Orana Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) NSW Orana指定区域移民协议

综述 :2019年4月,NSW Orana地区(Regional Development Australia Orana)与澳洲政府签订了Orana指定区域移民协议DAMA。协议期限5年,旨在为该地区面临关键技术和劳动力短缺的雇主提供担保海外技术工人的途径。RDA Orana同样提成优先保证澳洲公民和居民的就业机会。

一. Orana DAMA定义及实施-飞出国

  1. 定义:Orana DAMA是Regional Development Australia (RDA) Orana与澳洲政府签订的关于该地区的移民协议,属于雇主担保签证项目,个人不得独立申请。

  2. 大体申请流程:Orana DAMA适用于482临时技术短缺签证以及186雇主提名计划的劳动协议类别。

  • 在RDA Orana的认可下,企业申请并与内政部签订劳动协议;

  • 经认可的雇主提名所需职位;

  • 工人申请并可能获得TSS 482签证或ENS 186签证(在Orana DAMA协议下,部分半技术的职业只能申请TSS签证)。

  1. 基本要素:
  • 是Orana DAMA 签证持有者 获得永居 的重要途径;

  • 广泛涵盖了Orana紧缺的技工和半技工类职业;

  • 部分职业英语要求降低;

  • 提供的工资减免反映了Orana地区的市场价格,确保不损害当地工人的就业条件;

  • 纳入了一系列风险和诚信行为,以确保保护雇员和雇主的权利;

  • 期限为5年。

  1. RDA Orana权限:
  • 管理雇主认可/背书程序;

  • 监督雇主的市场行为以及政府各项举措的影响;

  • 为雇主和签证持有者提供背书程序和后续就业阶段的支持。

  • 汇报和评估 DAMA的效果以及对Orana地区的影响。

  1. 澳洲政府权限:
  • 管理所有DAMA协议;

  • 根据法律要求,对劳动协议,提名和签证阶段的个人申请进行评估。

  1. 雇主义务
  • 证明有能力长期雇佣所要担保的移民申请人;

  • 证明已做出适当的尝试来招募和雇用澳大利亚公民;

  • 证明在澳洲就业或者工作部门没有不良记录;

  • 证明愿为移民雇员提供至少相同的工作条件。

  1. 雇主资质要求及申请材料清单:

How does it work?

A Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) is an agreement between the Australian Government and a Designated Area Representative (DAR), in this case, Regional Development Australia (RDA) Orana in New South Wales.

The Orana DAMA is an employer-sponsored visa program and individual workers cannot apply for a visa independently.

The Orana DAMA utilises the labour agreement stream of the Temporary Skills Shortage visa (TSS subclass 482) and the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS subclass 186). Following endorsement from RDA Orana, businesses apply for and enter into a labour agreement with the Department of Home Affairs. Endorsed employers then lodge a nomination for the position required, and workers then apply for and may be granted a TSS Subclass 482 or ENS Subclass 186 visa.

Note: some semi-skilled occupations are only eligible to apply for the TSS visa under the Orana DAMA.

RDA Orana has negotiated an agreement for the Orana region that includes specific occupations and conditions that will assist our region to address our most acute labour shortages. You can find the DAMA Skills List HERE.

Essential elements of the Orana DAMA:

  • It is a pathway to permanent residency for Orana DAMA visa holders
  • It caters for a broad range of occupations that reflect skilled and semi-skilled shortages in the Orana
  • It offers English language concessions for some occupations
  • It offers salary concessions that reflect the Orana regions market rates, ensuring that local worker terms and conditions of employment are not eroded
  • It incorporates a range of risk and integrity actions to ensure that the rights of both employees and employers are protected.
  • It is a five-year agreement.

What is the role of RDA Orana?

As the Designated Area Representative (DAR), RDA Orana’s role is to manage a number of aspects of the DAMA on behalf of the Australian Government.

The responsibilities for RDA Orana include:

Managing the employer endorsement process.

Employers interested in a Labour Agreement under the Orana region DAMA must first be endorsed by RDA Orana. As a part of this process, RDA Orana must ensure that the business has undertaken the appropriate steps to ensure the aims of the DAMA are upheld and that legislative requirements for the relevant visa pathways will be met.

If the employer is endorsed, the RDA Orana will provide a letter of endorsement to the employer and the Department of Home Affairs.

Monitor the labour market behaviour of employers and the impact of various government initiatives in the Orana region to ensure that Australians are not disadvantaged by the DAMA and that the DAMA objectives are met.

RDA Orana does this by undertaking monthly job ad surveys, an annual skills shortage survey and regular briefings with a broad range of employers within the Orana region. We also regularly consult with business organisations and RDAs from across the country to monitor labour markets and activities taking place in a broader context.

Supporting employers and visa holders through the endorsement process and subsequent employment period.

RDA Orana acts as a conduit between the employer and various government departments and service providers:

  • to ensure both the employer and the employee have access to information on their working rights and responsibilities
  • to assist employers where variations in arrangements need to be made, and
  • to provide settlement support information about regional relocation, health, emergency services and education is available to ensure the migrant family’s settlement is as smooth as possible.

Reporting on and evaluating the effectiveness of the DAMA and its impacts on the Orana region.

What is the role of the Australian Government?

The Department of Home Affairs undertakes two major functions in relation to the DAMA.

  1. It manages all DAMAs and their objectives on a national level and ensures that all parties meet their obligations under these agreements.

  2. It undertakes the assessment of an individual applications against the legislative requirements for the Labour Agreement, nomination and visa stages.

What is the role of the employer?

As an employer, you must submit an honest, accurate and complete application to show your business:

  • has the capacity to employ the migrant you wish to sponsor on a long-term basis
  • has made a suitable attempt to recruit and employ an Australian citizen (subject to specific requirements)
  • does not have a history of adverse dealings with Australian employment or workplace departments
  • is looking to provide at least the same working conditions to the migrant employee as is required by both law and the Australian labour market (subject to TSMIT requirements)

Download the Business Application Form for full details of the requirements and responsibilities of an Endorsed Employer.

Download the Document Checklist and Standards for Employer Sponsored Visas for the full details of the documents you will need to submit for your endorsement application.

Step by Step Application Process

二. Orana DAMA 职业清单-飞出国

DAMA协议下,可申请雇主担保的职业清单如下表,部分职业涉及工作经验(Skills/Work Experience)、最低工资收入(TSMIT,Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold)或者英语语言(English)要求的减免(Concession)。

The table shows occupations that are eligible for sponsorship under the Orana Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA).

It also shows the concessions that may be applied to the relevant occupations. For specific information that relates to each concession see this page

ANZSCO Code Skill Level Occupation Skills/Work Experience Concession TSMIT Concession Available English Concession Available PR Pathway
132211 1 Finance Manager TSS to ENS
221213 1 External Auditor TSS to ENS
221214 1 Internal Auditor TSS to ENS
233211 1 Civil Engineer TSS to ENS
233212 1 Geotechnical Engineer TSS to ENS
233214 1 Structural Engineer TSS to ENS
233215 1 Transport Engineer TSS to ENS
233512 1 Mechanical Engineer TSS to ENS
233513 1 Production or Plant Engineer TSS to ENS
233611 1 Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) TSS to ENS
233912 1 Agricultural Engineer TSS to ENS
233915 1 Environmental Engineer TSS to ENS
234213 1 Wine Maker TSS Only
234399 1 Environmental Scientists nec TSS to ENS
234411 1 Geologist TSS to ENS
234517 1 Microbiologist TSS to ENS
234611 1 Medical Laboratory Scientist Y Y TSS to ENS
251513 1 Retail Pharmacist TSS to ENS
252411 1 Occupational Therapist TSS to ENS
254412 1 Registered Nurse (Aged Care) TSS to ENS
254414 1 Registered Nurse (Community Health) TSS to ENS
254418 1 Registered Nurse (Medical) TSS to ENS
254422 1 Registered Nurse (Mental Health) TSS to ENS
254424 1 Registered Nurse (Surgical) TSS to ENS
141311 2 Hotel or Motel Manager TSS to ENS
149999 2 Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec Y TSS to ENS
311111 2 Agricultural Technician Y Y TSS to ENS
312211 2 Civil Engineering Draftsperson TSS to ENS
312212 2 Civil Engineering Technician TSS to ENS
312311 2 Electrical Engineering Draftsperson TSS to ENS
312511 2 Mechanical Engineering Draftsperson TSS to ENS
312512 2 Mechanical Engineering Technician Y TSS to ENS
351311 2 Chef Y TSS to ENS
411715 2 Residential Care Officer Y TSS to ENS
321211 3 Motor Mechanic (General) Y Y TSS to ENS
321212 3 Diesel Motor Mechanic Y TSS to ENS
322311 3 Metal Fabricator Y TSS to ENS
322313 3 Welder (First Class) Y TSS to ENS
323211 3 Fitter (General) Y TSS to ENS
323212 3 Fitter and Turner Y TSS to ENS
323214 3 Metal Machinist (First Class) Y TSS to ENS
323299 3 Metal Fitters and Machinists nec Y TSS to ENS
331212 3 Carpenter Y TSS to ENS
331213 3 Joiner Y Y TSS to ENS
332211 3 Painting Trades Worker Y Y TSS to ENS
333212 3 Solid Plasterer TSS to ENS
333411 3 Wall and Floor Tiler Y Y TSS to ENS
334111 3 Plumber (General) Y TSS to ENS
334114 3 Gasfitter Y TSS to ENS
334115 3 Roof Plumber Y TSS to ENS
341111 3 Electrician (General) Y TSS to ENS
351112 3 Pastrycook Y Y TSS to ENS
351211 3 Butcher or Smallgoods Maker Y Y TSS to ENS
351411 3 Cook Y Y TSS to ENS
394111 3 Cabinetmaker Y Y TSS to ENS
411411 3 Enrolled Nurse TSS to ENS
421111 4 Childcare Worker Y TSS to ENS
423111 4 Aged or Disabled Carer Y TSS to ENS
423312 4 Nursing Support Worker Y TSS to ENS
423313 4 Personal Care Assistant Y TSS to ENS
551111 4 Accounts Clerk Y Y TSS to ENS
551112 4 Cost Clerk Y Y TSS to ENS
551211 4 Bookkeeper Y Y TSS to ENS
551311 4 Payroll Clerk Y Y TSS to ENS
712212 4 Miner Y Y TSS to ENS
712311 4 Engineering Production Worker Y Y Y TSS to ENS
721111 4 Agricultural and Horticultural Mobile Plant Operator Y Y Y TSS to ENS
721211 4 Earthmoving Plant Operator (General) Y Y Y TSS to ENS
721999 4 Mobile Plant Operators (nec) Y Y Y TSS to ENS
733111 4 Truck Driver (General) Y Y Y TSS to ENS
831211 4 Meat Boner & Slicer Y TSS to ENS
831212 4 Slaughterer Y TSS to ENS
841611 5 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Worker Y Y Y TSS Only

三. DAMA 减让政策(concessions)-飞出国

1.含义:《移民法案》(1958年)和《移民法规》(1994年)规定了雇主提名申请以及雇员签证申请的资格标准。DAMA协议下,RDA Orana和澳洲政府之间就部分标准的改变达成了协议,使得一些不完全符合标准签证申请要求但是能胜任预期角色的雇员能够被灵活录用。针对不同职业的减让政策(concessions)可以参考 二. Orana DAMA 职业清单-飞出国

2. 永久居民(permanent residence)申请途径—Orana DAMA

除酿酒师(234213 Wine Maker)、混合农牧业工人(841611 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Worker),Orana DAMA 职业清单上的所有职业,都有机会通过ENS 186 雇主担保签证获得永久居留权 ,前提是在Orana DAMA协议下,持有TSS签证在Orana地区居住和工作满3年。

A. 学历和工作经验要求减让(Qualifications and experience concessions under the Orana region DAMA)

  • 当前Orana DAMA协议下,对于Level 1-3的职业,技能要求没有减免,被提名人必须能够满足他们所申请的实体签证的要求;

  • Orana DAMA 清单上,Level 4的部分职业,以及level 5的职业,有职业技能要求的减免;

  • 部分职业(如下表),必须至少满足如下申请要求

    • 相关机构出具的职业评估函;以及

    • 相关的澳大利亚资历框架(AQF)II级证书或同等学历,以及至少1.5年(每周20小时)的相关资格后经验;或

    • 相关的澳大利亚资历框架(AQF)III级证书,以及至少1年(每周20小时)的相关资格后经验;或

    • 至少两年(38小时/周)的相关工作经验。

ANZSCO Code Occupation ANZSCO Skill Level
551111 Accounts Clerk 4
721111 Agricultural and horticultural mobile plant operator 4
551211 Bookkeeper 4
551112 Cost Clerk 4
721211 Earthmoving plant operator – general 4
712311 Engineering Production Worker 4
712212 Miners 4
721999 Mobile Plant Operators (nec) 4
551311 Payroll Clerk 4
733111 Truck driver – general 4
  • 部分职业(如下表),必须至少满足如下申请要求

    • 相关机构出具的职业评估函;以及

    • 相关的澳大利亚资历框架(AQF)III级证书,以及至少两年(38小时/周)的相关资格后经验。

ANZSCO Code Occupation ANZSCO Skill Level
423111 Aged or Disabled Carer 4
423312 Nursing Support Worker 4
423313 Personal Care Assistant 4
  • 部分职业(如下表),必须至少满足如下申请要求

    • 由MINTRAC注册评估师进行评估和验证,或获得联邦的批准,以具有与MINTRAC所引用的AQF III级证书有关的肉类加工最低技能;以及

    • 至少2年的相关资格后经验。

ANZSCO Code Occupation ANZSCO Skill Level
831211 Meat Boner and Slicer 4
831212 Slaughterer 4
  • 部分职业(如下表),必须至少满足如下申请要求

    • 相关机构出具的职业评估函;以及

    • 至少2年的全职资格后经验。

ANZSCO Code Occupation ANZSCO Skill Level
841611 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Worker 5

B. 临时技术移民收入门槛减让(Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) concessions under the Orana DAMA)



  • 两个让步:

    • Type 1: 企业必须证明,年度货币收入至少应为TSMIT的90%,同时还必须满足特定职业和地点的奖励要求和年度市场薪资水平预期:

    • Type 2: 企业必须证明货币收入至少为TSMIT的90%,且非货币收入(食宿)不得超过TSMIT的10%,并且总金额至少应等于TSMIT。总收入也必须满足特定职业和地点的奖励要求和年度市场薪资水平预期。

  • 构成非货币收入的规定细则:

    • 福利必须与雇员的实际生活费用有关,如果雇主未支付这些费用,则应由雇员来支付;

    • 收益必须是可衡量的(并且能够被记录/验证);

    • 福利必须在雇佣合同中得到保证,并且必须与其他类似雇员的利益保持一致;

    • 福利不包括无保证的加班费,奖金和佣金。

C. 语言要求减让 (English language concessions under the Orana DAMA)


在DAMA协议下,部分职业语言要求有让步,具体可参考DAMA职业清单(DAMA Occupation List )。

  • 针对TSS 签证申请人,IELTS(或者等同的澳洲移民局认可的其他语言考试)要求总分/均分不低于5.0且单项不低于4.0。如果提名职业的专业注册需要更高的水平,那么这是首要要求;

  • 针对ENS签证申请人,IELTS(或者等同的澳洲移民局认可的其他语言考试)要求总分/均分不低于5.0且单项不低于4.5。同样,如果提名职业的专业注册需要更高的水平,那么这是首要要求;


四. 雇主资格(Employer eligibility)-飞出国

Orana DAMA协议规定,雇主必须在Orana地区有实际业务,经营活动也必须实际的发生在Orana区域内。

Orana地区包括 Bogan Shire, Bourke Shire, Brewarrina Shire, Cobar Shire, Coonamble Shire, Dubbo Region, Gilgandra Shire, Mid-Western Region, Narromine Shire, Warren Shire, Walgett Shire and the Warrumbungle Shire的地方政府区域。

  • 企业必须:

    • 在澳洲境内有注册实体,并且已至少运营12个月;
    • 证明有能力至少在所要求的签证期限内雇用指定雇员;
    • 有遵守所有相关工作场所法规的历史(无不良信息)。
  • DAR在处理雇主申请时,会考虑到雇主的劳动力需求,包括以下因素:

    • 根据雇主当前和未来的劳动力需求来确定Orana DAMA协议下,将认可哪些职业和相应的减让政策;
    • 每个职业以及每个减让可以提名多少个职位。

寻求吸引更多海外工人的企业将需要向Orana DAR申请批准其他职位。


Employer eligibility

For a role to be eligible under the Orana DAMA, the employer business must have a physical presence in the Orana region and the activities of the role must be substantially within the Orana region.

The Orana region includes the local government areas of Bogan Shire, Bourke Shire, Brewarrina Shire, Cobar Shire, Coonamble Shire, Dubbo Region, Gilgandra Shire, Mid-Western Region, Narromine Shire, Warren Shire, Walgett Shire and the Warrumbungle Shire.

The business must:

  • be a registered Australian entity and have been actively operating for at least 12 months
  • be able to show the capacity to employ the intended employee(s) for at least the length of the requested visa
  • have a history of compliance with all relevant workplace legislation (no adverse information)

The Orana region DAR takes into consideration the needs of your workforce when considering your application. This includes factors such as:

  • your current and future workforce needs to determine which occupation(s) and concession(s) requested will be endorsed under the Orana DAMA;
  • how many positions can be nominated for each occupation and for each concession;

Businesses seeking to access additional overseas workers will need to apply to the Orana DAR for endorsement of additional positions.

The endorsement is valid for 1 year.

五. 申请流程(Step-by-step guide to the DAMA application process for the Orana region)-飞出国

步骤1: 仔细阅读官网,有相关疑问可以联系RDA Orana;

步骤 2: 注册并填写申请表Orana DAMA application form

步骤 3: 和RDA Orana预约申请前面试,确定是否符合Orana DAMA的endorsement申请。初次面试包括审核:

  • 申请人的企业是否满足Business endorsement的申请条件;

  • 申请职位是否在当前Orana DAMA的职业清单上;

  • 确认是否正确执行了劳动力市场测试(LMT);

  • 确定所申请的职业符合哪类减让政策;

  • 是否具备雇主担保签证清单上的所有材料 Document Checklist for Employer Sponsored Visa

RDA Orana确认申请人符合申请条件之后,会提供进行下一步申请的链接;

步骤 4: 完成并递交endorsement申请,申请费每个职位1000澳币+GST;

步骤 5: RDA Orana评估雇主的endorsement申请,并在10个工作日内给出初步反馈。

  • Endorsement 申请有效期3个月,期间有可能要求补充材料;

  • 如果获得认可,10个工作日内会收到endorsement letter;

  • 递交labour agreement申请时,必须将Endorsement letter提交给澳洲移民局内政部;

  • 如endorsement申请不通过,同样会收到通知;

  • Business endorsement Letter有效期12个月。

步骤 6: 雇主通过immiaccount系统想移民局内政部递交labour agreement application:

  • RDA Orana会向雇主提供在线申请指南,无申请费。

  • 处理周期4周;

  • Labour Agreement获批后,雇主需在12个月之内提名相应的申请人;

步骤 7: 雇主像移民局内政部递交雇主担保提名申请:

步骤 8: 被提名人向移民局内政部递交雇主担保签证申请。

Step-by-step guide to the DAMA application process for the Orana region

Step 1:

Have a good read of the information contained in this website. If after reading the information you still have questions or are unsure of your eligibility, please contact RDA Orana.

Step 2:

Download the Orana DAMA application form (please note you will be required to register before you can download the application form) and work through the requirements.

Step 3:

Make an appointment for a pre-lodgement meeting with RDA Orana. At this meeting RDA Orana will discuss your suitability for endorsement under the Orana DAMA. This initial interview will check that:

  1. The applicant business meets the requirements for business endorsement by the Orana Designated Area Representative (DAR) for the Orana DAMA
  2. The intended position is on the current skills list for the Orana DAMA
  3. Confirm that Labour Market Testing (LMT) has been correctly conducted
  4. Determine what concessions will be required for each intended position
  5. You have the documents required on the Document Checklist for Employer Sponsored Visas

Once your eligibility is confirmed RDA Orana will provide you with a link to enable you to proceed to the next step.

Step 4:

Complete and lodge your application form through the provided link, with required evidence (please note assessment will not commence until RDA Orana has received your payment of the application fee of $1000 plus GST per position).

Step 5:

RDA Orana will assess your application for endorsement and provide initial feedback where required within 10 business days of the date of lodgement.

Your application for endorsement will be valid for three months from the date of lodgement, to enable time for the provision of additional information to us, where requested.

If the business is endorsed by RDA Orana, you will receive a letter of endorsement within 10 business days of the positive assessment. This letter must be submitted to the Department of Home Affairs with your application for a labour agreement under the Orana DAMA.

If your application is unsuccessful, you will also be advised.

Your Business Endorsement under the Orana DAMA is valid for a period of 12 months.

Step 6: The employer lodges the labour agreement application with the Department of Home Affairs via ImmiAccount

RDA Orana will provide you with an online application guide (from the Department of Home Affairs) which will guide you through the online DAMA labour agreement request process. This guide

provides very specific instructions and assistance with the overall process for lodging a request through ImmiAccount.

There is no charge to lodge a Labour Agreement application with the Department of Home Affairs.

Within 4 weeks, the Department of Home Affairs will contact you to:

  1. Request more information
  2. Notify your business of the labour agreement request outcome.

Once your Labour Agreement has been approved, your business has 12 months to nominate a particular applicant.

Step 7: The employer lodges the nomination application with the Department of Home Affairs

Follow the instructions in the Nomination Application Guide:


At this stage, you will pay the nomination fee and the Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) Levy that is applicable to your business size.

Once your application is lodged and paid, you will be issued an acknowledgement email containing your transaction reference number (TRN). Your nominee (employee) will need this number to lodge their visa application.

Step 8: The employee lodges their visa application with the Department of Home Affairs

The nominee/ employee lodges their visa application using the nomination TRN provided to the endorsed business.

六. 常见问题— FAQs relate to the Orana DAMA



2.Orana DAMA 包含哪些职业?

共包括73个职业,涵盖多个行业。旨在解决Orana地区劳动力短缺的问题,清单 HERE

3. DAMA 申请过程?


4. 雇主是否符合通过Orana DAMA来担保海外技术工人的条件?


  • 财务上可行并且已经运营了至少12个月;

  • 无不履行对员工义务的历史(不良信息);

  • 希望雇用海外技术工人来担任全职工作,工作内容符合在Orana DAMA职业清单上的某一职业(当前持有其他签证的申请人也有机会符合申请条件);

  • 雇主需证明在当地找不到澳洲公民或者永居居民来胜任这份工作;

  • 提供给海外技术工人的的相关就业条款需和提供给澳洲本地工人的条件同等;

5. 通过DAMA移民成功的技术工人需要定居在Orana地区吗?

是的。所有通过Orana DAMA成功被雇用的技术工人,都需要在本地区工作和居住。

6. DAMA 申请费用?

所有DAMA endorsement申请都会产生前期审理费用1000澳币/职位(含GST),其他费用包括:

  • 提名职业的职业评估-职业评估机构收取

  • 提名申请-移民局收取

  • 工作签证申请-移民局收取

  • SAF levy-澳洲政府收取

7.DAMA 申请开放时间?谁来审理DAMA申请?


8. 技术工人能否直接申请通过DAMA移民到Orana地区?

不能。Orana DAMA是雇主担保签证项目,技术工人个人不得独立申请签证。鼓励有兴趣在Orana地区居住和工作的申请人,通过求职网站(如 seek.com 或者 jobactive.gov.au)申请合适的职位,如申请成功,雇主有可能担保申请人申请移民签证。

9.Orana DAMA 劳动协议类别申请,有年龄限制吗?


10. RDA Orana migration team 联系方式?

[email protected]

The following FAQs relate to the Orana DAMA

Why do we need DAMA for the Orana region?

In workforce.

What occupations are included in the Orana DAMA?

The Orana DAMA includes 73 occupations across multiple industries. The DAMA seeks to address skills shortages across a broad range of industries that are significant to employers in the Orana region. The approved list of skilled workers includes jobs such as childcare workers, hospitality supervisors and disability workers to help fill shortages in these industries. A complete list of occupations is available HERE.

What does the DAMA application process involve?

The DAMA application process is rigorous, to ensure any regional jobs are available to Australians as a first priority. Employers need to demonstrate that the job cannot be filled by an Australian and that the conditions being offered to the migrant nominee are at least those expected by an equivalent Australian employee. It also requires the skilled migrant to undertake a skills assessment for selected occupations, demonstrating their competence and qualifications, as well as an English language test.

Is my business eligible to sponsor an overseas worker through the Orana DAMA?

Businesses can access the Orana DAMA if they are actively operating in the Orana region and meet the following criteria:

  • Are financially viable and have been operating for at least 12 months
  • Have no history of not meeting its obligations to employees (adverse information)
  • Are looking to employ overseas workers to fill full-time positions with duties that align with one of the occupations on the Orana DAMA list (current employees on other visas may be eligible to apply)
  • Can demonstrate they cannot fill the position locally with Australian citizens or permanent residents
  • Can provide terms and conditions of employment to overseas workers that are in accordance with those offered to equivalent Australian workers employed in the region.

Note: The Orana DAMA is an employer-sponsored visa program and individual workers cannot apply for a visa independently.

Do workers who migrate through the DAMA have to reside in the Orana region?

Yes. All workers employed in Australia under the Orana DAMA are required to live and work in our region.

What are the costs associated with a DAMA application?

All DAMA endorsement applications will incur an up-front processing fee of $1000 including GST per position Other fees and charges associated with accessing the Orana DAMA may include:

  • skills verification for selected occupations – Skills Assessing Authority
  • nomination application – Department of Home Affairs
  • worker visa application – Department of Home Affairs
  • Skilling Australians Fund levy – Australian Government.

For information on the fees and charges for visas go to the Department of Home Affairs website.

When will applications for the DAMA open, and who will assess them?

Applications for the Orana DAMA will start in October 2019. As the Designated Area Representative (DAR) for the Orana DAMA, Regional Development Australia Orana will be accepting and assessing applications from businesses seeking endorsement.

As a skilled worker, can I apply to migrate to the Orana region under the DAMA?

No. The Orana DAMA is an employer-sponsored visa program and individual workers cannot apply for a visa independently. If you are interested in living and working in the Orana region, we encourage you to apply for suitable job vacancies. Most jobs are advertised through online websites such as seek.com or jobactive.gov.au. If your job application is successful a regional employer may be prepared to sponsor you for a skilled migration visa.

Is there an applicant age limit for the Orana DAMA labour agreement stream?

A TSS visa holder does not have an age limit, however workers aspiring to access the permanent residence pathway through the ENS must be aware that this has an age limit of 45 years old at time of permanent residence visa application.

Who can I contact for more information?

Contact the RDA Orana migration team at [email protected]

七. 常见问题— FAQs for general DAMA implementation

1. 如果海外技术工人(雇员)签证获批,但一直没有到岗工作怎么办?

  • TSS签证:被提名人必须在登陆澳洲的90天内(如签证获批时在澳洲境外)或者在签证获批的90天内(如签证获批时在澳洲境内)开始工作,雇主需通过邮件或者immiaccount系统告知移民局。否则被提名人将被取消签证。

  • ENS签证:不要求。

2 . 如果海外技术工人(雇员)无法胜任该项工作怎么办?

  • TSS签证:雇主需通过遵循有关绩效的常规“公平工作申诉专员”(FWO)程序,与员工一起努力。如雇主因任何原因终止劳动关系,必须通知移民局。雇员在结束该雇主提供的工作后,需在60天内另寻符合要求的雇主来获得提名和新的签证,否则需要离开澳洲;

  • ENS签证:雇主需通过遵循有关绩效的常规“公平工作申诉专员”(FWO)程序,与员工一起努力。如雇主认为雇员通过提供虚假信息获得签证,应及时报告移民局。

3 . 如雇员在签证到期之前离开怎么办(针对TSS签证)?


4 . 如雇员在获得ENS永久签证后立即离开,该怎么办?


5 . 雇主是否可以接管其他雇主的担保资格(针对TSS签证)?


6 . 如被提名人签证拒签,雇主能否要求endorsement申请的退款?


7 . endorsement获批后,有效期多久?


  • 被提名人TSS签证获批

  • 雇主取消提名

  • 雇主担保人资格被取消

  • 劳动协议终止

8 . 如果雇主以提名工人从事半熟练/非熟练工作,为什么工资门槛仍然很高?


9 . 如果我们的薪酬在食品和膳食方面的扣减率(非货币收入组成部分)与DAMA约定的不同,该怎么办?


10 . 永居申请类别雇主提名阶段,要求进行劳动力市场测试吗?


FAQs for general DAMA implementation

What if the overseas worker’s visa is granted but they never show up/ never start work?
TSS: The nominee must begin employment within 90 days of entry to Australia (if they’re offshore when the visa is granted) or within 90 days of the visa grant date (if they are in Australia when the visa is granted). You must notify the Department of Home Affairs by email or via the ‘Notification of sponsor changes’ form in ImmiAccount. As this is a breach of visa conditions the visa holder will be referred for visa cancellation.

ENS: No action can be taken.

What if the overseas worker can’t do the job?

TSS: You should try and work it out with the employee by following the usual Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) processes regarding performance. If you terminate their employment for any reason you must notify the Department of Home Affairs. The employee has 60 days from the date they finish working with you to find another approved sponsor to nominate them, be granted a different visa or leave Australia. ENS: You should try and work it out with the employee by following the usual Fair Work Ombudsman processes regarding performance. If you think they gained the visa by deception by providing false or misleading information about their skills, qualifications or English level, report them to the Department of Home Affairs.

What if they leave before their visa runs out (TSS only)?

You must notify the Department of Home Affairs by email or via the ‘Notification of sponsor changes’ form in ImmiAccount. The employee has 60 days from the date they finish working with you to find another approved sponsor to nominate them, be granted a different visa or leave Australia. If the visa holder or any of their dependents become unlawful, you might have to pay the cost of locating them and removing them from Australia.

What if they leave as soon as their ENS permanent visa is granted?

You can notify us but there is nothing the Department of Home Affairs can do with no cancellation powers. What if someone approaches me/cold-calls asking me to sponsor them? Don’t get involved. You should provide the information to the Department of Home Affairs via BorderWatch.

Can I take over sponsorship from another employer (TSS only)?

Yes, but only if you are first endorsed by the Designated Area Representative (DAR), have a genuine vacancy, LMT evidence, and have your own labour agreement for the same occupation. You will also need to lodge a nomination application. The visa holder can only start working with you once the nomination has been approved.

Can I get a refund of the endorsement fee if the visa is refused?

No. There are very limited refund grounds.

How long does my endorsement last once granted?

Your endorsement lasts for 12 months from the approval date or until: – The nominee is granted a TSS visa – You withdraw the nomination – Your approval as a sponsor is cancelled – The day on which your labour agreement ceases

If we can nominate workers into semi-skilled/ unskilled occupations, why is the salary threshold still so high?

Temporary residents face higher living expenses than Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents. (for example health insurance costs and international student education costs). Concessions to the current TSMIT may be available for some occupations under a DAMA. These concessions take location, skill level and industry awards into account.

What if our Award has a different rate for food and board deductions (non-monetary earnings components) than what is agreed in the DAMA?

The non-monetary components negotiated in the DAMA indicates the maximum amount that can be deducted from an overseas worker’s earnings. You cannot deduct a larger amount than what is outlined in your Award or in the DAMA.

Is Labour Market Testing required at nomination stage for the permanent residency pathway?

No, but you need to demonstrate that you have a genuine need for a paid employee. This can include evidence that the position has existed but has become vacant, or that the position is currently occupied by a temporary resident.