加拿大新省移民局公布自2022年6月9日起,新省经验类别省提名(Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry stream )不再认可加拿大外省毕业生持毕业工签在新省累积的工作经验。
此前,新省经验类别项目适合已经在新省境内有一年工作经验的申请人,这一年的工作需要是NOC 0,A,B类别,可以是加拿大毕业生持毕业工签在新省累积的工作经验,新省省内或者其他省份毕业生均可;也可以是配偶持有的开放工签,或者是封闭式工签等准许的加拿大合法工作经验。由于新省经验类别通过Express Entry快速通道,享受联邦阶段快速审理,且不要求所学专业和新省工作经验相关,可以说是一个快捷且易操作取得加拿大永居身份的途径,因此,非常受加拿大留学毕业生欢迎。
As of June 9, 2022 , the Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration (LSI) has made a change that applies to candidates on post-graduation w> ork permits.For candidates who have obtained their work experience on a post-graduation work permit, only graduates from Nova Scotia are now eligible.
Review all Nova Scotia Nominee Program streams or the Atlantic Immigration Program for other immigration pathways that may be available to you.
Applications submitted on or before June 8 will be processed.
This change does not affect applicants who gained experience while on other types of work permits.