Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR)-之前学习评估和认可

Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR)-之前学习评估和认可-飞出国

Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR):由加拿大学校、学院、大学、雇主和政府等机构对一个人在正规教育机构以外获得工作技能的评估过程。这个过程允许评估结果以学分的形式进行量化。

This is a process that is used across Canada by schools, colleges, universities, employers and governments to formally recognize a person’s skills that they have acquired outside of formal education settings. This process allows people to have these skills assessed and possibly recognized in the form of academic credits. For more information on prior learning assessment and recognition, see the Canadian Association of Prior Learning Assessment (Pan-Canadian)
