飞出国:NSNP 20180802 发布了一个新的新省劳动力市场优先EE类别 Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities
,和 NBEELMS 类似啊,只是更简单。
NS LMP 类别不需要雇主offer,前提是满足加拿大联邦 EE 要求,也就是雅思4个6,满足67分,同时有NS劳动力市场紧缺的工作经验。
8.8就会去EE池子里捞 4214 幼教及幼教助理职业了。这次 NS 只捞 4214 这一个职业,要求有2年以上相关工作经验。
下次什么时候捞,捞什么职业还不确定,看起来 NS 这是要人持续关注自己啊。这是一个好消息。
The Labour Market Priorities stream is flexible to meet Nova Scotia’s complex labour market needs. Under this stream, the NSNP will issue letters of interest to candidates in the Express Entry system based on current priorities of the province.
In order to apply for nomination under the Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities stream, you must meet the minimum criteria set out in the five areas of the Eligibility Criteria section of this guide:
- Letter of Interest from NSOI
- Additional draw-specific eligibility criteria
- Work Experience
- Settlement Funds
- Immigration Status
NS LMP Express Entry 类别指南很简单:AppGuide-NSNP-LMP-English-20180802-flyabroad.pdf (177.9 KB)
Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities
The Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities stream selects candidates in the federal Express Entry system who meet provincial labour market needs to apply for nomination. Only candidates who receive a Letter of Interest from the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration may apply.
To apply you must:
- receive a Letter of Interest from the Nova Scotia Nominee Program within the Express Entry system;
- meet the minimum work experience requirements of the Express Entry stream for which you have qualified;
- demonstrate sufficient funds to successfully establish yourself and your family in Nova Scotia and to pay your immigration costs and travel expenses;
- have legal status in your current country of residence; and
- meet eligibility criteria in place at the time you are issued a Letter of Interest. Criteria for the first draw are as follows:
Letters of Interest (LOI) will be issued Aug. 8, 2018, to candidates in the Express Entry pool who have work experience in NOC 4214, early childhood educators and assistants. Candidates invited to apply must provide letters of reference from employers to demonstrate proof of a minimum of 2 years of work experience in NOC 4214.
Letters of reference must:
- be written on company letterhead;
- be signed by the responsible human resources officer, supervisor, or manager;
- show company’s full address, telephone number, e-mail and website addresses and be stamped with the company’s official seal (if applicable); and
- include all of the following information in one document:
- the specific period of your employment with the company
- the positions you have held during the period of employment and time spent in each position
- your main responsibilities and duties in each position
- your annual salary plus benefits in each position
- the number of hours worked per week in each position
- proof that your work experience meets the lead statement and the majority (at least 51%) of the main duties as set out in NOC 2016, found here: Error 404 - Canada.ca
Information about current opportunities for early childhood educators in Nova Scotia can be found at www.ednet.ns.ca/earlyyears
A license to practice — or “classification” — is required to work as a qualified educator in regulated child care or pre-primary in Nova Scotia. Individuals apply for a classification with Classification Services, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. For those with an international credential, this is a two-step process:
Step 1: Obtain an international credential assessment. Information about this process can be found here: Council of Ministers of Education, Canada > Individual > Settle in Canada > Work > Learn about qualifications recognition > Identify the organization responsible for recognition
Step 2: Apply for a classification. Information about qualifications and the application process can be found here: Child Care Staff Classification & Training | Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) | NS Dept of Education & Early Childhood Development
For more information about the credential recognition and classification processes for early childhood educators, contact Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Early Years Branch via email at [email protected] or by calling 902-424-5168 or 1-888-825-7770 (toll free).
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/。