加拿大艺术和技术培训中心课程和学费 Programs and Tuition and Fees of Centre for Arts and Technology

加拿大文学和技术培训中心 Centre for Arts and Technology (卑诗基洛纳市) 继续讨论:

加拿大艺术和技术培训中心课程和学费 Programs of Tuition and Fees of Centre for Arts and Technology


课程 Program 第一学年书本费 Books & Supplies Year 1 第二学年书本费 Books & Supplies Year 2 留学生第一学年费用 International Tuition Year 1 留学生第二学年费用 lnternational Tuition Year 2 课时 Program Length
二维动画与数字艺术 2D Animation and Digital Art $1,400.00 N/A $22,100.00 N/A 12 months
游戏、电影和视觉效果动画 Animation for Game, Film & Visual Effects $1,200.00 $900.00 $23,150.00 $23,150.00 24 months
图形设计和网络开发 Graphic Design and Web Develooment $1 800.00 N A $33 300.00* N/A 18 months
图形和数字设计 Graphic and Digital Design $1,250.00 N/A $22,200.00 N/A 12 months
数字电影制作 Digital Filmmaking $1,600.00 N/A $34,700.00* N/A 18 months
数字电影制作和基础 Digital Filmmaking Fundamentals $1,500.00 N/A $24,100.00 N/A 12 months
数码摄影 Digital Photography $1,250.00 N/A $22,100.00 N A ’2 months
数码食品融合制作 Digital Video Fusion Production $1,500.00 N/A $22,900.00 N A 12 months
数码工程和制作 Audio Engineering and Production $1,000.00 N/A $34 700.00* N/A 18 months
演播室制作 Studio Production $750.00 N/A $24,100.00 N/A 12 months
电子音乐制作 Electronic Music Productlon $1,900.00 N/A $22,900.00 N/A 12 months
电子音乐艺术家 Electronic Music Artist $1,700.00 N/A $11,100.00 N/A 6 months
网络开发 Web Development $400.00 N/A $11,100.00 N/A 6 months
网络开发-在线选择 Web Development - Online Option $400.00 N/A $8,100.00 N/A 6 months
网络和移动应用开发商 Web and Mobile Application Developer $2,600.00 N/A $15,900.00 N/A 9 months
数码营销 Digital Marketing $0.00 N/A $1,700.00 N/A 6 months
事件&促销管理 Event & Promotions Management $1,100.00 N/A $20,100.00 N/A 12 months
时装设计和采购 Fashion Design and Merchandising $1,200.00忖 $1,000.00** $20,050.00 $20,050.00 24 months
高级室内设计和技术 Advanced Interior Design and Technology $1,500.00 $900.00 $21,100.00 $21,100.00 24 months
室内设计和技术 Interior Design and Technology $2,300.00 N/A $32,650.00* N/A 18 months
网络管理员专家 Network Administrator Specialist $900.00 N/A $20,100.00 N A 12 months
网络安全专家 Network Security Specialist $900.00 $500.00 $19,700.00 $10,500.00 18 months
网络安全专家 Networkk Security Professlonal $800.00 N/A $’1,500.00 N/A 6 months
兽医院助理 Veterinary Hospital Assistant N/A N/A $12,300.00 N/A 9 months


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