魁省担保综述 Quebec the requirements to sponsor a close relative - 飞出国
- 配偶、法律同居伴侣;
- 受供养子女;
- 父母、祖父母或外祖父母;
- 18周岁以下并且未婚或者没有同居伴侣,孤儿的兄弟姐妹、侄子侄女,外省外甥女,孙子孙女,外孙子外孙女;
- 打算收养的子女(国际收养)。
担保费用 - 飞出国
Find out about the requirements to sponsor a close relative
Who can sponsor a close relative? Who is considered a close relative? What conditions, responsibilities and obligations are involved? What is the duration of sponsorship? What fees and timeframes are involved? To answer these questions, review all of the requirements to sponsor a close relative. Make sure that you satisfy all of these requirements before starting a sponsorship or undertaking process.
Sponsor (guarantor)
You can sponsor a close relative if you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Québec, you are at least 18 years of age and you satisfy the prerequisites.
The sponsorship targets this close relative and, if applicable, accompanying family members.
Sponsored person (close relative)
To be sponsored, your close relative must belong to the family class and satisfy specific requirements:
You can sponsor:
- your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner – specific requirements
- your dependent child – specific requirements
- your father, mother, grandfather or grandmother – specific requirements
- your orphaned brother, sister, nephew, niece, grandson or granddaughter, who is under the age of 18, and not married or in a common-law relationship – specific requirements
- a child you plan to adopt (international adoption) – process for adopting a child residing abroad
Responsibilities and obligations
In undertaking the sponsorship process, both the sponsor and the sponsored person must be aware of the responsibilities and obligations they have toward each other and toward the government of Québec.
Duration of sponsorship (or undertaking)
The duration of the undertaking that you sign will vary depending on the family relationship between you (the sponsor or guarantor) and the person sponsored.
It is also important that you be informed of the fees required to review your application.