

  1. 澳洲PR永居身份可以享有的权利,主要包括:
  • 在澳大利亚永久居留
  • 在澳大利亚工作和学习
  • 享有澳大利亚国民医疗Medicare
  • 可以申请银行贷款买房
  • 可以担保符合要求的亲属移民
  • 可以申请加入澳大利亚国籍
  • 在持有的签证Travel Facility有效期内可以出入澳洲
  • 享有免费的英语语言课程AMEP
  • 可以在新西兰工作
  • 政府规定的永居身份可以享有的其他福利

As a permanent resident of Australia, you generally can:

  • remain in Australia indefinitely

  • work and study in Australia

  • enrol in Australia’s national health scheme, Medicare

  • apply for bank loans to buy property

  • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence

  • apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible

  • travel to and from Australia for as long as your travel facility permits. Please see Overseas travel as a permanent resident.

  • attend free English language classes provided by the Adult Migrant English Program

  • work in New Zealand

You may also qualify for other government benefits and services. If you hold a permanent visa, but you are not residing in Australia, your eligibility for the above may be impacted. Contact the relevant government departments or authorities to confirm your rights and obligations.

  1. 不同于澳洲公民,永居身份不享有以下权利:
  • 澳大利亚护照
  • 政府选举投票权
  • 学生贷款
  • 加入澳洲国防
  • 从事政府工作
  • 无须签证Travel Facility出入境澳洲

Unlike Australian citizens, a permanent resident generally cannot:

  • have an Australian passport
  • vote in Australian Government elections unless you enrolled (as a British subject) before 26 January 1984
  • access student loans
  • join the Australian Defence Force
  • obtain ongoing work in the Australian Government
  • return to Australia from overseas without a valid travel facility (you do not have automatic right of entry to Australia).


  1. 澳洲PR永居身份是永久有效的,但是所签发的签证是5年有效的;很多人不好理解这个意思,飞出国进一步举例说明下,比如189/190下签,拿的是永居PR签证,申请人持有这个签证去澳洲居住,理论上不再出境澳洲,是可以一直待在澳洲的,即使所持签证是5年有效的。

How long you can stay

This is a permanent visa. It lets you stay in Australia indefinitely.

Travelling on your visa

You can travel to and from Australia for 5 years from the date we grant the visa. After 5 years you will need a Resident Return (RRV) visa (subclass 155 or 157) to re-enter Australia as a permanent resident. To see when the 5 years ends, use VEVO.

  1. 上面所说的一直住在澳洲不出境这是不现实的,因为实际情况中,大多数申请人都是拿到澳洲PR身份后短期内无法实现去澳洲长住,因此,大家比较多的就关心“移民监”——也就是澳洲境内居住要求的问题。飞出国大致说明以下几点:
  • 对于中国申请人而言,大多数申请人拿到PR签证,都没有计划入籍,毕竟中国不承认双国籍,所以大多数人的身份状态是中国公民+澳洲PR,澳洲PR身份只是电子签证,持有的还是中国护照,所以澳洲PR身份一般不会影响中国的身份
  • PR签证拿到后,首登First Entry都是要按时按完成的,首登不限制时停留时间长短,不限制登陆城市,不要求给移民局或者州政府汇报。
  • 由于PR签证所签发的有效期是5年,在不入籍的情况下,一般建议申请人5年内在澳洲住满两年,主要考虑两点:1. 通过190签证获得的PR身份一般都有承诺去所担保的州居住两年;2. 不论189还是190,都涉及到5年签证到期后,如果要再出入境澳洲,则还要申请后续的居民返程签证Resident Return Visa(155/157),如果前五年内累计可以住满两年,则可以申请5年有效期的居民返程签证,否则可能是一年甚至更短有效期的;具体可以参考澳洲移民pr永居五年后续签申请rrv

When you are granted a permanent visa, you are usually permitted a 5-year travel facility. This means you can leave and re-enter Australia as many times as you like in the 5 years from the date your permanent visa was granted, as long as your visa remains valid.

After 5 years, your travel facility expires. You will need to apply for and be granted either:

  • 如果申请人获得PR签证后,仅仅完成了首登后就再也没有去过澳洲,也可以申请居民返程签证
  • 如果申请人想加入澳大利亚国籍,要求申请人在递交入籍申请之前已在澳洲居住满4年,4年里离境不超过12个月,且最近12个月的身份必须是永居身份且出境不超过90天

At the time you apply you must have been:

  • living in Australia on a valid visa for the past 4 years
  • a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen for the past 12 months
  • away from Australia for no more than 12 months in total in the past 4 years, including no more than 90 days in total in the past 12 months
  1. 飞出国强调:澳洲PR身份的申请人5年签证到期后,务必申请居民返程签证,不要申请任何其他临时签证(比如旅游签等),否则将会导致PR身份失效

If you wish to return to Australia as a permanent resident from any overseas travel, you may need to apply for and be granted a Resident Return visa (subclass 155 or subclass 157) if:

  • the travel facility on your permanent visa has either already expired or will expire while you are outside Australia
  • you are a former Australian permanent resident whose last permanent visa was not cancelled
  • you are a former Australian citizen who lost or renounced your citizenship.

If you intend to arrive in Australia without a valid visa, your entry will be denied (unless you are an Australian citizen).

Your permanent resident status will only be reinstated if your application for a Resident Return visa is granted. If your Resident Return visa application is refused, you may have to consider applying again for another permanent visa, such as a Former Resident visa, a family visa or a skilled visa. You will be provided with information regarding your eligibility for any merits review processes.

Any family members who are permanent residents travelling outside of Australia will need their own Resident Return visas.

Returning to Australia without a permanent visa that has a valid travel facility (for example, entering Australia on an ETA or visitor visa) may impact both your:

  • entitlements as a permanent resident
  • ability to satisfy the permanent residence requirements when applying for Australian citizenship or when applying for another Resident Return visa.

If you are in Australia as a permanent resident, you do not need to apply for a Resident Return visa if you do not wish to travel following the expiry of your permanent visa’s travel facility.