由于不确定什么时间会收到联邦政府分配的配额,所以NT不保证所有符合NT州担保申请要求的申请人会被提名。 针对NT境内申请人, 如果申请人当前持有的签证将要过期,那么这部分人的州担保申请可能无法在签证到期前完成,州担保申请费用不退。
2020 to 2021 program year update
The Australian Government has not yet allocated nomination quotas to the states and territories for the 2020 to 2021 program year.
This means that the Northern Territory (NT) Government is currently unable to issue nominations under the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program and the Business Investment and Innovation Program (BIIP).
At this stage, if you are currently living in the NT, you will still be able to lodge new applications for NT nomination under the GSM program, and these applications will continue to be assessed. Offshore GSM nomination applications remain closed. BIIP nomination applications remain open.
However, please note that even if your application is successful, you will only be issued a nomination once the Australian Government has allocated quotas to the NT.
Given the uncertainty in allocations for the current program year, there is no guarantee that all applicants who meet the NT nomination criteria will be nominated.
If your current visa is about to expire, you should note that your nomination application may not be finalised before your visa expires. Please also note that the nomination application fee is non-refundable.
It is important that you remain lawful at all times and obtain professional migration advice on options available to you.
We look forward to your continued interest in the Northern Territory’s skilled and business migration programs and we will provide updates as soon as additional information becomes available.