温哥华动画学院课程和学费 Programs and Tuition of Vancouver Animation School

温哥华动画学院 Vancouver Animation School (卑诗省温哥华市) 继续讨论:

温哥华动画学院课程和学费 Programs and Tuition of Vancouver Animation School

继续教育证书课程 Continuing Education Certificate Courses (Includes Application Fee)

科目 Name 学时 Duration 学费 Cost
概念艺术简介 Introduction to Concept Art 1 month $499
3D角色动画简介 Introduction to 3D Character Animation 1 month $499
绘画简介 Introduction to Matte Painting 1 month $499
动画和漫画:入门 Anime and Manga: Getting Started 1 month $250
动画与漫画:世界建筑 Anime and Manga: World Building 1 month $250
动画与漫画:油墨与色彩 Anime and Manga: Ink and Colour 1 month $250
动画写作 Writing for Animation 3 months $1,497

在线学习证书课程 Online Certificate Courses

课程 Program 学时 Duration 学费 Tuition 申请费 App Fee
3D人物动画证书 3D Character Animation Certificate 6 Months $9000 $125
3D人物动画证书 - 非全日制 3D Character Animation Certificate - Part Time 12 Months $10800 $125
概念艺术证书 Concept Art Certificate 6 Months $9000 $125
概念艺术证书 - 非全日制 Concept Art Certificate - Part Time 24 Months $10800 $125

长期学时文凭课程 Long term duration Diploma Programs

课程 Program 学时 Duration 学费 Tuition 申请费 App Fee
数字绘画文凭 Digital Matte Painting Diploma 12 Months $14900 $125
3D人物动画文凭 3D Character Animation Diploma 12 Months $14900 $125
概念艺术文凭 Concept Art Diploma 12 Months $14900 $125
3D人物动画文凭-非全日制 3D Character Animation Diploma - Part Time 24 Months $17256 $125
概念艺术文凭 Concept Art Diploma - Part Time 24 Months $17256 $125


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