18 years old or over);
目前在新西兰境内(be in New Zealand);
新西兰公民、当前居留证持有者(不符合1987年《移民法》中s18A条款)或居民类别签证持有者 (不符合2009年《移民法》中s49(1)条款)(be a New Zealand citizen, or the holder of a current residence permit that is not subject to requirements under s18A of the Immigration Act 1987, or a residence class visa that is not subject to the requirements under s49(1) of the Immigration Act 2009);
在新西兰以难民身份获得居留权 (have been granted residence in New Zealand on the basis of your status as a refugee);
家属不符合其他类别移民签证申请条件(have no other family member eligible to be sponsored for residence under any other residence category);
是一个合格担保人(be an acceptable sponsor under R4.5, except for the requirements at R4.5 (d) (ii) and (iii));
已是新西兰公民或自提交申请登记起已持有当前居留证至少三年(have been a New Zealand citizen, or the holder of a current residence class visa for at least three years immediately preceding the date your registration is lodged);
持有当前居留证的三年间每年至少在新西兰逗留184天(have spent a total of 184 days or more in New Zealand in each of those three years)。
5.对被担保者的要求(Residence requirements)
- 有一个一级或二级担保人
- 申请者的担保人已注册且被邀请
- 被担保者人必须在担保人获批担保移民申请后12个月内提交签证申请;
- 被担保人不符合其他类别移民签证申请条件(家庭配额移民签证Famliy Quota Category除外);
- 身体健康,品行良好
6.申请方式(Application method)
8.材料清单(Document checklist)
登记参考编号 (registration reference number);
申请登记中所有人的护照(或身份证)、出生证明、无犯罪记录证明(17岁以上孩子需提供)、健康证明( General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007) PDF 和 Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) PDF(孕妇和不满11岁的孩子除外))以及两张护照大小近期免冠照片;
更多内容请访问官方链接: http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/refugeefamilysupport/