新省省提名医师移民类别 NSNP Physician

新省针对医师移民类别 NSNP Physician - 飞出国 2019

飞出国:NSNP Physician 类别面向满足NS医师和外科医生学院的执照资格并获得 Nova Scotia Health Authority 或 IWK Health Centre 聘用的 3111 全科或家庭医生及3112专科医生。中国申请人基本无法达到要求。

Nova Scotia Physician Stream 旨在帮助新斯科舍省的公共卫生机构 - 新斯科舍省卫生局(NSHA)和Izaak Walton Killam健康中心(IWK) - 聘请全科医生,家庭医生和专科医生到新斯科舍省工作。医生移民类别有助于NSHA和IWK招募和留住具有所需技能的医生。

新省医师类移民申请资格 - 飞出国

NS 医生移民类仅面向与新斯科舍省卫生局或IWK健康中心聘用的全科及家庭医生(NOC 3112)和专科医师(NOC 3111)两类职业开放。


  • 由有权在NSHA或IWK聘请医生的人签名并注明日期
  • 由接受聘用的申请人签名并注明日期
  • 表明获得NS医师和外科医生学院的执照资格
  • 表明申请人有资格申请NSHA和IWK的特权和证书

Physician - NSNP family physicians (NOC 3112) and specialist physicians (NOC 3111)

The Physician Stream assists Nova Scotia’s public health authorities – the Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) and the Izaak Walton Killam Health Centre (IWK) – to hire general practitioners, family physicians, and specialist physicians to work in Nova Scotia. The stream helps the NSHA and IWK to recruit and retain physicians with the required skills for positions that they have been unable to fill with a permanent resident or Canadian citizen.


The Physician Stream is only open to general practitioners and family physicians (NOC 3112) and specialist physicians (NOC 3111) with signed approved opportunities with the Nova Scotia Health Authority or the IWK Health Centre.

The approved opportunity must be on official NSHA or IWK letterhead and must:

  • Be signed and dated by a person authorized to hire physicians at the NSHA or IWK
  • Be signed and dated by the applicant who is accepting the opportunity
  • Indicate eligibility for licensure with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of NS
  • Indicate that the applicant is eligible to apply for privileges and credentials with NSHA and the IWK


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