从 索尼洛大学 Thorneloe University (安省萨德伯里市) 继续讨论:
索尼洛大学课程 Programs of Thorneloe University
古代史研究 Ancient Studies
入学要求 Admission Requirements
- 安大略省高中毕业生 Ontario Secondary Schools
- 高中的英语水平 Grade 12 U level English
- 5 other grade 12 U or M level courses
古典文学研究 Classical Studies
入学要求 Admission Requirements
- 安大略省高中毕业生 Ontario Secondary Schools
- 1 grade 12 4U English
- 5 other grade 12 4U/M courses
艺术学学士 Bachelor of Fine Arts
入学要求 Admission Requirements
- 安大略省高中毕业生 Ontario Secondary Schools
- 试音 Audition
- 1 grade 12 4U English
- 5 other grade 12 4U/M courses
动画艺术 Motion Picture Arts
入学要求 Admission Requirements
- 安大略省高中毕业生 Ontario Secondary Schools
- 1 grade 12 4U English
- 5 other grade 12 4U/M courses
- 试音(戏剧,音乐) Audition (Theatre, Music)
- 作品集(动画艺术)Portfolio (Motion Picture Arts)
- 平均分最低分70% Minimum Average of 70%
宗教研究 Religious Studies
入学要求 Admission Requirements
- 安大略省高中毕业生 Ontario Secondary Schools
- 1 grade 12 4U English
- 5 other grade 12 4U/M courses
神学学院 The School of Theology
戏剧艺术 Theatre Arts
入学要求 Admission Requirements
- 安大略省高中毕业生 Ontario Secondary Schools
- 试音 Audition (4–year BA and BFA only)
- 1 grade 12 4U English
- 5 other grade 12 4U/M courses
女性研究 Women’s Studies
入学要求 Admission Requirements
- 安大略省高中毕业生 Ontario Secondary Schools:
- 1 grade 12 4U English
- 5 other grade 12 4U/M courses
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