汤普森河大学留学生课程 Programs for International Students of Thompson Rivers University

汤普森河大学 Thompson Rivers University(卑诗省坎卢普斯) 继续讨论:

汤普森河大学留学生课程 Programs for International Students of Thompson Rivers University

留学生课程 Programs for International Students


The following tables list all of the TRU programs available for international students at our main campus in Kamloops and, in some cases, at our Williams Lake campus.

英语课程 English Language Programs 学制 Length 入学时间 Intakes
英语作为第二语言或其他语言 English as a Second or Additional Language 4 – 18 months dependent on student placement Sept/Jan/May
硕士学位和研究生学习 Masters degrees and graduate studies 学制 Length 入学时间 Intakes
工商管理硕士 Master of Business Administration 13 courses/10 months Sept
工商管理研究生文凭 Graduate Diploma in Business Administration 18 credits/8 months Sept/Jan/May
教育学硕士 Master of Education 30 credits Sept
教育学研究生证书 Graduate Certificate in Education Studies 9 credits + ESL if needed Sept/May
环境科学理学硕士 Master of Science in Environmental Science 28 credits/2 years Sept/Jan/May
研究生商务文凭-会计 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Business - Accounting 48 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生商务文凭-工商管理 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Business - Business Administration 60 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生商务文凭-金融 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Business - Finance 60 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生商务文凭-人力资源管理 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Business - Human Resource Management 42 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生商务文凭-国际商务 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Business - International Business 48 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生商务文凭-营销学 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Business - Marketing 45 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生商务文凭-创业学 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Business - New Venture Creation 45 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生旅游文凭-冒险研究 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Tourism - Adventure Studies 39 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生旅游文凭-国际旅游发展 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Tourism - International Tourism Development 39 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生旅游文凭-旅游目的地发展 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Tourism - Tourism Destination Development 39 credits Sept/Jan/May
研究生旅游文凭-旅游经历管理 Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Tourism - Tourism Experience Management 39 credits Sept/Jan/May
第二语言-英语教学证书 Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Certificate 4 months Sept/Jan/May
学士学位和本科学习 Bachelor degrees and undergraduate studies 学制 Length 入学时间 Intakes
文学学士专业:通信、经济学、英语、地理、历史、跨学科研究、新闻学、数学、哲学、心理学、社会学、戏剧艺术、视觉艺术 Bachelor of Arts* Majors: Communications, Economics, English, Geography, History, Interdisciplinary Studies, Journalism, Mathematics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre Arts, Visual Arts 4 years Sept/Jan/May
留学生双学位:地理学文学学士、几何学图形理学学士 International Double Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Geography (at TRU) Bachelor of Science in Geometrics (at U of Gävle, Sweden) 5 years Sept/Jan/May
工商管理学士专业:会计、经济学、金融、创业学、人力资源管理、国际商务、营销学、信息技术、公共关系 Bachelor of Business Administration * Majors: Accounting, Economics, Finance, New Venture Creation, Human Resource Management, International Business, Marketing, Information Technology (major only), and Public Relations (minor only) 4 years Sept/Jan/May
双学士:工商管理学士和计算机科学学士 Double Degree* Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Computing Science 5 years Sept/Jan/May
留学生双学位:计算机科学学士、系统工程 International Double Degree* •Bachelor of Computing Science (TRU) • Systems Engineering (Universidad EAFIT, Colombia) 4 years Sept/Jan
计算机科学学士 Bachelor of Computing Science* 4 years Sept/Jan
旅游管理学士 Bachelor of Tourism Management* 4 years Sept/Jan/May
艺术学士 Bachelor of Fine Arts 4 years Sept/Jan
健康管理学士 Bachelor of Heath Science 4 years Sept/Jan
跨学科研究学士 Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies 4 years Sept/Jan
新闻学学士 Bachelor of Journalism 4 years Sept
自然资源科学学士 Bachelor of Natural Resource Science* 4 years Sept
理学学士专业:动物生物学、化学、化学生物学、细胞学、分子&微生物学、生态学&环境生物学、环境化学、计算机科学、数学、数学科学、物理学、统计学 Bachelor of Science* Majors: Animal Biology, Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Cellular, Molecular, & Microbial Biology, Ecology & Environmental Biology, Environmental Chemistry, Computing Science, Mathematics, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Statistics 4 years Sept/Jan/May
护理学理学学士 Bachelor of Science in Nursing 4 years Sept
社会工作学士 Bachelor of Social Work 4 years Sept
技术学士(技术管理) Bachelor of Technology (Technology Management) 4 years Sept/Jan
教育学学士-基础教育 Bachelor of Education - Elementary 5 years Sept
工程学-第一学年转学生 Engineering - First Year Transfer 1 year Sept
林业-第一学年和第二学年转学生 Forestry – First and Second Year Transfer 6 mths Sept
文凭课程和专科学历 Diploma programs and associate degrees Length Intakes
会计技师 Accounting Technician 2 years Sept
冒险指南 Adventure Guide* 2 years Sept
冒险管理 Adventure Management* 2 years Sept
建筑和工程技术 Architectural and Engineering Technology 3 years Sept
文学副学士 Associate of Arts 2 years Sept/Jan/May
理学副学士 Associate of Science 2 years Sept/Jan/May
早期儿童教育 Early Childhood Education 2 years Sept
活动和会议管理 Events and Conventions Management 2 years Sept**
管理学 Management 2 years Sept
实用护理 Practical Nursing (Williams Lake campus only) 2 years TBD
旅游和酒店管理 Resort and Hotel Management 2 years Sept**
呼吸治疗 Respiratory Therapy 3 years Sept
体育赛事管理 Sports Event Management 2 years Sept**
旅游管理 Tourism Management 2 years Sept/Jan/May
视觉艺术 Visual Arts 2 years Sept**
水处理技术 Water Treatment Technology 2 Years Sept
证书课程 Certificate programs 学制 Length 入学时间 Intakes
土著居民研究 Aboriginal Studies 1 year Sept
土著居民旅游 Aboriginal Tourism 1 year Sept
会计 Accounting 1 year Sept
探险运动 Adventure Sports 8 months / 1 year Sept
烹饪艺术证书 Culinary Arts Certificate 16 months Jan/Aug
文化和社会探索 Cultural and Social Explorations 1 year Sept/Jan
环境研究 Environmental Studies 1 year Sept/Jan
文学和艺术史 Literary and Art History 1 year Sept/Jan
管理证书 Management Certificate 1 year Sept
现代语言 Modern Languages 1 year Sept/Jan
绘画和绘图 Painting and Drawing 1 year Sept/Jan
雕塑和陶瓷 Sculpture and Ceramics 1 year Sept/Jan
大学预修 University preparation 学制 Length 入学时间 Intakes
大学预修课程 University Preparation Courses N/A Jan/May/Sept


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