新斯科舍省依亲移民材料清单 - 飞出国
1.NSNP 100 – Application Form
2.NSNP 300 – Employer Form
3.NSNP 50 – Use of a Representative
4.NSNP 60 – Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual
1.[IMM 5409] Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (if applicable)
2.[IMM 5604] Separation Declaration for Minors Travelling to Canada (if applicable)
1.passport-sized colour photograph
2.Travel Documents, Passports and Visas
• 主申,配偶,孩子的都需要;
• 只交护照首页,加拿大签证页即可(在递交时护照距有效期不少于两年);
• 递交时不在本国居住,需要提供当前所在国的护照复印件;
• 临时居住许可证;
• 原先申请过加拿大移民的记录;
3.Identity and Civil Status Documents
主申,副申出生公证;结婚证公证;离婚公证;死亡公证;犯罪证明(18岁以上犯罪记录, 不是无犯罪证明)。
One passport-sized colour photograph for each family member.
Birth certificates for the principal applicant, spouse, common-law or conjugal partner.
If applicable:
Marriage certificates.
Final divorce, annulment or separation documents for you and your spouse.
Death certificate for a former spouse (for you or your current spouse).
Police certificates, if the applicant or any dependent family member age 18 or older, who has committed an offence, has been charged or been convicted of a crime. Please provide a copy of the police report from the country or countries where the offence(s) occurred. In addition to the police certificate, submit any proof of rehabilitation or pardon.
4.Children’s Information
Birth certificates indicating both parents.
If applicable:
Adoption papers.
Custody and maintenance documents for children under age 19 (0-18) and
o if accompanying, proof that the children may accompany the principal applicant to Canada;
o if not accompanying, proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in custody agreements.
Letters of employment to support your employment history and work experience.
Resume or curriculum vitae.
If applicable, proof of certification for principal applicant with a licensing or regulatory association or organization or any permits required to hold an occupation abroad or in Canada.
For the principal applicant or spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, and all accompanying dependents. You may provide one or a combination of the following:
Letter from financial institutions indicating the balance and transactional history for the last three months.
Financial institutions’ statements demonstrating access to transferable, liquid funds and assets.
Investments portfolio.
Proof of property ownership and third party market value assessment completed in past 12 months.
Mortgage and other loans (both must include principal and interest owed).
Do NOT include personal items such as jewelry, furniture and vehicles.
Detailed requirements of the position including the following information:
Duties and responsibilities
Education and credentials
Work experience, knowledge and skills
2.Employment Offer
Worker’s name
Position title and scope
Hourly wage rate/annual salary and benefits
Number of hours of work per week and overtime pay
Vacation time and vacation pay
Holiday pay
Location of employment
Benefits (including accommodations, if applicable)
3.Personal Status in Canada
Ownership of a home
Residential leases
Rental receipts
Utility bills (electricity, gas, telephone)
4.Business Ownership
Please provide proof of ownership of a business in Nova Scotia under current management for a minimum of two years, such as the following items:
Copy of original Certificate of Incorporation; and
Copy of Company Share Certificate(s) issued by the business identifying share holders and number of shares owned for all shareholders and partners;
Certificate of Good Standing of the business from financial institution.
5.Business Financial Status
Please provide for the past two years:
Copies of business tax assessments from the Canada Revenue Agency and/or financial statements
6.Past Employment
原先其他近亲成员通过该类别进行移民, 需要雇主提供工作状况说明:
T4 forms indicating salary paid
Pay stubs from your business
Documentation may be required to verify that previously supported family member have settled successfully in Nova Scotia, are currently employed, and have not received social assistance.
依亲关系说明: (复印件)
1.Family tree diagram
2.Identity and civil status documents