安省企业家移民管理经验证明资料 OINP Entrepreneur Stream Work experience documents


飞出国:加拿大安大略省企业家移民工作经验证明文件,包括高级管理经验及企业主经历的证明文件(OINP Entrepreneur Stream – Applicant Checklist Work experience documents)。

OINP 企业家移民高管经验的证明文件 - 飞出国

  • 简历 Resumé
  • 雇主推荐信 Employment reference letters
  • 组织结构图 Organizational chart
  • 劳动合同 Work/employment contracts
  • 工资单 Pay slips

OINP 企业家移民企业主经历的证明文件 - 飞出国

  • 简历 Resumé
  • 雇主推荐信 Employment reference letters
  • 商业登记证明 Business registration licence
  • 税务登记证 Registration with taxation authorities
  • 股权证明 Proof of shareholding
  • 员工花名册 List of employees
  • 企业所得税申报表 Business income tax returns
  • 财务报表 Financial statements
  • 公司章程 Articles of incorporation

安省企业家移民工作经验证明 - 飞出国

简历( Resumé):包含教育,业务和工作经验。


1. 就业推荐信 Employment reference letters


  • 打印在信头纸上
  • 带有商家地址,电话/传真号码,电子邮件和网站地址
  • 包括负责人员/主管的姓名及其签名
  • 指明工作时间和职位
  • 加盖公司的公司印章(如适用)


  • 就业期
  • 在职位期间持有的职位,您的职责和责任(包括您管理的人数)每个职位以及在每个职位上花费的时间(如果适用)
  • 年薪及福利总额
  • 每周工作小时数
  • 任何延长的休假期,如果超过一个月。

2. 组织结构图 Organizational chart


  • 突出您的位置和报告结构
  • 组织的规模

3.工作/雇佣合同 Work/employment contracts


4.工资单 Pay slips


企业主,证明文件 - 飞出国

1.就业推荐信 Employment reference letters



  • 他们的名字和头衔
  • 联系信息供参考
  • 你们关系的时间
  • 关系的细节

2.商业登记证 Business registration licence


3.税务登记证 Registration with taxation authorities


4。股权证明 Proof of shareholding


5.员工名单 List of employees


  • 他们的月薪
  • 每月支付的小时数
  • 过去60个月内至少12个月的工资支付证明。


6.企业所得税申报表 Business income tax returns - 飞出国


7.财务报表 Financial statements - 飞出国


8.公司章程 Articles of incorporation - 飞出国


特殊工作经验 Specific work experience - 飞出国


  • 在过去60个月中获得了高增长经验,扫描并上传了雇主的推荐信和支持文档,其中概述了您对业务高增长活动的影响
  • 过去60个月获得的出口贸易经验,扫描并上传您雇主的推荐信和支持文件,概述您对该企业出口贸易活动的决策权


  • 过去60个月获得的高增长经验,连续两年扫描和上传财务报表显示收入总额增加至少20%或更多
  • 过去60个月获得的出口贸易经验,扫描和上传支持文件(例如,财务报表,采购订单,供应商协议,推荐信),以显示您向国外市场出口至少20%的商品/服务的经验

Work experience documents


You must scan and upload a copy of your most current resumé with your application. The resumé should summarize your education, business and work experience.

Documents required if you are a senior manager

1. Employment reference letters

You must scan and upload copies of your employment reference letters from all previous and current employers in the last 60 months (5 years). Reference letters must:

  • be printed on business letterhead
  • identify the business address, telephone/fax numbers, email, and website addresses
  • include the name(s) of the responsible officer/supervisor and their signature(s)
  • specify your employment period and the positions you held
  • stamped with the company’s corporate seal (if applicable)

The letter must specify the following:

  • employment period
  • positions held, your duties and responsibilities during the employment period (including the number of people you managed) for each position and the time spent in each position (if applicable)
  • your total annual salary plus benefits
  • number of hours worked per week
  • any extended periods of leave, if more than one month.

2. Organizational chart

You must scan and upload organizational charts from all organizations where you were a senior manager in the last 60 months. The organizational chart must:

  • highlight your position and reporting structure
  • size of the organization

3. Work/employment contracts

You must scan and upload copies of your work contract(s) for the last 60 months.

4. Pay slips

You must scan and upload copies of your last two pay slips or payroll records from your current employer.

Documents required if you are a business owner

1. Employment reference letters

You must scan and upload three reference letters from your present or past business contacts, for example, vendors, suppliers, customers, etc.

The person providing the letter must include:

  • their name and title
  • contact information for the reference
  • time of your relationship
  • details of the relationship

2. Business registration licence

You must scan and upload the business registration licence for each organization you owned in the last 60 months.

3. Registration with taxation authorities

You must scan and upload registration with the taxation authorities for each organization you owned in the last 60 months.

4. Proof of shareholding

You must scan and upload proof of shareholding of each organization you owned in the last 60 months.

5. List of employees

You must scan and upload a list of all employees and include:

  • their monthly salaries
  • number of hours paid each month
  • proof of payment of salaries for a minimum 12 month period within the last 60 months.

The list must be divided into part-time and full-time employees.

6. Business income tax returns

You must scan and upload copies of business income tax returns or receipts for business tax payments for the years you were in business for a minimum of 36 months in the last 60 months.

7. Financial statements

You must scan and upload copies of financial statements and business bank statements for the years you were in business for a minimum of 36 months in the last 60 months.

8. Articles of incorporation

You must scan and upload copies of the articles of incorporation for your business, if applicable.

Specific work experience

Note: These documents are only mandatory if you claimed points for high growth or export trade work experience in your expression of interest.

If you were a senior manager with:

  • high growth experience gained in the last 60 months, scan and upload a reference letter from your employer and supporting documentation that outlines your impact on high growth activities of the business
  • export trade experience gained in the last 60 months, scan and upload a reference letter from your employer and supporting documentation outlining your decision making authority on export trade activities of the business

If you were a business owner with:

  • high growth experience gained in the last 60 months, scan and upload financial statements for at least two consecutive years showing a total increase in revenue of at least 20 per cent or more
  • export trade experience gained in the last 60 months, scan and upload supporting documentation (e.g., financial statements, purchase orders, vendor agreements, reference letters) to show your experience exporting at least 20 per cent total goods/services to a foreign market

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