菲莎国际学院课程 Programs of Fraser International College

菲莎国际学院 Fraser International College (卑诗省本拿比市) 继续讨论:

菲莎国际学院课程 Programs of Fraser International College

1. 基础课程 Foundation Program

UTP Stage 1课程

课程 Program 正常学时 Normal Duration 总学费 Total Program Fee
UTP Stage I 2个学期 2 terms C$17,596

UTP Stage 1课程


代数启蒙 Beginning with Algebra
商业管理 Business Management
基本形式逻辑 Elementary Formal Logic
英语技能/阅读 English Skills/Reading
计算机及其应用导论 Introduction to Computers and their Applications
计算概念和算法概论 Introduction to Computing Concepts and Algorithms
经济学概论 Introduction to Economics
数学概论 Introduction to Mathematics
大学生活概论1 Introduction to University Life 1
大学写作概论 Introduction to University Writing
世界问题 World Issues

2. 本科课程 Undergraduate Program

UTP Stage II


课程 Program 正常学时 Normal Duration 总学费 Total Program Fee
文学辅修学士 Associate of Arts Degree 2学期 2 terms C$22,983 per year
课程 Program 正常学时 Normal Duration 总学费 Total Program Fee
UTP Stage II 3学期 3 terms C$22,983 for 30 credits


文学辅修学位 Associate of Arts Degree
艺术和社会科学 Arts and Social Sciences
工商管理 Business Administration
通讯、艺术和技术 Communication, Art and Technology
计算科学 Computing Science
工程科学 Engineering Science*
环境 Environment
健康科学 Health Sciences

3. 研究生课程 Graduate Program

学费 Tuition Fees

  • 工程硕士预修课程 Pre-Master’s Program in Engineering: C$14,210
  • 工程专业硕士课程 Professional Master’s in Engineering Program: C$31,824
课程 Program 正常学时 Normal Duration 总学费 Total Program Fee
工程硕士预修课程 Pre-MBA Program 1学期 1 terms C$14,210 credits


工程硕士预修课程 FIC Pre-Master's Program in Engineering
工商管理预修课程 FIC Pre-MBA Program


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