萨省紧缺职业无雇主offer类别项目(SINP International Skilled Worker - Occupations In-Demand Sub-Category)

萨省紧缺职业无雇主offer类别项目介绍 - 飞出国

SINP International Skilled Worker - Occupations In-Demand Sub-Category

飞出国2017年更新: SINP 非EE无雇主offer类别2017年配额增加,仍将是飞出国重点受理的项目,其他推荐项目参考这里



  • 十年内至少1年工作和所学专业高度相关;
  • 雅思必须是G类的,要求要达到CLB4,2年内有效;
  • 职业在萨省紧缺职业列表;
  • 评分达到60分。



  • 学历:硕博23,本科20,2年以上专科15
  • 工作:近5年都工作10分,少一年少2分,6年之外每工作1年加1分,5年和6年工作分一样
  • 雅思:4级12,5级14,6级16,7级18,8级20
  • 年龄:22-34岁12分,35-45 10分,46-50岁8分
  • 适应:近亲20分,萨省1年工作或1年留学各5分

SINP 省提名技术移民资金要求 - 飞出国


申请人数-SINP 资金要求-飞出国 人民币-flyabroad
1 $12,164 ¥72,984.00
2 $15,143 ¥90,858.00
3 $18,617 ¥111,702.00
4 $22,603 ¥135,618.00
5 $25,636 ¥153,816.00
6 $28,913 ¥173,478.00
7或更多 $32,191 ¥193,146.00

SINP 认可的资金证明类型包括支票账户(checking accounts),储蓄账户(savings accounts),银行投资证明(GICs),共同基金(Mutual Funds),退休储蓄(RRSP),免税储蓄账户(TFSA),定期存款(term deposits 及 time deposits)。


实际过程中 SINP 尺度有所方式,飞出国客户里有股票,基金,支付宝,理财账户下资金经过解释被认可的案例。

The minimum required amount for your application is based on the size of your family and outlined in the table below. Your settlement funds must meet the following criteria:

  • The minimum amount must be maintained for at least 3 months prior to submittingyour application to the SINP and you are required to maintain these fundsthroughout the entire immigration process.
  • The account(s) must be in the principal applicant or spouse’s name(s) only.
  • Account statements must show detailed transaction history.
  • Only provide documents for accounts that maintain the minimum required value,not documents for all financial assets.
  • Only the following funds will be accepted: checking accounts, savings accounts,GICs, Mutual Funds, RRSPs, TFSAs, term deposits and time deposits.

飞出国最新 SINP 介绍参考 flyabroad.hk 网站: http://www.flyabroad.hk/sinp/

飞出国:Application Guide for the International Skilled Worker Category Occupations In-Demand

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP): 85140-ISW-Application-Guide (No-Job) (06-May-16)-flyabroad.pdf (553.5 KB)。


1 个赞


The International Skilled Worker – Occupations In-Demand Sub-Category is now reopened to accept an additional 1,000 applications.

加拿大萨省无需雇主担保,紧缺职业类别申请条件 - 2015年9月



Eligibility - International Skilled Worker - Occupations In-Demand Sub-Category

You may qualify to apply under the SINP International Skilled Worker Category - Occupations In-Demand Sub-Category if you live outside of Canada or you have proof of legal status in Canada, you are not a refugee claimant and you meet the following criteria:

  • You must score a minimum of 60 points out of 100 on the point assessment grid.
  • You must have a minimum language score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4. CLB 4 is the minimum; employers and regulatory bodies may require higher language scores.
  • You must have completed post-secondary education, training or apprenticeship equivalent that is comparable to the Canadian education system of at least one year in length that has resulted in a diploma, a certificate or degree.
  • You must have at least one year of work experience in the past 10 years related to your field of education or training and in a high skilled occupation in the National Occupational Classification</span(NOC) Matrix</spanlevel “A”, “B” or “0” that is considered to be in-demand in Saskatchewan.
  • If your work experience is in an occupation that is regulated in Saskatchewan and requires mandatory (compulsory) certification or licensing, you are required to obtain proof of eligibility for Saskatchewan licensure to be able to work in that profession before you apply to the SINP. Proof of eligibility for Saskatchewan licensure from the regulatory body will be required as part of your SINP application. To see if your occupation is regulated in Saskatchewan, go to Is my occupation regulated?.
  • You must have proof of settlement funds and a settlement plan.

Program criteria may change without notice and applications will be assessed according to the criteria on this website when the SINP receives your completed application. Please be advised the SINP is subject to a nomination limit set by the federal government and application intake thresholds. The ability to be nominated is affected by these constraints and program criterion. No application is guaranteed to be accepted and/or nominated.


All applicants to this category must complete, scan and submit the provincial forms and the required/applicable federal forms, along with scanned copies of supporting documents detailed in the application guide, to the SINP. If documents are missing, not translated, or unclear your application will be rejected and the SINP will send you instructions on what is required or missing and how to apply again.

本次 sinp Occupations in Demand 类别紧缺职业都调整,取消了 1111 , 1232,8253,增加了 8252 , 其他职业都从 noc 2006 版本调整为 noc 2011 版本,与上一版本相比下面职业不见了:


1111 财务审计师和会计师 Financial auditors and accountants
1232 信贷员 Loan Officers
8253 农场管理者和专业畜牧工作者 Farm Supervisors and Specialized Livestock Workers


4121 大学教授 University Professors (4011)
7215 木工业承包商和监督人 Contractors and Supervisors, carpentry trades (7204)
7217 重型建筑设备人员承包商和监督人员 Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Construction Equipment Crews (7302)
7219 其他建筑工人、安装工、维修工和服务人员承包商和监督人 Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and Servicers (7205)
7222 汽车运输和其他地面交通运营商监督人员 Supervisors, Motor Transport and Other Ground Transit Operators (7305)
7261 板金工 Sheet Metal Workers (7233)
7263 结构金属工、抹灰工人和钳工 Structural Metal and Platework Fabricators and Fitters (7235)
7265 焊工和相关机器操作工 Welders and Related Machine Operators (7237)


4011 University Professors and Lecturers
7204 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades
7205 Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and Servicers
7233 Sheet Metal Workers
7235 Structural Metal and Platework Fabricators and Fitters
7237 Welders and Related Machine Operators
7302 Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Equipment Operator Crews
7305 Supervisors, Motor Transport and Other Ground Transit Operators

8252 Agricultural Service Contractors, Farm Supervisors and Specialized Livestock Workers (增加的)

全面的介绍参考这里: http://www.flyabroadvisa.com/sinp/


  • 2131 Civil Engineers A Yes
  • 2132 Mechanical Engineers A Yes
  • 2133 Electrical and Electronics Engineers A Yes
  • 2173 Software Engineers and Designers A Yes

关于萨省技术移民紧缺职业类别的评分 - 60分/100分

sk 近亲属加20,近5年内在sk有1年工作加5分,在sk留学1年加5分,这30分一般人拿不到,也就是总分70里面拿60分。sinp 没有配偶和子女加分,只看主申情况。

本科20分,近5年都工作10分;6-10年内的工作没增加一年增加1分(但工作6年和工作5年分数一样);年龄34岁之内12分,35-45 10分;

语言加分是: clb4 12分,clb5 14分,clb6 16分,clb7 18分,clb8 20分。

IElTS 与 CLB 对应关系: http://www.flyabroadvisa.com/federal/lang.html


  • 本科20分,工作10年15分,年龄35岁之内的12分,共47分,英语需要达到13分才能够60,。也就是最低 clb 5: 5,4,5,5。
  • 本科,工作5年(年龄小于35),总分42(比工作10年少5分),雅思需要18分,也就是clb7: 4个6。
  • 硕博比本科多3分,相应的雅思可以减1到2档,例如硕士工作5年,总分45分,雅思clb6 - 5.5,5,5.5,5.5即可。


附一下雅思和CLB的对应关系,CLB 与 SINP 评分的关系:clb4 12分,clb5 14分,clb6 16分,clb7 18分,clb8 20分。


基于 International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 的评分标准(与 CLB 对应表,FLYabroad 注)

CLB 级别 IELTS单项能力得分 - FLYabroad
说 Speaking 听 Listening 读 Reading 写 Writing
9 7.0 8.0 7.0 7.0
8 6.5 7.5 6.5 6.5
7 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
6 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.5
5 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0
4 4.0 4.5 3.5 4.0

全面的介绍见这里: http://www.flyabroadvisa.com/federal/lang.html

2015年9月 SINP无雇主offer类别职业列表 - FLYabroad

NOC 职业中文 - 飞出国 职业英文 - 飞出国 Level 是否需要注册 - 飞出国
0711建筑经理Construction Managers0No
2131土木工程师Civil EngineersAYes
2132机械工程师Mechanical EngineersAYes
2133电气和电子工程师Electrical and Electronics EngineersAYes
2161数学家,统计学家和精算师Mathematicians, Statisticians, and ActuariesANo
2171信息系统分析师和顾问Information Systems Analysts and ConsultantsANo
2173软件工程师和设计师Software Engineers and DesignersAYes
2174计算机程序员和互动媒体开发Computer Programmers and Interactive Media DevelopersANo
2211化学技师和技术员Chemical Technologists and TechniciansBNo
2221生物技术专家和技术人员Biological Technologists and TechniciansBNo
2222农业和鱼产品检查员Agricultural and Fish Products InspectorsBNo
2232机械工程技术人员和技术人员Mechanical Engineering Technologists and TechniciansBNo
2234建筑估价师Construction EstimatorsBNo
2241电气和电子工程技师和技术人员Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and TechniciansBNo
2242电子维修技师(家用和商用设备等)Electronic Service Technicians (household and business equipment)BNo
2253绘图技师和技术员Drafting Technologists and TechniciansBNo
2254土地调查技术人员和技师Land Survey Technologists and TechniciansBNo
2281计算机网络技术员Computer Network TechniciansBNo
2282用户技术支持人员User Support TechniciansBNo
2283系统测试技术人员Information Systems Testing TechniciansBNo
4011大学教授和讲师University Professors and LecturersANo
4163业务开发人员及营销研究人员和顾问Business Development Officers and Marketing Researchers and ConsultantsANo
6221批发贸易行业技术销售专家Technical Sales Specialists, Wholesale TradeBNo
7204木工行业,承包商和监督员Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry TradesBNo
7205建设行业,安装,维修和服务商,承包商和监督员Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and ServicersBNo
7231机械师、机加工人、模具检查员Machinists and Machining and Tooling InspectorsBNo
7232工具和模具制造商Tool and Die MakersBNo
7233钣金工人Sheet Metal WorkersBYes
7235金属结构和platework制造和钳工Structural Metal and Platework Fabricators and FittersBNo
7237焊工和相关机器操作员Welders and Related Machine OperatorsBNo
7241电工(除工业和电力系统)Electricians (except industrial and power system)BYes
7242工业电工Industrial ElectriciansBYes
7246电信安装和维修工人Telecommunications Installation and Repair WorkersBNo
7252蒸汽管道工人,管道装配和自动喷水灭火系统安装人员Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System InstallersBNo
7282混凝土轧平机工Concrete FinishersBNo
7284泥水工,石膏板安装人员、整修工Plasterers, Drywall Installers, Finishers and LathersBNo
7291屋顶工和木瓦工Roofers and ShinglersBNo
7294画家和装饰工Painters and Decorators (except interior decorators)BNo
7295楼宇覆盖层安装人员Floor Covering InstallersBNo
7302承包商和监督员,重型设备操作人员Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Equipment Operator CrewsBNo
7305主管,汽车运输和其他地面公交运营Supervisors, Motor Transport and Other Ground Transit OperatorsBNo
7311建筑装配工和工业技工(纺织品除外)Construction Millwrights and Industrial MechanicsBNo
7312重型设备技师Heavy-duty Equipment MechanicsBNo
7313制冷与空调技工Refrigeration and Air Conditioning MechanicsBYes
7316机械工Machine FittersBNo
7321汽车服务技术员,卡车和公共汽车结构和机械维修工Automotive Service Technicians, Truck and Bus Mechanics and Mechanical RepairersBNo
7322汽车车身修复人员Motor Vehicle Body RepairersBNo
8232石油和天然气钻井工人,服务人员,测试人员及相关的技术工人Oil and Gas Well Drillers, Servicers, Testers and Related WorkersBNo
8252农业服务承包商,农场主管和专门的牲畜工人Agricultural Service Contractors, Farm Supervisors and Specialized Livestock WorkersBNo
9212主管 - 石油,天然气和化学加工和公共设施Supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and UtilitiesBNo
9213主管 - 食品,饮料及烟草加工Supervisors, Food, Beverage and Associated Products ProcessingBNo
1 个赞





9.22开放当天,递交了3位申请人,从档案号来看,截止到昨天夜里11:30, 提交申请的为100个出头
提交申请后生成档案号的界面没有了,可以直接在summary 里看


软件行业,工作两年 分不够怎么办啊?





全套资料包括什么呀 不好意思请教了

能加你qq聊吗 :blush:
