安省省提名雇主申请流程和材料(ONPNP How to apply )

安省雇主在省提名移民中需要的配合 (ONPNP Opportunities Ontario: Employers) 继续讨论:

安省雇主如何申请提名职位(ONPNP How to apply ) - 飞出国

雇主可以在一个申请表中,同时申请 General类别和 the International Student Categories类别。雇主需要满足两种类别的要求,并且获得提名职位批准。

安省雇主申请流程 (application process) - 飞出国

Step One: 雇主预申请 Pre-Screen Application - employer

  • 雇主向安省提交一份预申请 Pre-screen Application 。申请过程是免费的。
  • 雇主预申请获批后会收到批准函。对于每个获批的职位,雇主还会同时会收到 Joint Verification form 以及 Pre-screen Position form 表。雇主有60天的时间来招聘申请人。(如果雇主有需要可以有30天的延期)。

Step Two: 申请人提名申请 Nominee Application - individual

  • Recruited individuals 需要向安省提交提名申请。申请人需要支付不退还的申请费。
  • 申请成功的申请人将会获得省提名证书(Provincial Nomination Certificate),获得提名函后必须向加拿大移民局(CIC)提交永久签证申请。
  • CIC永居申请处理期间,申请人可以申请临时工作许可,在安省工作。

安省雇主申请 Pre-Screen Application 流程指南 - 飞出国

1. 下载申请表

2. 填写申请表


3. 支持材料


To verify previous year’s gross revenue and verify three years of continuous business operation, please submit copies of:

  • Revenue Canada Schedules 125 (Income Statement Information) and 141 (Accounting Practitioner Information) for past three years; or
  • Company’s financial statements for the past three fiscal years signed by a C.A., C.M.A. or C.G.A.

For proof of the premises please submit a copy of:

  • Deed to the property comprising the premise, showing the employer applicant as owner; or
  • Lease, offer to lease, licence, notice of lease, or licence registered on title; and landlord/licensor’s name, address and telephone number.

To verify the minimum of five full-time employees on payroll please submit a copy of:

  • Revenue Canada T4 Summary for previous fiscal year.
  • If Employer applicant has 10 full-time employees or less, also include a list of the current full-time employee positions by job title and salary.

4. 提交申请


Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program
400 University Avenue, Ground Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2R9

关于文件的翻译: 非英语法语文件,需要提供原件复印件,以及翻译件,还有翻译员的affidavit宣誓书。

安省雇主如何申请提名职位 : http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNPEMPLOYER_APPLY.html



请参考这里: EE 400分或法语clb7英语clb6可以申请安省新项目- OI_PNP_EE_FRENCH-OI_PNP_EE_CAPITAL - #8 由 chaoyue