

在魁北克工程领域执业 Practicing engineering in Québec - 飞出国


In Québec, only members who are in good standing with the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec are legally allowed to practice the profession. To obtain an engineer’s permit, you must first meet certain requirements and follow a very specific process. The steps in this process differ depending on whether you earned your engineering degree in Québec, Canada or abroad.

获得许可证Obtaining a permit - 飞出国

一、魁北克本科文凭Undergraduate diploma obtained in Québec - 飞出国

申请人情况Candidate’s profile

如果在魁北克的大学取得工程专业本科文凭,并且学历已得到加拿大工程师认证委员会(CEAB)认可,就可以在魁北克工程师协会申请初级工程师许可证(Junior Engineer’s permit)。



更多信息,联系我们,电话是514 845-6141,分机号2473;也可以邮件咨询admission@oiq.qc.ca

If you have been awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from a Québec university and your program has been accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), you may apply for a Junior Engineer’s permit from the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.

To find out whether your diploma has been accredited by the CEAB, click here.

If your diploma has not been accredited by the CEAB, click here.

For more information, contact our office at 514 845-6141, extension 2473 or by email at admission@oiq.qc.ca

学生情况:目标-在魁北克工程领域执业 Student presentation: Destination – An Engineering Career in Québec



  • 魁北克工程师协会和工程专业
  • 专业工程师
  • 初级工程师职业发展道路
  • 继续教育


One of l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec’s activities is to offer presentations to students who are about to complete their Engineering degree.

The presentation covers the following subjects :

  • The Engineering Profession and l’Ordre;
  • The Engineer is Professional;
  • The Career Path of the Junior Engineer;
  • Continuing Education.

We cordially invite you to attend one of our presentations so that you will be better informed about your career path. Our presenters will provide you will all the relevant information and will answer your questions.You may contact us to know the date of the next presentation at your university or you may contact l’Ordre’s representative on campus.

要求的材料 Required documents


  • 填写好的许可申请表,并签字。
  • 确保照片中头像居中,直视镜头,眼睛睁开,照片清晰
  • 民事登记处签发的出生证明原件及复印件
  • 学历官方成绩单,由就读的院校直接寄到魁北克建筑师协会
  • 如果你毕业于McGill University 或 Concordia University,需要提供材料证明你的法语水平能够使你在魁北克工程领域执业
  • 支付许可申请费:参见费用表中的« 申请许可证-1级工程学历的申请人»


  • 根据要求,可以提交对该申请有辅助性作用的大学证书(副本并公证)或者其他能够证明学历文凭的材料(由院校直接送),需提供原件和复印件。


The application you submit to the Admissions and Permits Department of the Order must include the following:

Please take note that the use of hard copy forms for the permit application, when it can be done online, incurs an additional fee of $ 28.74

  • Please make sure that the photograph is centered and that you looked directly at the camera when the photo was taken. Your eyes must be opened and clearly visible.

  • An original act of birth issued by the Civil Registry office (accompanied by a photocopy);

  • An official transcript of your degree sent directly to the Order by the issuing educational institution;

  • If your diploma is from McGill University or Concordia University, documentation proving that your knowledge of French is appropriate to the practice of the profession. **

  • Payment of the permit application fee. See « REQUEST FOR PERMIT - Holder of Type 1 Engineering degree » in the Fee Schedule. ***


  • Upon request, any university diploma or diplomas supporting the application (a true copy certified by the issuing educational institution or by a member or employee of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec upon presentation of the original and photocopy) or a document attesting to the issuance of the diploma or diplomas sent directly to the Order by the issuing educational institution (the hard copy version must be accompanied by a photocopy).

IMPORTANT : You must also provide an official translation of any documents not written in French or English. This translation must be certified with a solemn declaration by the translator.

申请材料评估 File evaluation

收到申请材料后,Admissions and Permits Department会核实你的学历证书,看是否是加拿大工程师认证局认可的项目,并且确保你的申请材料完整。


如果你满足了所有要求,会将你的材料提交到执行委员会(Executive Committee),然后给你颁发初级工程师许可证。该委员会大约每6至8周颁发一次初级工程师许可证。

请注意,如果你学习的课程不在监管机构规定中,却有指定院校颁发的学历证书,这种情况下有机会获得许可或专业机构的specialist’s certificates ,你的材料会先被送到考试委员会(Committee of Examiners),这样会延迟4周左右颁发许可证。

Upon receiving your application, the Admissions and Permits Department verifies that your diploma was indeed issued following the completion of a program of study accredited by the Canadian Engineer Accreditation Board (CEAB) program and ensures that all the required documents have been included.

The Order then informs you in writing of the status of your application, that is, whether your file is complete or whether you must provide additional documentation.

If you have satisfied all the requirements, your file is submitted to the Executive Committee for the issuance of your Junior Engineer’s permit. This committee meets approximately every six to eight weeks.

Please note that if your program of study does not appear in the Regulation respecting the diplomas issued by designated educational institutions which give access to permits or specialist’s certificates of professional orders, your file must first be submitted to the Committee of Examiners, which could delay the issuance of your permit by an additional four weeks or so.

材料复审 File review

如果你对考试委员会提出的建议有任何异议,可以联系Admissions Department。工作人员会向你解释做出这样决定的原因。如果你不同意这个决定或者你有新的材料(elements)要提交,有权要求申请材料复审,需要填写申请书-申请复审

If you have any questions concerning the recommendation made by the Examiners’ Committee, you may contact the Admissions Department. The staff will be able to explain the reasons behind the Committee’s decision. If you disagree with the decision or if you have new elements to submit, you have the right to request a review of your file by filling out the request form-application review.

二、加拿大(除魁北克省)本科学历 Undergraduate diploma obtained in Canada (outside Québec) - 飞出国

申请人情况 Candidate’s profile




If you have been awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from a Canadian university (outside Québec) and your program has been accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), you may apply for a Junior Engineer’s permit from the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.

To find out whether your diploma has been accredited by the CEAB, click here.

If your diploma has not been accredited by the CEAB, click here.

材料要求 Required documents


  • 填写好的许可申请表,并签字


  • 确保照片中头像居中,直视镜头,眼睛睁开,照片清晰

  • 民事登记处签发的出生证明原件及复印件

  • 对申请有帮助的所有学历的官方成绩单,由就读的院校直接寄到魁北克建筑师协会(2014年开始,这是个必须的条件)。同时提交申请表

  • 根据要求,可将对该申请有辅助性作用的大学证书(副本,并由签发单位其内容的真实性;或者由魁北克工程师协会会员证明原件和复印件的内容的真实性);)或者其他能够证明学历文凭的材料送到魁北克建筑师协会(有院校直接送)。提供原件和复印件。

  • 提交一份最新的个人简历,列出你从取得工程学历以后的工作经验(提交原件)

  • 如果获得文凭超过5年,当时所学习的课程内容与现在的课程不同,必须证明有相关工作经验或培训可以弥补这些课程差异。所以你必须完成一个工程领域工作经验认证表:

  • 提供材料证明你的法语知识水平,能够在该领域执业;

  • 支付许可申请费:参见费用表中的 « 申请许可证-2或3级工程学历的申请人»


U> ndergraduate diploma obtained in Canada (outside Québec)

The application you submit to the Admissions and Permits Department of the Order must include the following:

  • A duly completed and signed permit application; *

Please take note that the use of hard copy forms for the permit application, when it can be done online, incurs an additional fee of $ 28.74

  • Please make sure that the photograph is centered and that you looked directly at the camera when the photo was taken. Your eyes must be opened and clearly visible.

  • An original act of birth issued by the Civil Registry office (accompanied by a photocopy);

  • Official transcripts for each diploma supporting the application. The transcripts must be sent to the Order by the issuing institution (compulsory as of February 1, 2014), along with the Transcript Request form (form optional).

  • Upon request, any university diploma or diplomas supporting the application (a true copy certified by the issuing educational institution or by a member or employee of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec upon presentation of the original and photocopy) or a document attesting to the issuance of the diploma or diplomas sent directly to the Order by the issuing educational institution (the hard copy version must be accompanied by a photocopy).

  • An up-to-date resume detailing your work experience since obtaining the engineering diploma (hard copy version only) (Sample resume);

  • If your diploma was issued more than five years ago and the level of knowledge acquired during your studies is no longer comparable to current course content, you must demonstrate that relevant work experience or training acquired since then has made up for this disparity. To establish this, you must complete an Engineering experience certification form :

  • Documentation proving that your knowledge of French is appropriate to the practice of the profession. **

  • Payment of the permit application fee. See « REQUEST FOR PERMIT - Holder of Type 2 or 3 engineering degree » in the Fee Schedule. ***

IMPORTANT : You must also provide an official translation of any documents not written in French or English. This translation must be certified with a solemn declaration by the translator.

材料评估 File evaluation

收到申请材料后,Admissions and Permits Department会核实你的学历证书,看是否是加拿大工程师认证局认可的项目的证书,并且确保你的申请材料完整。




  • 认为你的学历是可以被认可的同等学历
  • 如果是在提交许可证申请5年以前取得的学历,且你学的课程内容与现在的不同,且你的相关工作经验和培训不同让你满足规定的知识水平要求,你需要参加确认考试


如果你被要求参加许可考试(admission examinations),通过该考试后可获得training equivalence和初级工程师许可证。

Upon receiving your application, the Admissions and Permits Department verifies that your diploma was indeed issued following the completion of a program of study accredited by the Canadian Engineer Accreditation Board (CEAB) program and ensures that all the required documents have been included.

The Order then informs you in writing of the status of your application, that is, whether your file is complete or whether you must provide additional documentation.

Diplomas earned outside Québec do not automatically entitle the holder to a permit from the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. In order to qualify, applicants holding such diplomas must have their diploma or training recognized as equivalent. The Committee of Examiners is in charge of studying these applications and making the appropriate recommendation to the Executive Committee.

When your file is complete, it is submitted to the Committee of Examiners, which studies it in accordance with the standards set forth in the Regulation respecting the standards for equivalence of diplomas and training for the issue of a permit by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec and then makes one of the following recommendations to the Order’s Executive Committee:

  • recognize your diploma as equivalent or
  • require you to take admission (confirmatory) examinations if the diploma supporting your application to the Order was issued five or more years prior to the permit application, the level of knowledge acquired during your studies is no longer comparable to current course content, and relevant work experience or training acquired since the diploma was issued has not provided you with the required level of knowledge.

If the Executive Committee recognizes your diploma as equivalent, you will be issued a Junior Engineer’s permit.

If you are required to take admission examinations, passing these examinations will enable you to obtain a training equivalence and your Junior Engineer’s permit.

材料复审 File review

如果你对考试委员会提出的建议有任何异议,可以联系Admissions Department。工作人员会向你解释做出这样决定的原因。如果你不同意这个决定或者你有新的材料(elements)要提交,有权要求申请材料复审,需要填写申请书-申请复审。

If you have any questions concerning the recommendation made by the Examiners’ Committee, you may contact the Admissions Department. The staff will be able to explain the reasons behind the Committee’s decision. If you disagree with the decision or if you have new elements to submit, you have the right to request a review of your file by filling out the request form-application review.

Entry on the roll



Undergraduate diploma obtained in Canada (outside Québec)

Once your Junior Engineer’s permit has been issued, you will receive documentation on registering for the roll of members of the Order. Your name will be entered on the roll of the Order once you have returned your duly completed and signed Registration Form, paid the required fees and, if applicable, provided proof of professional liability insurance (French version only) coverage.

Entry on the roll means that you have become an official member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. You may now legally use the title of “Junior Engineer”. Junior Engineers may perform activities reserved by law for engineers, but only under the immediate supervision and direction of an engineer. Once you are entered on the roll, you must continue your efforts to obtain an Engineer’s permit.

三、法国本科学历 Undergraduate diploma obtained in France - 飞出国

申请人概述 Candidate’s profile


Engineer’s diploma obtained in France

The Mutual Recognition Agreement on Professional Qualifications (MRA) signed between the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) and the Commission des titres d’ingénieur de France (CTI) offers French engineers a special path to obtain an engineer’s permit in Quebec.

**互惠协议包含的项目 Programs covered by the MRA: **

可通过在互惠名单上查找你就读的院校和所学专业来确定你是否满足互惠协议的要求。如果你所就读的院校和专业与法国项目清单(list of French programs)上的不同,那那么考试委员会将评估你的申请材料。更多信息点击这里

请注意,你必须已完成至少3年的学业学习(180 ECTS)。此外,你必须在同一个学校(授予你学历证书的学校)全日制学习至少2年,才能符合条件。

To know if you are eligible for the MRA, you will need to find your institution as well as your field of study on the list of recognized programs. If the institution as well as the field of study indicated on your diploma is not identical to what is indicated on the list of French programs recognized by the Order, your file will be evaluated by the Examiners’ Committee. Type 4 evaluation fees will apply. For further details, click here.

Please note that you must have completed at least three (3) years of classroom study (180 ECTS). Furthermore, you must have completed at least two (2) years of full-time study in the same institution that issued your diploma in order to be eligible for this agreement.

临时限制性工程师许可证 Temporary Restrictive Engineer’s Permit (HTREP) :


Once your application is approved by the Executive Committee, will issue you a Temporary Restrictive Engineer’s Permit (HPRTG). For further details, click here.

互惠协议不包含的项目 Programs not covered by the MRA:



如果你的工程领域学历证书没有被OIQ认可,可能会在互惠条件下被其他协会认可,如化学家协会、森林工程师协会、农学家协会或测量师协会。这种情况下,你应该向相应的协会申请许可证。如果是满足了工程师许可证的申请条件,必须首先完成training equivalence。请参考以下资料:“未包含在协议内且在其他国家取得的工程专业证书(工程项目)”和“其他学历证书(科学或技术项目)”

Specialty degree programs (issuing “diplômes de spécialisation”), degree programs that qualify individuals to practice a profession in Québec that is regulated by another order (chemist, forest engineer, agronomist, surveyor) or engage in activities that are not considered engineering and do not require a permit (e.g. meteorology, knowledge engineering, horticulture) have been excluded from the MRA and do not appear on the list.

Other programs do not appear on the list either because the OIQ has not received enough information to make a decision about them, the programs do not have enough engineering subjects or the institution offers options such as financial engineering, taxation, etc.

If your engineering diploma is not recognized by the OIQ, it may be recognized under an MRA signed by another order, such as the Ordre des chimistes, Ordre des ingénieurs-forestiers, Ordre des agronomes, or Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres. If this is the case, you should apply to the relevant order for a permit. If this is not the case, to be eligible for an engineer’s permit, you must first obtain training equivalence. Please refer to the following profiles:

“Engineering diploma from another country not covered by an agreement (engineering program)” and “Other diplomas (science or technology program)”.

在没有有认证权的机构取得的工程师证书Engineer’s Diploma obtained in an institution outside of the territory of the agency granting accreditation:



The Order does not accept programs offered by institutions located outside of the territory of the agency granting accreditation, nor does it accept agreements signed with other countries. An institution is considered to be outside of the territory when it is geographically located outside of the country of the agency with which the mutual recognition was signed.

NB: The 2009 version of the list of programs accredited by the CTI was used as a starting point. Programs that were not offered at the time are not covered by the MRA.

要求的材料 Required documents


  • 填写好的许可证申请表原件,并签字

  • 确保照片中头像居中,直视镜头,眼睛睁开,照片清晰

  • 民事登记处签发的出生证明原件及复印件

  • 学历补充文件,包括成绩单。由就读的院校直接送到魁北克建筑师协会(2014年2月1日开始,这是个必须提交的材料)。同时提交成绩申请表

  • 工程专业文凭(副本,并由签发单位其内容的真实性;或者由魁北克工程师协会会员证明原件和复印件的内容的真实性);或者其他能够证明学历文凭的材料送到魁北克建筑师协会(有院校直接送)。

  • 提交一份最新的个人简历,描述你从取得工程学历以后的工作经验简历模板

  • 如果你已经从事工程师职业,必须证明相关工作经验和培训已经弥补了不足。为证明这个,你需要完成工程领域工作经验认证表:

  • 支付许可申请费:参见费用标准中“许可证申请-在互惠条件下持有法国工程师证书”


The application you submit to the Admissions and Permits Department of the Order must include
the following:

  • a duly completed and signed original permit application form;

  • Please make sure that the photograph is centered and that you looked directly at the camera when the photo was taken. Your eyes must be opened and clearly visible.

  • An original act of birth issued by the Civil Registry office (accompanied by a photocopy);

  • A Diploma Supplement, including a transcript. These must be sent to the Order by the issuing institution (compulsory as of February 1, 2014), along with the Transcript Request form (form optional).

  • A copy of the Engineering Diploma (a true copy certified by the issuing educational institution or by a member or employee of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec upon presentation of the original and photocopy) or a document attesting to the issuance of the diploma or diplomas sent directly to the Order by the issuing educational institution.

  • An up-to-date resume detailing your work experience since obtaining the engineering diploma (Sample resume);

  • If you have already worked as an Engineer, you must demonstrate that relevant work experience or training acquired since then has made up for this disparity. To establish this, you must complete an Engineering experience certification form :

  • Payment of the permit application fee. “See the REQUEST FOR PERMIT -Holder of an engineer diploma from France under the MRA” section in the Fee Schedule. *

IMPORTANT : You must also provide an official translation of any documents not written in French or English. This translation must be certified with a solemn declaration by the translator.

材料评估 File evaluation

一旦收到你的申请,Admission and Permits Department 会将你工程师文凭上标注的学习内容与协会认可的法国项目上学习内容进行对比。更多此外,会审核你所提交的所有材料确保所有要求的材料都已提交。如果还需要其他材料,会通知你。

Admissions and Permits Department会判断你是否符合互惠协议下的条件,或者是需要取得training equivalence。

如果你持有[互惠协议中包含的文凭](http://www.oiq.qc.ca/Documents/DAP/admission ARM_Formations_reconnues_juillet_2013.pdf),而且材料完整,OIQ会颁发给你临时限制性工程师许可证(HTREP:临时限制性工程师许可证持有者)。



Once your permit application has been received, the Admission and Permits Department will verify that the field of study indicated on your Engineer’s diploma is identical in all respects to the field that is indicated on the list of French programs recognized by the Order. Furthermore, all submitted documents will be evaluated to ensure that they are indeed the required documents. You will be advised if any further documents are needed.

The Admissions and Permits Department determines whether you are eligible under the MRA or if you need to obtain training equivalence.

If you hold a diploma covered by the MRA and your file is complete, the OIQ issues a temporary restrictive engineer’s permit (HTREP : Holder of a temporary restrictive engineer’s permit) to you.

After that, you will have to meet the two (2) other conditions for obtaining the Engineer’s permit.

Holders of a temporary restrictive engineer’s permit (HTREP) must practice under the immediate control and supervision of an engineer, which means a person who holds an engineer’s permit and is registered on the roll of the OIQ.

Entry on the roll



作为OIQ 的会员,你必须遵守它的相关法律和规定。包括工程师道德准则以及关于工程师义务继续教育的规定。

持有临时限制性工程师许可证后,你有权利使用"初级工程师(Junior Engineer/Jr. Eng.)"头衔。然而,不可以使用“工程师(Engineer/Eng.)”头衔,且必须在工程师的直接管理和监督下执业。

Once your temporary restrictive engineer’s permit (TREP) is issued to you, you must register on the roll of the OIQ by filling out the form that will be sent to you with the invoice for all payable fees. (See the “Professional dues and annual charges” section of Fee Schedule).

A portion of the payable fees are for the basic group professional insurance plan. However, if you are working in private practice, you also need to be covered by the mandatory group supplementary insurance plan.

As a member of the OIQ, you agree to comply with the laws binding anyone registered on the roll of the OIQ, including the Code of Ethics of Engineers and the Regulation respecting the mandatory continuing education of engineers.

The holder of a temporary restrictive engineer’s permit is authorized to use the title of Junior Engineer or its abbreviation « Jr. Eng. ». However, he is not authorized to use the title of engineer or its abbreviation “Eng.,” and may only practice under the immediate control and supervision of an engineer.

工程领域工作经验 Engineering Experience


To obtain an engineer’s permit, you need to prove that you have acquired at least three years of relevant experience, including 12 months in Canada under the immediate control and supervision of an engineer (i.e. a member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec or a member of an another canadian engineering association).

工作经验认可 Recognition of experience




To have a work experience recognized, you must complete an Engineering experience certification form at the end of each position held or after accumulating 36 months of experience at one job. Forms can be sent by email or by mail.

For this last form, please refer if needed to the Certification of engineering experience acquired outside Canada for junior engineers.

When your experience is recognized and you have passed the professional examination, the OIQ issues an engineer’s permit to you. This permit allows you to practice engineering independently and use both the title of engineer and its abbreviation “Eng.” after your name, provided you complete the annual registration process every year.

专业考试 Professional exam



  • 魁北克立法;
  • 执业原则、道德和职业行为的概念、和其他职业要求;
  • 从事该职业必备的法律方面的知识;


Passing the professional examination is a condition for obtaining an engineer’s permit.

The professional examination is not a technical examination. Its purpose is rather to verify knowledge of:

  • Quebec’s legislation respecting the professions;
  • professional practice principles, ethical and professional conduct concepts and other professional requirements,
  • basic legal aspects that are considered essential to practice the profession.

Please read the professional examination section of the site to find out more details on the professional examination.


五、协议中不包含的国家的工程专业文凭Engineering diploma from a country not covered by an agreement - 飞出国

申请人概述 Candidate’s profile

如果你已经完成了加拿大境外的工程类项目且有被认可工程类文凭,你属于国外受训专业人士(Foreign-Trained Professional)类别。

首先向魁北克工程师协会的Admissions and Permits Department提交申请。


如果文凭上的头衔显示你是“Engineering works”“技术工程师”“应用工程师”或“执行工程师”;如果你没有工程类文凭却有理论/应用科学或技术;如果你拥有法国非工程类文凭(“管理学”“计算机科学与技术”“工程学”等等),请点击这里

If you have completed an Engineering program outside Canada that was recognized by a diploma in Engineering, you are considered a Foreign-Trained Professional (FTP). This site will tell you what you have to do to be fully entitled to practise your profession in Québec.

There is a specific procedure to follow to obtain an Engineer’s permit, and it begins with compiling an application for submission to the Admissions and Permits Department of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.

Please note that the Order regularly hosts information sessions on this procedure.

If the title of your diploma indicates that you are “ingénieur des travaux”, “ingénieur technicien”, “ingénieur d’application”, or “ingénieur d’exécution”, or if you do not hold a diploma in Engineering but instead hold a diploma in Pure or Applied Science or Technology, or if you hold a Diploma from France other than “diplôme d’ingénieur” (“maîtrise”, “master”, “ingénieur-maître”, etc.), click here.

要求的材料 Required documents


  • 填写好的许可证申请表原件,并签字(注意:可以在线申请的情况下,提交许可证申请表原件,需缴纳28.74元的附加费)

  • 确保照片中头像居中,直视镜头,眼睛睁开,照片清晰

  • 民事登记处签发的出生证明原件及复印件

  • 每个学历文凭的官方成绩单(辅助申请)。由就读的院校直接送到魁北克建筑师协会(2014年2月1日开始,这是个必须提交的材料)。同时提交成绩单申请表

  • 根据要求,提交对申请有辅助作用的大学文凭或证书(副本,并由签发单位证明其内容的真实性;或者由魁北克工程师协会会员证明原件和复印件的内容的真实性);或者其他能够证明学历文凭的材料送到魁北克建筑师协会(由院校直接寄)。原件和复印件同时提交。

  • 提交一份最新的个人简历,列出你从取得工程学历以后的工作经验(只提交原件)

  • 如果你已经从事工程师职业,必须证明相关工作经验和培训已经弥补了不足。为证明这个,你需要完成工程领域工作经验认证表:

    • 加拿大工程领域工作经验认证
    • 加拿大境外工程领域工作经验认证
    • 请注意,2014年4月1日之前,工作证明信有效;2014年4月1日之后,则必须提交工程领域工作经验认证
    • 在线版本:你必须在线提交表格
    • 原件版本:请注意,原件可以通过邮寄或电子邮件((admission@oiq.qc.ca))形式送达。如果你的直属上司无法提供Adobe Reader阅读器的电子版签名,可以发送手写板签字材料。
  • 提供材料证明你的法语知识水平能够使你在魁北克省执业

  • 支付许可证申请费:参见费用标准中“许可证申请-类型4工程类文凭持有人”


The application you submit to the Admissions and Permits Department of the Order must include
the following:

Please take note that the use of hard copy forms for the permit application, when it can be done online, incurs an additional fee of $ 28.74

  • Please make sure that the photograph is centered and that you looked directly at the camera when the photo was taken. Your eyes must be opened and clearly visible.

  • An original act of birth issued by the Civil Registry office (accompanied by a photocopy);

  • Official transcripts for each diploma supporting the application. The transcripts must be sent to the Order by the issuing institution (compulsory as of February 1, 2014), along with the Transcript Request form (form optional);

  • Upon request, any university diploma or diplomas supporting the application (a true copy certified by the issuing educational institution or by a member or employee of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec upon presentation of the original and photocopy) or a document attesting to the issuance of the diploma or diplomas sent directly to the Order by the issuing educational institution (the hard copy version must be accompanied by a photocopy).

  • An up-to-date resume detailing your work experience since obtaining the engineering diploma (hard copy version only) (Sample resume);

  • If you have already worked as an Engineer, you must demonstrate that relevant work experience or training acquired since then has made up for this disparity. To establish this, you must complete an Engineering experience certification form :

    • Certification of engineering experience acquired in Canada;
    • Certification of engineering experience acquired outside Canada.
      • Please note that letters of work attestation will be accepted until April 1, 2014. After that date, the Certification of Engineering Experience form will be compulsory.
      • Online version : You must submit your forms exclusively online.
      • Hard Copy version : Please note that originals can be sent by email or by post. If you or your immediate supervisor are unable to provide an Adobe Reader electronic signature, you may send the form signed by hand via email to (admission@oiq.qc.ca) or via post.
  • Documentation proving that your knowledge of French is appropriate to the practice
    of the profession. **

  • Payment of the permit application fee. See « REQUEST FOR PERMIT - Holder of Type 4 engineering degree» in the Fee Schedule 。 ***

IMPORTANT : You must also provide an official translation of any documents not written in French or English. This translation must be certified with a solemn declaration by the translator.

材料评估 File evaluation

一收到你的申请材料,Admissions and Permits Department就会核查内容,确保申请材料的完整性。




  • 要求你参加许可考试(确证考试和/或资格考试)admission (confirmatory and/or qualifying) examinations
  • 认可你的受训是等同的
  • 不承认你的受训是等同的,并告知原因


Upon receiving your application, the Admissions and Permits Department checks the contents and ensures that all the required documents have been included.

The Order then inform you in writing of the status of your application, that is, whether your file is complete or whether you must provide additional documentation.

Diplomas earned outside Québec do not automatically entitle the holder to a permit from the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. In order to qualify, applicants holding such diplomas must have their diploma or training recognized as equivalent. The Committee of Examiners is in charge of studying these applications and making the appropriate recommendation to the Executive Committee.

When your file is complete, it is submitted to the Committee of Examiners, which studies it in accordance with the standards set forth in the Regulation respecting the standards for equivalence of diplomas and training for the issue of a permit by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec and then makes one of the following recommendations to the Order’s Executive Committee:

  • require you to take admission (confirmatory and/or qualifying) examinations.
  • recognize your training as equivalent.
  • decline to recognize your training as equivalent, for the reasons provided.

If you are required to take admission examinations, passing these examinations will enable you to obtain a training equivalence and your Junior Engineer’s permit.

许可考试 Admission examinations

为了确认你有等同的受训,委员会会要求你参加确证考试(confirmatory examinations),来检测你的知识水平。



In order to recognize the equivalence of your training, the Order will require you to take confirmatory examinations to test the knowledge you have required.

The number of required examinations may vary, depending on the following:

You must pay an examination fee for each confirmatory examination.
« See ADMISSION EXAMINATIONS » in the Fee Schedule.

Entry on the roll



Once your Junior Engineer’s permit has been issued, you will receive documentation on registering for the roll of members of the Order. Your name will be entered on the roll of the Order once you have returned your duly completed and signed Registration Form, paid the required fees and, if applicable, provided proof of professional liability insurance (French version only) coverage.

Entry on the roll means that you have become an official member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. You may now legally use the title of “Junior Engineer”. Junior Engineers may perform activities reserved by law for Engineers, but only under the immediate supervision and direction of an Engineer. Once you are entered on the roll, you must continue your efforts to obtain an Engineer’s permit.

六、其他文凭 Other diplomas - 飞出国

申请人情况 Candidate’s profile


  • 你有工程类本科文凭,且学历水平和学习内容与魁北克相应工程学历不一致(例如“工程施工”“技术工程师”“应用工程师”“执行工程师”“工学硕士”“工程硕士”和其他类似学历)
  • 你有理论或应用科学、技术、或类似领域的本科文凭,且学历水平等同于魁北克本科学历。

Even though you do not hold an Engineering diploma accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), a diploma in Engineering recognized under an agreement, or an Engineering diploma whose level is recognized as equivalent to that of a Québec Bachelor’s Degree, you may still qualify for a permit from the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec if one of the following situations applies:

  • you hold an undergraduate diploma in Engineering whose level and content are not deemed comparable to those of Québec degree in Engineering (for example, “ingénieur des travaux”, “ingénieur technicien”, “ingénieur d’application”, “ingénieur d’exécution” or “ingénieur-maître”, “Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)” and similar degrees).


  • you hold an undergraduate diploma in Pure or Applied Science, in Technology, or in a similar field, whose level is at least equivalent to a Québec bachelor’s degree.

**不会被接受的申请 Applications that are not admissible **


  • 本科文凭,但是不能被认定为与魁北克学历等同(魁北克学历是最少16年教育)
  • 通过一系列证书获得的学士学位
  • 通过完成远程学习或函授教育方式获得的文凭
  • 国家不认可的机构或未登记在册的机构颁发的文凭证书
  • 理论或应用科学、工程、技术领域以外的文凭

为了判断你的申请是否符合条件,委员会会要求你提交成绩单、programs、课程描述和学历认证(由Direction du courrier, de l’encaissement et de l’évaluation comparative (DCEEC)负责学历认证)。一旦委员会认为你的许可申请符合条件,则可以继续你的申请流程。

Applications from candidates holding one of the following diplomas are not admissible :

  • an undergraduate diploma that is not deemed equivalent to a Québec Bachelor’s Degree (which involves a minimum of 16 years of schooling).
  • a Bachelor’s Degree that is obtained by combining a series of certificates.
  • a diploma obtained following the completion of distance learning or correspondence courses.
  • a diploma issued by an institution that does not appear in reference books or that the national responsible authorities do not recognize.
  • a diploma in a field other than pure or applied sciences, engineering or technology.

To determine the admissibility of your application, the Order could require transcripts, programs, course descriptions and an evaluation of your diploma by the Direction du courrier, de l’encaissement et de l’évaluation comparative (DCEEC), which conducts comparative evaluations for studies done outside Québec. Once you have received a response from the Order confirming that your permit application is admissible, you may proceed with compiling your application.

要求的材料 Required documents


  • 填写好的许可证申请表,并签字
  • 确保照片中头像居中,直视镜头,眼睛睁开,照片清晰
  • 民事登记处签发的出生证明原件及复印件
  • 每个学历文凭的官方成绩单(辅助申请)。由就读的院校直接送到魁北克建筑师协会(2014年2月1日开始,这是个必须提交的材料)。同时提交成绩单申请表
  • 根据要求,提交对申请有辅助作用的大学文凭或证书(副本,并由签发单位证明其内容的真实性;或者由魁北克工程师协会会员证明原件和复印件的内容的真实性);或者其他能够证明学历文凭的材料送到魁北克建筑师协会(由院校直接送)。原件和复印件同时提交。
  • 提供材料证明你的法语知识水平能够使你在魁北克省执业
  • 支付许可证申请费:参见费用标准中“许可证申请-类型5文凭持有人”


The application you submit to the Order’s Admissions and Permits Department must include the following:

  • A duly completed and signed permit application form;
  • Please make sure that the photograph is centered and that you looked directly at the camera when the photo was taken. Your eyes must be opened and clearly visible.
  • An original act of birth issued by the Civil Registry office (accompanied by a photocopy);
  • Official transcripts for each diploma supporting the application. The transcripts must be sent to the Order by the issuing institution (compulsory as of February 1, 2014), along with the Transcript Request form (form optional);
  • Upon request, any university diploma or diplomas supporting the application (a true copy certified by the issuing educational institution or by a member or employee of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec upon presentation of the original and photocopy) or a document attesting to the issuance of the diploma or diplomas sent directly to the Order by the issuing educational institution (the hard copy version must be accompanied by a photocopy).
  • Documentation proving that your knowledge of French is appropriate to the practice
    of the profession. *
  • Payment of the permit application fee. See « REQUEST FOR PERMIT - Holder of Type 5 degree» in the Fee Schedule. **

IMPORTANT : You must also provide an official translation of any documents not written in French or English. This translation must be certified with a solemn declaration by the translator.

材料评估 File evaluation

一收到你的申请材料,Admissions and Permits Department就会核查内容,确保申请材料的完整性。




Upon receiving your applicant file, the Admissions and Permits Department checks the contents and ensures that all the required documents have been included.

The Order then inform you in writing of the status of your application, that is, whether your file is complete or whether you must provide additional documentation.

When the Order has received all your required documents, your file is submitted to the Committee of Examiners, which studies it in accordance with the standards set forth in the Regulation respecting the standards for equivalence of diplomas and training for the issue of a permit by the Ordre des ingénieus du Québec and then makes one of the following recommendations to the Order’s Executive Committee:

If you are required to take admission examinations, passing these examinations will enable you to obtain a training equivalence and your Junior Engineer’s permit.

许可考试Admission examinations



  • appropriate discipline的7个考试(如有需要,A组和B组考试包含在内)
  • 补充性学习中的4个考试

OIQ prescribes qualifying examinations in order to fill the gaps in your education and make sure that you have the required knowledge to be issued a permit.

The examination program consists of :

  • seven examinations in the appropriate discipline (all the group A examinations, plus exams in group B if needed.)
  • four examinations on complementary studies.

####上Entry on the roll ####




Once your Junior Engineer’s permit has been issued, you will receive documentation on registering for the roll of members of the Order. Your name will be entered on the roll of the Order once you have returned your duly completed and signed Registration Form, paid the required fees and, if applicable, provided proof of professional liability insurance (French version only) coverage.

Entry on the roll means that you have become an official member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. You may now legally use the title of “Junior Engineer”. Junior Engineers may perform activities reserved by law for engineers, but only under the immediate supervision and direction of an engineer.

Once you are entered on the roll, you must continue your efforts to obtain an Engineer’s permit. As part of this process, you must acquire three years of work experience, including at least one in Canada. To be recognized, the engineering work experience must be acquired after you have passed any qualifying examinations required by the Committee of Examiners.

七、临时许可证 Temporary permit - 飞出国

临时许可证(语言要求)Temporary Permit (Language Requirements)


The OIQ may issue a temporary permit valid for one year to individuals who have obtained their diploma outside Québec and who are declared qualified to practise their profession but who have not been able to demonstrate the required level of French fluency. (Charter of the French Language, article 37).

临时许可证(特定项目)Temporary Permit (Specific Project)




请注意这些类型的许可证最多可以在魁北克工程师委员会续期(renewed)3次,但是必须要有l’Office québécois de la langue française的批准。续期的其中一个要求就是在续期之前的12个月内至少参加一次考试。


The OIQ may also issue a temporary permit to an individual who will be working on a specific project.

If you are a Member of another Canadian association, it could be more beneficial for you to apply for a temporary permit under the current regulations of article 37 of the Charter of the French language. The requirements and timeline to obtain this temporary permit are virtually the same. Also, contrary to the temporary permit for one specific project, the temporary permit under article 37 of the Charter of the French language is not limited to one project and would allow you to work as an Engineer in Québec.

Please note that both these types of permits can be renewed a maximum of 3 times by l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec with the authorisation of l’Office québécois de la langue française. One of the conditions for renewal required by l’Office is that you attempt the examination at least once during the 12 months that precede the renewal of the permit.

You may choose one of the 2 following options:

1. 临时许可证(语言要求)Temporary Permits (Language Requirements)

1. 颁发许可证

魁北克工程师委员会也可能为魁北克以外学历的专业人士颁发临时许可证。申请魁北克的许可证,不一定要咨询l’Office québécois de la langue française 或者是得到其批准。个人必须满足在魁北克工程领域执业的所有要求(成功通过职业考试,证明有36个月工程领域工作经验),还要证明你的法语水平达到要求。该类型的许可证有效期为1年(从颁发起计算)。

根据«Règlement sur les autorisations légales d’exercer la profession d’ingénieur hors du Québec qui donnent ouverture au permis de l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec»的规定,如果你持有其他加拿大工程师协会颁发的工程执业许可证,你可以申请临时许可证.必须成功通过职业考试中的1和3部分。


2. 许可证续期

该临时许可证可续期3次,但是必须得到l’Office québécois de la langue française的批准。续期的其中一个条件就是在续期之前的12个月内至少参加一次考试。详细信息,请参考续期条件。

该临时许可证不针对于特定项目,你可以在魁北克执业,也可以使用“工程师”头衔。有了这个许可证,你可以学习法语,然后去申请正式许可证。只要你能得到l’Office québécois de la langue française颁发的证书,就可以登记在册成为它的正式会员。

I’Office québécois de la langue française 网址: www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca

  1. Issuance

L’Ordre may issue a temporary permit to a professional who has obtained their degree outside Québec*. It is not necessary for l’Ordre to first consult the l’Office québécois de la langue française or to obtain their autorisation. The professional must have met all conditions necessary to practice the Engineering profession in Québec (successfully pass the Professional exam, demonstrate 36 months of Engineering experience) except for demonstrating the required level of French fluency. This type of permit is issued for a one year period starting at the date of issue.

If you hold a permit to practice the Engineering profession issued by another Canadian Engineering association, you may apply for a temporary permit in accordance with the «Règlement sur les autorisations légales d’exercer la profession d’ingénieur hors du Québec qui donnent ouverture au permis de l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec» . You must successfully pass parts 1 and 3 of the Professional Exam.

*a professional who does not hold a Québec diploma that gave access to the Order.

  1. Renewal

This temporary permit is renewable only three times with authorisation from l’Office québécois de la langue française, if renewal is deemed to be in the best interest of the public. One of the conditions for renewal required by l’Office is that you attempt the examination at least once during the 12 months that precede the renewal of the permit. For further details, please refer to the renewal conditions.

This temporary permit is not project specific and will enable you to practice your profession in Québec and to use the title of ‘Engineer’. This permit will give you an opportunity to learn the French language so that you may obtain a regular permit. As soon as you receive a certificate from l’Office québécois de la langue française, you will be inscribed on the Roll as a regular Member.

I’Office québécois de la langue française : www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca

2. 针对特定项目的临时许可证Temporary Permit for a Specific Project




Several laws and regulations govern professional practice in Québec. The engineering profession is no exception. In fact, the Professional Code, the Engineers Act, the Charter of the French Language and several regulations govern the professional activities of engineers. This legal framework is centred on the same principle: protection of the public.

If you want to practice engineering in Québec in a specific project, the OIQ can grant you a temporary permit on the conditions set by the Board of Directors under section 41 of the Professional Code and in accordance with the provisions of sections 35, 37 and 38 of the Charter of the French Language.

Although temporary permits are available to all, they are specifically intended for people who are not members of a Canadian association since they are not covered by a mobility agreement and have to follow a different procedure.

加拿大协会会员You are a member of a Canadian association


更多信息,请联系Admissions and Permits Department进行了解,电话1 800 461-6141,分机2373;邮箱 admission@oiq.qc.ca

If you are a member of a Canadian association, the requirements and deadlines for obtaining a regular permit are roughly the same as those for obtaining a temporary permit. Unlike temporary permits, regular permits are not limited to a specific project and allow you to practice the engineering profession in Québec. For these reasons, we encourage you to apply for a regular permit under the regulations in force.

For more information, contact the Admissions and Permits Department by calling 1 800 461-6141, ext. 2373, or by sending an e-mail to admission@oiq.qc.ca.

获得临时许可证To obtain a temporary permit



A temporary permit is issued on an adhoc and exceptional basis for a specific project and a limited period of time, which is generally one year (the maximum period of time). The OIQ may renew the permit up to three times on certain conditions. Accordingly, no one with a temporary permit may practice engineering in Québec longer than 48 months. Finally, the OIQ will not consider more than two permit applications for the same applicant.

To apply for a temporary permit, read the following document:

Temporary Permit Application Form

重点 Important


    Temporary permits   
    Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec  
    Windsor Station, Suite 350    
    1100 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal   
    Montreal, Québec H3B 2S2  


You must fill out the Temporary Permit Application Form and the required appendices, print all documents and return it to the following address:

Temporary permits
Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
Windsor Station, Suite 350
1100 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal
Montreal, Québec H3B 2S2

Permit applications will not be submitted to the Executive Committee unless all documents have been provided, all conditions have been met and all fees have been paid.


许可考试 Admission examinations



Examination procedures

Before choosing an examination and registering, we strongly recommend that you read the description and bibliography of the examinations in your specialty and make sure that there are reference manuals available in a specialized scientific bookstore.

登记注册 Registrations

  • 考试每年在蒙特利尔市举办2次,分别在5月份和11月份的前半个月举行;
  • 分别在2月初和8月初,可以在我们网站上下载注册表,用于参加考试;
  • 提交注册表和考试费用的时间必须在3月15号和9月15号之前;
  • 可选择采用英语或法语试卷进行考试;
  • 每次最多可同时注册参加3个考试;如果你有1科或多科考试没有通过,必须补考通过后才能继续参加其他考试(得到考试委员会特殊允许的人除外);
  • 每科考试有3次机会,如果3次仍没有通过考试,你的申请将会被关闭;
  • 请从网站上查看考试规划表,有任何冲突请自行解决,因为此规划不会更改;
  • 考试地点是蒙特利尔市。当发给你注册确认信的时候,会通知你具体考试地点。
  • The examinations are held twice a year in Montreal during the first fifteen days in May and November.
  • The registration form will be available on our Web site in early February for the May session and in early August for the November session.
  • For the May session, we must receive your registration form and your payment (Fee Schedule) by no later than March 15, and for the November session, by no later than September 15.
  • The examinations are available in French or English.
  • You can register for a maximum of three examinations per session.
  • If you fail one or more examinations, you must retake and pass the failed examination(s) before you can take any other examination, unless you have been granted special permission by the Examiners Committee.
  • You are allowed three tries to pass an examination before the Committee closes your file.
  • The examination schedule is available on our Web site. Please consider any potential conflicts before registering because we will not change the schedule.
  • The examinations are held in Montreal. The exact location will be communicated to you when you receive your confirmation of registration.

关于考试 The session

  • OIQ考试是笔试,考试时间为3小时;
  • 最好提前半小时到达;
  • 进入考试时,需提供身份材料以确认你的身份;
  • 教科书和私人笔记可以带入考场,电脑、手机、可编程序计算器和电子词典等电子设备禁止带入考场;
  • 判分时,会给你一个4位数字代码来保护你的名字。请注意,每科考试都会有不同的4位数代码;
  • 考试前,请认真听取监考员阅读的考试说明,尤其是关于手机和关闭笔记本电脑的说明;
  • 如果你不遵守考试说明里的要求,考官会告知判分员,考试记为“不合格”;
  • 考试作弊或试图作弊的考生均记为“不合格”。OIQ将不会授予他们工程师许可证,这是考试作弊的惩罚;
  • OIQ examinations are written examinations that last three hours each.
  • We suggest that you arrive a half an hour early.
  • At the entrance to the examination room, you will be asked to provide a form of identification to confirm your identity.
  • Textbooks and personal notes are allowed. Computers, cell phones, programmable calculators and electronic devices (including electronic dictionaries) are officially prohibited.
  • You will be assigned a four-digit code to protect your anonymity when your examination is marked. Please note that this code changes with every examination session.
  • At the beginning of the session, it is important to listen closely and understand the monitor’s instructions. Some of these instructions specifically concern cell phones and closing your notebooks.
  • If you do not follow the instructions, the monitors will be forced to inform the marker, and you may be penalized with a failure on the examination.
  • Candidates who are found guilty of cheating or attempted cheating during an examination will automatically fail the examination. The OIQ may penalize them for their conduct by refusing to issue an engineer’s permit to them.
  • The exam session will take place at École Polytechnique de Montréal : 2700, chemin de la Tour, Lassonde Pavilion (refer to Pavillon 2A on the map) Métro Université de Montréal. YOUR NAME WILL INDICATED ON A LIST THAT WILL BE POSTED AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE LASSONDE PAVILION. THE ROOM NUMBER WILL BE INDICATED NEXT TO YOUR NAME.

考试成绩 Results

  • 考试的合格分数为总分数的50%。考试成绩以“合格”或“不合格”形式给出;
  • 书面通知考试成绩,6到8周一会收到。关于考试成绩的任何信息在成绩发出前都不会告知你;
  • 书面通知考试成绩,6到8周一会收到。关于考试成绩的任何信息在成绩发出前都不会告知你;
  • The passing score on the examinations is 50%. The results are expressed in the following terms: “Pass” or “Fail.”
  • Your results will be sent to you in writing as soon as possible. However, you expect them to arrive in about six to eight weeks. All requests for information about results will be rejected before the results are sent out.
  • If you cannot attend the examination session for whatever reason, you will not be failed. Please note that the fees are non-refundable in all cases.

初级工程师项目 Junior engineer program - 飞出国




  • 承担所有职业责任
  • 运用应用科学和最佳的专业执业能力解决问题
  • 有效沟能力
  • 确保工作和执业活动的质量
  • 技术风险管理能力
  • 执业活动、技术性团队和项目管理的能力


  • 成功通过职业考试
  • 有36个月且得到认可的工程领域工作经验
  • 证明有一定的法语语言能力


  • 初级工程师
  • 职业考试
  • 工程领域工作经验
  • 赞助计划
  • 语言能力


The Junior engineer program is a key step on the road to becoming a professional engineer.

To obtain a permit that entitles the holder to fully practise the profession, aspiring engineers must work as junior engineers under the immediate supervision and direction of an experienced engineer for a training period — called the “juniorat” in French — that can last up to 36 months.

This step enables junior members to acquire experience while being supervised in order to protectunder supervision, while protecting the public from any possible errors. By the end of their training, all junior engineers must have mastered six core competencies for the practice of engineering, as defined by the Order:

  • take full professional responsibility
  • solve problems using applied science and best professional practices
  • communicate effectively
  • ensure the quality of one’s work and activities
  • manage technical risks
  • manage activities, technical teams and projects

The Order provides a framework for Junior Engineers as they perform the activities that lead
to the issuance of an Engineer’s permit. Junior Engineers hold a limited permit to practise before earning the right to use the title of “Engineer.” During this period, they must fulfil three conditions, as set forth in the Regulation respecting other terms and conditions for the issuance of permits by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec:

  • successfully pass the professional examination
  • acquire 36 months of certified engineering work experience
  • demonstrate appropriate knowledge of the French language

The following links will take you to all the information you need to learn about the professional practice of junior engineers:

  • Junior engineers
  • Professional examination
  • Engineering experience
  • Sponsorship program
  • Language requirement

Junior Engineers may fulfil these steps simultaneously so as not to delay the process of obtaining an Engineer’s permit.

初级工程师 Junior engineers




Membership in a professional order is a privilege granted by Québec society which recognizes the right of certain individuals to practise a specific profession. In return, to maintain its trust in these professionals, the public expects that they will provide their services in a competent, responsible manner.

Therefore, the Québec professional system recognizes that only those individuals entered
on the roll of the Order who hold an engineer’s permit issued by the Order are entitled to perform
the professional activities reserved to the profession or, in other words, to practise as an Engineer.

Obtaining the Junior Engineer’s permit is an important step towards achieving the status
of a Professional Engineer. It is a period of training that enables Junior Engineers to acquire
the experience and competencies they need to successfully practise as fully autonomous professionals.

未来工程师指南(如何由初级工程师变为工程师)Guide for future engineers





To help Junior Engineers fully understand and complete all the steps leading to the title of “Engineer,” the Order has made available the Guide du futur ingénieur, available online (only in French).

Junior Engineers can use the index to consult the various sections that will help them complete
the procedure for obtaining their ultimate goal: an Engineer’s permit.

While looking at this guide the Junior Engineers will quickly realize that their goal is easily attainable if they take the appropriate actions at the proper time.

In addition to the guidelines provided by the Order, the document contains testimonials from Engineers working in various sectors as well as Frequently asked questions (FAQ). After using this tool, Junior Engineers will be well-prepared to attain their professional goals.

职业发展 Professional development




  • 维护、更新和扩展执业领域的专业知识;
  • 弥补委员会发现的在培训方面的一些缺陷。

Given that the skills required to practise the Engineering profession are constantly and rapidly evolving and the resulting changes are so extensive, the Order has deemed it essential to adopt
a regulation outlining the Professional Development activities required of its members.

As the result, Engineers will be better equipped to perform their duties, and the public will be
that much better protected. This regulation enables the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
to structure the Professional Development requirements that its members must satisfy.

The objective of this regulation is twofold:

  • maintain, upgrade, improve and broaden the expertise related to the practice
    of the profession
  • make up any training deficiencies identified by the Order

国外受训专业人士培训 Training for foreign-trained professionals



T> he Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, in co-operation with the Ministère de l’Immigration

et des Communautés culturelles du Québec (MICC), has developed a training program
for Foreign-Trained Professionals (FTP).

This program enables FTPs to:

  • become familiar with the professional context of Engineering in Québec and learn
  • how the practice is regulated;
  • become familiar with and use the tools at their disposal to facilitate their admission to the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec and obtain an Engineer’s permit;
  • create personal strategies to ease their entry into the profession.

职业考试 Professional examination






A new version of the examination will be used starting with the August 29, 2015 session.

Note that the examination content has been updated and the study materials have been enhanced and adapted to modern practice. However, the examination’s format, subjects and passing grade remain unchanged.

To ensure that future engineers have the knowledge required to practice the profession, the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec has instituted a professional examination that measures this knowledge.

It is important to remember that all other professional engineering associations in Canada currently require this type of examination.

基本信息 General information

考试类型 Type of examination



The professional examination is not a technical examination. Its purpose is rather to verify knowledge of:

  • Quebec’s legislation respecting the professions;
  • Professional practice principles, ethical and professional conduct concepts and other professional requirements,
  • Basic legal aspects that are considered essential to practice the profession.

考试情况 Terms and conditions of the examination



  • 语言:英语或法语试卷
  • 闭卷考试(No documentation is allowed.)
  • Duration: three hours

  • Format: 110 multiple-choice questions about:

    • Quebec’s professional system (Part 1)
    • Practice of the engineering profession (Part 2)
    • The legal environment (Part 3)
  • Languages: The examination can be taken in French or English.

  • Documentation: No documentation is allowed.

合格要求 Passing requirements




To pass the examination, you need to score at least 60% on each of the three parts. You will have to retake the entire examination if you fail one of the three parts.

Note that you will have to pay the cost of the examination again when you retake the examination. See the fee schedule to find out how much it costs to retake the examination.

Results are usually mailed 4 to 6 weeks after the examination.

考试不合格该怎么做?Options if you fail

Regulation第44款(魁北克工程师协会许可证颁发条件和条款)规定,考试不合格的初级工程师可向考试主管申请corrections reviewed(需缴纳一定的费用,已标注在费用表里),通过examenprofessionnel@oiq.qc.ca.提交examenprofessionnel@oiq.qc.ca.申请。

As stipulated in section 44 of the Regulation respecting other terms and conditions for the issuance of permits by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, junior engineers who fail the examination may apply to the examination director to have the corrections reviewed, provided they assume the related costs, as specified in the fee schedule in force. Correction review requests should be sent by email to examenprofessionnel@oiq.qc.ca.

职业考试注册 Registering for the Professional Examination


The professional examination is an excellent starting point for the junior engineer program. For that reason, the OIQ strongly recommends that you register for this examination and pass it as soon as possible. Aspiring engineers will find it easier to join the profession if they have a full grasp of the subjects covered by the examination.

注册和考试日程 Registration and session calendar



To register for the professional examination, you simply need to fill out and send the registration form (reserved for members) for the professional examination at least two months before the date of the desired session.

Every year, the OIQ holds several examination sessions across Quebec. View the calendar of upcoming sessions.

费用 Cost

  • 如果你是在2009年5月2日之后首次注册在OIQ名单上的,且三年的期间已过,注册该职业考试时不需缴纳任何费用;
  • 如果你的注册时间已超过3年,且从未缴纳过初级工程师项目费,你必须缴纳考试费。更多费用信息请查阅费用表了解。
  • If you registered for the first time on the roll of the OIQ after May 2, 2009 and the three-year period has not elapsed, you will not be charged a fee when you register for the professional examination.
  • If you have been registered on the roll for more than three years or never paid the junior engineer program fee, you will have to pay the examination fee. To find out more about the cost, please refer to the fee schedule.

推迟你已注册的考试 Postponing an examination you have registered for


If you would like to postpone an examination that you have already registered for, you must do so by sending an email to examenprofessionnel@oiq.qc.ca at least four weeks before the date of the session you registered for; otherwise, you will have to pay the related costs again.

考前准备 Preparing for the Professional Examination




Study document for the Professional Examination

All subjects covered by the professional examination are discussed in the following document (dated June 16, 2015). These subjects were taken from the professional practice guide:

Study document – Professional examination (French only)

Refer only to this document when studying for the professional examination and plan to study for at least 20 hours so that you are well prepared for the examination.

职业考试包含的考点 Subjects covered by the professional examination


  • 部分1-魁北克职业体系

    • 目的:熟悉魁北克关于职业的立法,例如职业规范(chapter C-26)、工程师法案(chapter I-9)和这两项法律中适用于工程师的相关规定。
  • 部分2-工程专业执业活动

    • 目的:熟悉专业执业原则、职业道德和职业活动的相关概念、工程师的社会角色和社会责任、技术的社会影响、可持续发展、环境保护以及具备专业能力的责任。
  • 部分3-法律环境

    • 目的:熟悉民事责任、合同法、知识产权、商法通则、劳动法、建筑法、环境法和职业健康安全法等基本法律知识。

In accordance with the Regulation respecting other terms and conditions for the issuance of permits by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, the professional examination has 3 parts that cover clearly defined subjects:

  • Part 1 - Quebec’s professional system
    Objective: Familiarity with Quebec’s legislation respecting the professions, i.e. the Professional Code (chapter C-26), the Engineers Act (chapter I-9) and the regulations applicable to engineers adopted under these 2 laws;

  • Part 2 - Practice of the engineering profession
    Objective: Familiarity with the principles of professional practice, the concepts of ethics and professional conduct, the role and obligations of engineers in society, the social impact of technology, sustainable development, protection of the environment and the duty to maintain professional competencies;

  • Part 3 - The legal environment
    Objective: Familiarity with basic legal knowledge of civil liability, contractual law, intellectual property, general commercial law, labour law, construction law, environmental law and occupational health and safety law.

考题分布 Distribution of examination questions


The following two tables show you how the questions are distributed over the three parts of the examination and the 5 chapters of the study document.

**3部分考题的分布情况 Distribution of questions over the three parts of the examination **

  • 部分1-魁北克职业体系35%
  • 部分2-工程师专业执业活动45%
  • 部分3-法律环境20%
  • Part 1 - Quebec’s professional system 35 %
  • Part 2 - Practice of the engineering profession 45 %
  • Part 3 - The legal environment 20 %

5章节学习资料问题的分布 Distribution of the questions over the five chapters of the study document

  • 工程师工作28%
  • 职业法律和监管35%
  • 专业化、道德和职业行为19%
  • 工程领域资料11%
  • 职业发展28%
  • An engineer’s work 28 %
  • Professional legislation and governance 35 %
  • Professionalism, ethics and professional conduct 19 %
  • Engineering documents 11 %
  • Professional development 7 %

继续教育 Continuing education


Regulation 规定的工程师强制的的继续教育时间是指你为通过OIQ专业考试的学习时间(只有法语形式)。




Eligible hours of study under the Regulation respecting mandatory continuing education for engineers

The hours you study for the OIQ’s professional examination can be counted as continuing education hours under the Regulation respecting the mandatory continuing education of engineers (available in French only).

The number of hours of study that may be reported is determined using the following formula: duration of the examination multiplied by a factor of 3. Therefore, because the OIQ’s professional examination lasts 3 hours, you may report nine hours of continuing education.

For the purposes of reporting hours to the OIQ, these hours are equivalent to a course organized or offered by the OIQ (1st paragraph of section 5).

Please note that these hours will not be eligible under the regulation if you do not pass your examination. Once you have passed your examination, go to your portal and report 9 hours.

工程领域工作经验 Engineering experience




  • 定期参加活动,这些活动都是关于该项目中学习科目的,有助于获得工程师证书;

  • 应用工程科学知识解决问题,这些知识包含调查、开发、设计、生产、建筑、安装、维修、销售和营销技巧等方面。

    • 在工程师执业过程中应用金融、经济、监管和法律方面的知识;
    • 技术性团队的管理和领导;
    • 行业或环境方面技术性问题的解决;
  • 处理逐渐复杂的问题,承担更多责任。


  • 初级工程师在获得工程类本科学历后从事的第一份工程领域工作开始,累积工作经验;
  • 如果考试委员会 已经要求申请人通过资格考试,那么只有通过考试后累积的工作经验才有效;
  • 其中,至少12个月是在加拿大工作;
  • 实习时间达到4个月的、时间达到8个月的赞助项目以及时间达到24个月的研究生学习均可以给与经验加分;经验加分不能超过24个月。


The purpose of acquiring Engineering experience is to help Junior Engineers become familiar with various aspects of Engineering practice and gain professional autonomy.

To satisfy the experience requirement, Junior Engineers must accumulate the equivalent of 36 months of Engineering experience and have it recognized by the Order.

During this training period, they must:

  • regularly engage in activities related to the subjects studied during the program leading
    to their engineering diploma

  • solve problems that require the application of engineering sciences in at least one of the following fields: research, development, design, production, construction, installation, maintenance, sales and marketing techniques

  • participate in one of the following:

    • application of the financial, economic, regulatory and legal aspects of an engineer’s practice
    • administration and leadership of a technical team
      • resolution of technical problems related to industry or the environment
  • tackle increasingly complex problems and assume greater responsibility

The 36 months of experience is acquired as follows:

  • Junior Engineers start to accumulate experience with their first engineering job following the completion of their undergraduate Engineering degree.

  • If the Committee of Examiners has required the candidate to pass qualifying examinations, experience may only be accumulated after the successful completion of these examinations.

  • At least 12 months must be accumulated in a job performed in Canada.

  • Experience credits can be granted for an internship of up to 4 months, a sponsorship program of up to 8 months and graduate studies of up to 24 months. Experience credits may not exceed 24 months. To learn more about what credits are available, consult sections 10 to 16 of the Regulation respecting other terms and conditions for the issuance of permits by the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec.

Any experience acquired in Québec more than six months prior to registration on the roll or, if applicable, the date on which the Committee of Examiners required the candidate to write confirmatory examinations, will not, under any circumstances, be counted towards experience. In the case of experience acquired outside Québec, this retroactive period is five years.

赞助项目 Sponsorship program


  • 该项目可促进申请人与经验丰富的工程师之间的沟通交流,交流工程师享有的权利和承担的责任,以及职业核心价值等方面的话题。
  • 该项目由6个会议组成,每个至少持续75分钟。
  • 这些会议必须在至少15个月内完成。



  • 赞助项目注册(仅会员可查看)
  • 赞助项目概述

Although the Sponsorship Program is an optional activity, recent graduates are strongly urged
to participate. It is designed to help Junior Engineers integrate into the profession. The key elements
of the Sponsorship Program are as follows:

  • It enables candidates to confer with experienced Engineers on the rights and responsibilities
    of Engineers and the core values of the profession.
  • It consists of six meetings, lasting a minimum of 75 minutes each.
  • The meetings must take place over a period of at least 15 months.

The program enables Junior Engineers to discuss various ethical issues related to the Engineering profession, while the expertise of an experienced Engineer helps Junior Engineers put their first work experiences into perspective. In addition, after completing the Sponsorship Program, a Junior Engineer receives an experience credit of eight months. Furthermore, once the Sponsorship Program is completed, the Junior Engineer will obtain an experience credit of 8 months and a continuing education credit of 7.5 hours. The Engineer who is sponsoring the Junior Engineer will also obtain a continuing education credit of 7.5 hours.

To learn more about the Sponsorship Program, please consult the following sections:

  • Registering for the sponsorship program (access to members only)
  • Overview of the sponsorship program

语言要求Language requirement




  • 至少接受3年的中级或post-secondary水平的指导课程,法语授课;
  • 成功通过第4或第5年的中级水平考试(法语作为第一语言)





To practice the Engineering profession in Québec, Engineers must demonstrate appropriate knowledge of the French language.

Professional Orders shall not issue permits except to persons whose knowledge of the official language is appropriate to the practice of their profession (Charter of the French Language, Section. 35).

To practice the Engineering profession in Québec, Engineers must demonstrate appropriate knowledge of the French language. In accordance with the Charter of the French Language, l’Ordre must verify the French language skills of each future Engineer. Knowledge of French is deemed appropriate if the Engineer meets one of the following conditions:

  • received at least three years of full-time secondary or post-secondary instruction provided in French

  • successfully passed the fourth or fifth year secondary level examinations in French as the first language;

  • starting from the 1985-86 school year, has obtained a secondary school certificate in Québec.

In all other cases, appropriate knowledge of the French language is evaluated by an examination given by l’Office québécois de la langue française. This examination is for all persons who wish to obtain a permit from any professional order regulated by the Québec Professional Code.

In order to meet the language requirements to obtain the permit, the Junior Engineer must:

  • In the first two cases, provide transcripts as proof.
  • In the third case, provide the Secondary V diploma.
  • In all other cases, provide an attestation that he or she has successfully passed the examination given by l’Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF).

If you are not sure if your diploma meets with the language requirements, please contact us at 514 845-6141, local 3129 or by email at nouveauxmembres@oiq.qc.ca

Fees - 飞出国

详细费用列表可以参考: http://www.oiq.qc.ca/Documents/DAF/grille_tarifaire-an.pdf

官网: OIQ – Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec – Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec
