

NSW Skilled Nominated migration (190) - Application Approved - Applicant - EOI: XXX


Date: XXX

Applicant name: XXX
NSW Skilled Reference Number: XXX

Dear XX
This email refers to your application for NSW nomination for a Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa.

I am pleased to advise that you have been assessed as eligible for NSW nomination for this visa under the following occupation:
261313 - Software Engineer

This email is your formal notification. Please save a copy for your records.

You have now been nominated in SkillSelect and you should shortly receive an invitation from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) to lodge your 190 visa application. After you receive this invitation, you will have 60 days to lodge the visa application.
This nomination is not transferable.

This nomination is valid once only and only using the SkillSelect EOI number that you provided in your nomination application. Your NSW nomination will expire after 60 days. If you do not apply for the 190 visa within this timeframe you will need to submit a new EOI and be invited by NSW to apply for NSW nomination. A previous nomination is no guarantee that you will be nominated again.

Please note that this approval is for NSW nomination only. The grant of a visa by DIBP is subject to their assessment of your application. NSW nomination is not a guarantee that you will be granted a visa by DIBP and NSW does not accept responsibility for any 190 visa applications that are not granted by DIBP. NSW will not re-nominate any applicant or refund the application fee if DIBP did not grant a 190 visa.

Live and work in NSW
NSW has nominated you for this visa because you are qualified to work in an occupation of value to the NSW economy and have committed to live and work in NSW for at least two years.

If you are granted a subclass 190 visa as a result of NSW nomination, you should move to NSW within a reasonable period of time. This would normally be within the first few months of your visa grant (if you were in Australia when your visa was granted) or upon your arrival in Australia (if you were outside Australia when your visa was granted).

When you move to NSW please update your contact details by completing a NSW Nominee Information Update form and submitting by email to [email protected].

We will be in touch through periodic surveys to understand more about your experience of moving to NSW, such as your success in finding employment and settling in NSW.

When searching for employment in NSW, it is important to maximise your possibilities by ensuring that you are searching and applying for positions as effectively as possible. For more information please read the Guide to Employment for Migrants.

There are great opportunities for living and working in regional NSW. The regions of NSW offer many similar careers, lifestyle benefits and services to those in major cities. For more information please visit the website www.evocities.com.au and Living in New South Wales.

Best wishes for your future in NSW.

Migration Services
Innovation and Industry Policy | Industry, Innovation, Hospitality & the Arts
NSW Trade & Investment
GPO Box 5477 Sydney NSW 2001
T: 02 9842 8155 | E: [email protected]
W: www.trade.nsw.gov.au/live-and-work-in-nsw/visas-and-immigration

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