从 圣保罗大学学院 St. Paul's University College (安省滑铁卢市) 继续讨论:
圣保罗大学学院课程 Programs of St. Paul’s University College
会计与金融 | Accounting and Finance (School of) |
人类学 | Anthropology |
应用语言研究 | Applied Language Studies |
应用数学 | Applied Mathematics |
建筑(学院) | Architecture (School of) |
国际事务贝尔斯利学校 | Balsillie School of International Affairs |
生物化学 | Biochemistry |
生物学 | Biology |
生物医学工程 | Biomedical Engineering |
化学工程 | Chemical Engineering |
化学 | Chemistry |
土木与环境工程 | Civil and Environmental Engineering |
古典研究 | Classical Studies |
组合数学与优化 | Combinatorics and Optimization |
计算机科学(大卫·切瑞顿R.学院) | Computer Science (David R. Cheriton School of) |
戏剧与语音通信 | Drama and Speech Communication |
地球与环境科学 | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
东亚研究 | East Asian Studies |
经济学 | Economics |
电子和计算机工程 | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
英语语言文学 | English Language and Literature |
英语语言学院(ELI瑞尼森) | English Language Institute (Renison ELI) |
环境,企业和发展(学院) | Environment, Enterprise and Development (School of) |
环境,资源和可持续发展(学院) | Environment, Resources and Sustainability (School of ) |
艺术 | Fine Arts |
法国研究 | French Studies |
地理和环境管理 | Geography and Environmental Management |
日耳曼和斯拉夫研究 | Germanic and Slavic Studies |
历史 | History |
独立研究 | Independent Studies |
国际事务(贝尔斯利的学院) | International Affairs (Balsillie School of) |
意大利研究 | Italian Studies |
犹太研究 | Jewish Studies |
运动学 | Kinesiology |
知识集成(中心) | Knowledge Integration (Centre for) |
管理科学 | Management Sciences |
机械与机电工程 | Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering |
中世纪研究 | Medieval Studies |
音乐 | Music |
纳米技术工程 | Nanotechnology Engineering |
验光和视觉科学(学院) | Optometry and Vision Science (School of) |
和平与冲突研究 | Peace and Conflict Studies |
药房(学院) | Pharmacy (School of) |
哲学 | Philosophy |
物理和天文学 | Physics and Astronomy |
规划(学院) | Planning (School of) |
政治学 | Political Science |
心理学 | Psychology |
公共健康和卫生系统(学院) | Public Health and Health Systems (School of) |
纯数学 | Pure Mathematics |
娱乐和休闲研究 | Recreation and Leisure Studies |
宗教研究 | Religious Studies |
科学与航空 | Science and Aviation |
科学与商务 | Science and Business |
性倾向,婚姻家庭研究 | Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies |
社会发展研究 | Social Development Studies |
社会工作(学院) | Social Work (School of) |
社会学和法律研究 | Sociology and Legal Studies |
软件工程 | Software Engineering |
西班牙和拉丁美洲研究 | Spanish and Latin American Studies |
统计及精算学 | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
伊斯兰教研究 | Studies in Islam |
系统设计工程 | Systems Design Engineering |
妇女研究 | Women's Studies |
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