飞出国:2022年3月21日,澳移民部长Alex Hawke宣布今天签署的有关NT DAMA的变更将使企业主能够获得技术工人,以帮助支持他们从大流行中恢复经济。
The Australian Government is supporting Northern Territory businesses to fill critical skill shortages by making important changes to the Northern Territory Designated Area Migration Agreement (NT DAMA) and providing more dedicated migration places for the NT.
Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke said the variation signed today will enable business owners access to skilled workers to help support their economic recovery from the pandemic.
此次NT DAMA主要更新在于增加了符合条件的职业数量,并为标准签证申请资格提供了额外的优惠政策。NT作为澳洲第一个实施DAMA项目的州,已经有247加当地企业通过该项目招录到了925个海外技术工人。通过DAMA项目,NT当地雇主可以招聘到海外工人来填补当地劳动力不能补足的岗位空缺,同时,海外技术和半技术工人可以获得永居身份,此次变更不会影响这点,这也为担保的企业提供更大的确定性,并为北领地带来长期的经济利益。
The updates to the NT DAMA increase the number of eligible occupations and provide additional concessions to standard visa eligibility.
Permanent residency pathways remain available for skilled and semi-skilled overseas workers in a wide range of occupations, providing greater certainty for sponsoring businesses as well as longer-term economic benefits to the NT.
"DAMAs are part of a suite of initiatives that allow regional Australia to recruit skilled workers where Australian workers are not available, facilitating the growth of regional businesses and the economy.
“The Northern Territory DAMA makes it possible for local businesses to gain skilled and semi-skilled workers from overseas, where they haven’t been able to fill vacancies locally,” Minister Kirby said.
“Our local businesses must have the capacity to get the people that will get the job done and the NT DAMA now provides Territory employers with access to 124 skilled and semi-skilled occupations identified to be in critical skill shortage”
“Since the implementation of the NT DAMA II in 2019, 274 applications from Territory businesses have been endorsed to fill 925 vacant positions with overseas workers.”
与此同时,澳洲政府决定增加NT北领地2021-22财年技术移民的州担保配额,在原来的NT 491州担保配额500个的基础上再增加200个配额,配额的增加也反映了热衷于在北领地生活和工作的技术工人的高需求,以及该地区在吸引高素质技术移民方面取得的巨大成功。
The Australian Government will also increase the Northern Territory’s allocation of Territory-nominated skilled migration program places for the remainder of the 2021-22 year.
A further 200 nomination places have been allocated on top of the 500 Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) places the Territory had already been allocated in 2021-22.
This increased allocation to the Northern Territory’s Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) program reflects the high demand from skilled workers keen to live and work in the Territory and the overwhelming success the region has experienced in attracting high-calibre skilled migrants.