Onshore applications for Northern Territory nomination under the General Skilled Migration program can now be lodged through the online application system. Offshore applications remain closed while the national border restrictions stay in place.
- 申请人在NT的大学有学习至少两年的高等学历课程并拿到了一个或者多个学历,且
- 完成学历后在NT有连续居住6个月,且持有允许全职工作的签证(该要求不适用于已完成2020上学期学习且持有2020/08/01之前落款日期的完成信的毕业生)
- 需要证明自己为了找到提名职业相关的NT雇主做出了实际的努力
- successfully completed one or more qualifications after studying in the NT, at an NT-based institution for two years in a single tertiary course or a set of nested tertiary courses, and
- lived in the NT for a period of at least six continuous months immediately after the date of completion* of your last qualification, while holding a visa that allows full-time work (this requirement does not apply to students who completed all course requirements in semester one 2020 and produce a letter of completion dated prior to 1 August 2020), and
- demonstrated genuine and sustained efforts to obtain employment** from an NT employer in your nominated occupation or a closely related skilled occupation.
International student graduates who are unable to live in the NT for six months after completing two years of study in the NT will only be considered for a subclass 491 nomination. You must provide evidence of making genuine efforts to obtain employment** from an NT employer in their nominated occupation or a closely related skilled occupation.
Genuine and sustained efforts to obtain employment can be demonstrated through evidence of a number of applications made over a period of time for jobs in relevant occupations in the NT, and other supporting evidence such as membership in relevant professional associations, or positive feedback from industry contacts in the NT.
- 居住在NT的申请人符合以下条件可以申请190担保:
- 在递交州担保申请之前已经连续在NT居住两年
- 申请人的其他随同移民家属没有居住在澳洲其他州
- 在递交州担保申请之前已在北领地从事提名职业或者提名职业相关的职业已全职工作两年且该工作将还会持续12个月
- 居住在NT的申请人符合以下条件可以申请491担保:
- 在递交州担保申请之前已经连续在NT居住6个月
- 申请人的其他随同移民家属没有居住在澳洲其他州
- 在递交州担保申请之前已在北领地从事提名职业或者提名职业相关的职业已全职工作6个月且该工作将还会持续12个月
- 在递交州担保申请之前已经连续在NT居住12个月
- 申请人的其他随同移民家属没有居住在澳洲其他州
- 在递交州担保申请之前已在北领地从事提名职业或者提名职业相关的职业已全职工作6个月且该工作将还会持续12个月
An eligible occupation for this purpose is:
- the occupation identified in the skills assessment (nominated occupation), or
- an occupation that is related to the nominated occupation. In order to be related to the nominated occupation, the majority of time in the position must be spent on tasks that align with the skills and knowledge required to undertake the nominated occupation.
- 对于以上提及的北领地工作,需要满足:
- 该工作职位需要是based in NT,且雇主需要在NT运营至少12个月
- 如果是移动办公这种的工作职位不满足要求
- 薪资需要是符合市场水平的
The employment must also meet the following additional requirements:
- the position must be based in the NT, and the employer must have a record of trading in the NT for at least 12 months
- positions that are based at serviced office spaces or involve hot-desking arrangements will generally not be considered favourably
- you must be paid at market salary.
- 通常说来,如果客户做的不是提名职业或者提名职业相关的职业,一般是不能申请NT州担保的,但是以下情况有可能NT会case by case进行考虑给与担保:
- 雇主有尝试招聘本地雇员,但是本地的澳洲公民或者PR身份的雇员无法满足岗位需求,而是由申请人从事该岗位;雇主需要提供招聘广告,且需要说明求职的人数以及为何之前求职的都没被录取的原因
- 该职位确实是雇主业务真实需要的一个岗位,雇主需要说明该职位的必要性以及为何会有该职位
- 申请人有努力尝试去找提名职业相关的工作,但是没有找到,需要申请人提供求职的证明以及雇主的反馈
- 对于持有457或者482签证的申请人,需要其担保雇主提供证明:
- 支持申请人的签证申请
- 需要明白当申请人获得491或者190签证后将不受之前的457或者482签证限制
Applicants who are on a Temporary Work (Skilled)(subclass 457) or Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) must provide a letter of support from your current subclass 457 or subclass 482 sponsoring business stating that they:
- support your visa application
- understand that you will not be tied to their business once the subclass 491 / subclass 190 visa is granted.
The NT Government may contact your employer. There may be circumstances where the need for support from your current employer can be waived.